

Analysis on the Development of Japan’s Low-carbon Economy

【作者】 董冬

【导师】 陈志恒;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以日本低碳经济为研究对象,对其战略构想、发展状况、创新机制以及“分业种减排方法”等问题进行了较为全面、系统的分析。首先,对低碳经济的相关概念和国内部分学者的观点进行总结,并简要介绍发达国家低碳经济的发展状况。其次,从“低碳经济”的提出背景和日本政府的具体行动两方面对日本低碳经济的战略构想进行系统的阐述。第三,重点探讨了日本发展低碳经济的创新机制和国际减排方案,并对“分业种减排方法”的推广阻力进行分析。第四,对制约日本低碳经济发展的主要因素进行了深入阐述。最后,针对我国经济发展的现状和发展低碳经济过程中面临的问题,借鉴日本经验,结合我国现阶段具体国情,对我国发展低碳经济提出了具体的建议。

【Abstract】 Global warming and frequent natural disasters cause the reflections of unrestricted use of fossil fuels, unrestricted emissions of greenhouse gases in "high-carbon economy" development pattern.After the British Government primarily proposing the concept of"low-carbon economy" in 2003, the world’s major developed countries have to develop a low carbon economy, promote low-carbon way of life as an important strategic action. They have taken various measures to vigorously promote the transformation to a low carbon economy, for their own economic development to find new growth.As a responsible developing country,China has been taken fighting climate change as an important task. In the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" ,it explicitly requested that the conservation of resources was a basic national policy.It was time to establish resource-saving and environment-friendly society. The Chinese government publicly committed to quantified emissions reduction targets to the world on the Meeting in Copenhagen, unit of gross domestic product of greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels by 40% -45%.2010, in "two sessions", the low-carbon economy is a hot topic. However, the development of low carbon economy in China is facing lots of difficulties and constraints,such as the energy endowment, level of development, technology research etc.Japan is one of the most successful countries in the development of low-carbon economy. The concept of the development of energy saving has been 40 years. With the development of low carbon energy technologies and policies constantly changing, Japan has made great success in some areas.As the saying goes "Stones from other hills may serve to polish jade", there must be plenty of advanced experience that is worthy for us to study. Based on the above considerations, this paper select the development of Japan’s low-carbon economy as the research object, through more systematic and comprehensive analysis, I hope that I can get some useful inspiration.Besides the Introduction,this paper consists of six chapters outlined as follows: ChapterI:GeneralInformation of low-carbon economy. First discussed related concepts of low-carbon economy.As a new economic form and mode of development, Currently there is no agreed definition.This paper proposd its own definition based on some comprehensive and representative national concepts.Then the paper dicussed the conceptsof low-carbon technology, low-carbon energy and carbon footprint, for later discussion and analysisin the following. Finally described the development of the world’s low-carbon economy,mainly introduced measures and results of the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Italy and other developed countries to develop low-carbon economy.ChapterII:Japan’s strategic concept of a low carbon economy. This chapter analyzed the background of a low carbon economy in Japan and the action plan for achieving a low-carbon society.Low-carbon economy is the only way for Japan to ease the pressure of energy shortage, finda new economic growth pointandcomplete the international commitments. In-depth study,the Japanese government proposed to to build a low carbon society, formulated some related action plans.Chapter III: Innovative mechanisms for Japan’s development of low-carbon economy, including technology innovation,system innovation, cooperation innovation and lifestyle innovation mechanisms.Japanese government have established a government-led, technology innovations combined with the economic concept of the premise, to energy-saving environmental protection as the base axis, market-oriented enterprises as the mainstay, "academia, industry," the combination of integration, to achieve technology development,technology use and technology innovation mechanism universal trinity. Innovation mechanism embodied in the continuous improvement of its legal system, and establishing a complete legal system, the implementation of characteristic policy instruments and the establishment of an effective organization. Cooperation embodied in the launch of innovative cooperation in environmental protection initiatives, active bilateral and multilateral exchanges and cooperation and to increase funding for environmental protection efforts on international aid. Lifestyle innovation, the Japanese government through extensive publicity and education, launched a series of environmental activities, so that everywhere in daily life,. People have the idea of low-carbon. The developmentof low carbon economy in Japan has made some achievements, must rely on the series of innovative mechanisms.Chapter IV: Japan and the new order of international emissions: Sectoral approach. This chapter analyzed the background of proposing“Sectoral approach”and the resistance in promoting it thoroughly. "Sub-industry kind of reduction method" (Sectoral approach), is a new emission reduction system according to Japan’s own industrial structure and technology.Japan would like to achieve its emission reduction commitments under the framework;on the other hand, to expand its worldwide political, economic and technological influence. However, because of the uncertainty of the energy efficiency index and the unbalanced economic development of countries in the world,there are still a series of obstacles to promote the framework worldwide.Chapter V analyzed major factors that restricted the development of Japan’s low-carbon economy. With low-carbon energy technology development and the continuous adjustment of policies, Japan has made some successa in solar energy, steel, automobiles, road traffic system, construction and other fields.But as time goes on, some of the problems and difficulties in the development have gradually exposed.Such as, slow domestic economic growth, huge"low-carbon economy" investment demand, capital is difficult to return in short-term; different subjects of R&D may weaken the Government’s dominant position;the Government’s emission reduction targets conflict with some of the industry.Chapter VI analyzed implications of Japan’s low-carbon economy for China. First analyzed the need for China to develop low carbon economy: the development of "low-carbon economy" can not only ease the international political pressure but also can grab a "low carbon" high-tech front, ahead of the times; "low-carbon energy" in China has great room for development. However, there are still many questions to be settled urgently, such as there is a huge contradiction with economic growth, social progress and "low carbon"; coal as main fuel, the energy structure of”high-carbon”is hard to change in short times; national emission reduction innsensitiveness , etc.. Learning from the successful experience of Japan, this paper proposeed the response of China to develop low-carbon economy,such as, actively guided by policies to encourage enterprises to invest in low carbon technology innovation and industry; advocating the whole society "green consumption" through extensive publicity, education;developpingtechnology-intensiveindustriesandthetertiaryindustry,increaseing energy efficiency,reducing energy consumption and developping clean energy and alternative energy, conversion of the energy mix.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F131.3
  • 【被引频次】45
  • 【下载频次】5329