

An Empirical Study between the New Audit Criteria and Audit Quality

【作者】 张晶

【导师】 韩丽荣;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 会计学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 2006年2月15日,财政部发布了新的注册会计师执业准则,此次审计准则变迁是顺应我国资本市场快速发展的需要,旨在促进审计质量的提高。目前,新准则已经实施了三年的时间,然而,新准则是否得到了顺利的实施,是否提高了审计质量则是本文的主要研究问题。本文对以上问题通过以下两种方法进行验证:一是进行问卷调查;二是提出假设,构建实证模型,最后对假设进行验证。问卷调查的角度为注册会计师的主观意识,新审计准则颁布并实施后,作为审计制度的核心参与人、审计工作的执行主体,注册会计师主观上是否认为审计质量有所提高,并通过此方法了解新审计准则是否得到顺利实施;构建实证模型进行实证研究则以财务数据为研究对象,着重对审计准则变迁与审计质量的关系进行研究。研究结果显示:国内会计师事务所审计人员认为新审计准则有利于审计质量的提高,新审计准则的执行效果总体上较好,但执行过程中也存在着许多问题,新审计准则的可操作性及可理解性有待提高,从审计程序方法的角度看,新审计准则对四大执行审计工作的影响最小;新审计准则一定程度上提高了审计质量,可操控应计利润与审计准则变迁负相关,新审计准则有效控制了盈余操纵;从审计对象的角度看,新审计准则对由四大审计的上市公司的影响更大;但是在新审计准则颁布之后,研究样本的非标准审计意见的比例与审计收费并未提高。

【Abstract】 The promulgation and implementation of the new auditing standarsd in 2006 is an important breakthrough in the course of audit industry development.It achieved convergence with international auditing standards. In order to make a comprehensive analysis of the influence of the new auditing standards on audit quality, this paper use the combining methods of questionnaire survey and designing model, putting forward hypothesis and verification method on this issue. In the method of questionnaire survey, select the Big-4 accounting firms, domestic firms in Jilin province and Beijing city as survey samples, to understand the auditors’subjective awareness feedback of the problem in this paper, and also investigate the extent of implementation of auditing standard, try to find the reasons that how auditing standard affect audit quality; in the method of designing model, select A share listed companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange between 2004 and 2008 as samples, design research model and make an empirical verification of the previous issue. This paper consists of six parts:The first chapter is introduction of this paper. Mainly introduce the research background, purpose, significance, methods, basic framework and the innovation.The research background: After the founding of new China, Certified Public Accountant withdrew from the historical stage. On December 1980, Certified Public Accountant finally restore and reconstruct in the course of reform and opening-up, in order to regulate the process of accounting firms employment, improve audit quality, and maintain capital markets develop healthy and orderly, auditing standards has experienced two transitions, those were Independent Auditing Standards issued by the first time in 1995 and the promulgation of new auditing standards in 2006. In this article r the new auditing standards in this paper mean the 48 Certified Public Accountants practice guidelines promulgated by Ministry of Finance on February 15,2006. Before the promulgation of the new auditing standards, there were some related researches on auditing system change, especially empirical research on the promulgation of Independent Auditing Standards by the first time which is strong comparative to this paper. However, there were less on the new auditing standards, this paper attempts to make an empirical research about the influence of new auditing standards on audit quality.The research purpose: Auditing Standards as one system of audit market regulation, is an important guarantee for the audit industry’s healthy development, its importance is self-evident. To comply with the rapid development of China’s capital markets, auditing standards came into being, include some regulations about the purpose of audit , evidence, procedures, reports, etc., the new auditing standards made some adjustments in these areas to adapt to the new form, it is helpful for accounting firms practice, and enhance audit quality. The new auditing standards have been implemented for three years, whether its ability can improve audit quality or not in the actual operation, this paper will use the empirical method to verify this issue.The second chapter is the literatures review. The direct role of independent auditing standards embodied in providing standards of practice in the course of accounting firms’auditing, play an important role in improving the audit quality of accounting firms. In this chapter, mainly from three aspects to make a review. The three aspects include the nature of auditing standards and auditing transition, the effect of auditing standards transition and audit quality.The third chapter is theoretical analysis and hypotheses. In this chapter, firstly introduce the course and characteristics of the new auditing standards transition; secondly state the influence of implementation of the new auditing standards on the professional competence and independence of the audit; finally, put forward the hypotheses and the questions that is going to study in the questionnaire: hypotheses one, new auditing standards and earnings management negatively correlated; hypothesis two, the new auditing standards will lead to the proportion of non-standard audit opinion positively increase; hypothesis three, the new auditing standards would lead to audit fees increase; hypothesis four, the new auditing standards is helpful for the international four accounting firms to improve audit quality.The fourth chapter is questionnaire design and survey results。For the designing of questionnaire we have adopted Likert’s 5 scale . The results are: the implement-effect of the new auditing standards is good on the whole. But the answers on“After the implementation of the new auditing standards, audit quality is improving”are far from the expecting. At the same time, we know the problems in the implementation -process of the new standards.The fifth chapter is designing an empirical model and verifying hypothesises. In order to study the effect of the new auditing standards on audit quality, this paper choose listed companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange as research objects. The study period is from year 2004 to year 2008. First calculate the non-discretionary accruals profits, and then calculate the discretionary accruals profits. Put discretionary accruals profits, audit opinions, audit fees and other indicators of research into the empirical model to prove assumptions of this paper. Empirical data is required from CSMAR database, and use Excle2003 and SPSS to do analysis. First made a preliminary understanding of the relevant variables; and then do empirical analysis about the model 2.The results are: Changes in auditing standards in general the relationship between new auditing standards and manipulated accruals are significant negative correlation. The results of non-standard audit opinions and audit fees are inconsistent with the hypothetical. And the effect of the new auditing standards on audit quality for Big 4 is more beneficial than that of domestic accounting firms.At the end of this paper, there are conclusions. According to empirical results derived from the previous chapter, make some analysis, and then put forward policy proposals, at last point out the limitations of this study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F239.43
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】544