

Borehole Radar Tomography Software System Study and Development

【作者】 李玉喜

【导师】 刘四新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 跨孔雷达层析成像技术,即CT成像技术,它是一种80年代引入地学的一门新兴的地球物理探测技术,由于其与地面普通雷达相比,它的探测深度更大、范围更广、分辨率更高,而且得到的图像结果非常直观,因此这种技术便于地学工作者直接的分析地下地层的结构,目前该被日益广泛的应用于工程与环境物探领域以及煤炭、油气和金属矿产等资源勘探开发方面,因此研究该方法技术具有很强的理论与实际意义。本文从钻孔雷达层析成像的基本原理出发,研究了层析成像的正反演理论与影响反演效果的几种因素。其中正演方面研究了利用GprMax软件基于时域有限差分(FDTD)的数值模拟技术、雷达剖面直达波初至时的提取和平直射线追踪前提下的系数矩阵生成问题;反演方面重点介绍了代数重建法(ART)、联合迭代重建法(SIRT)、最小二乘法(LSQR)、极小残量法(GMRES)、共轭梯度法(CG)和双稳定共轭梯度法(BIGSTAB)这六种用于反演的算法,并例举了一些反演的实例;在影响成像效果的部分主要讨论了射线覆盖角度、正则化因子和装置排布与异常体走向这三个要素对结果的影响,并得出一定的结论。

【Abstract】 GPR(Ground Penetrating Radar) is a kind of efficiently and high resolution technique for shallow layer geophysical explore. It sends high-frequency electromagnetic waves and makes use of the difference of the electrical property of underground medium to analyze and deduce the structure and character of the medium, based on kinematics and dynamics character of the wave, such as swing, wave form and frequency. In spite of high resolution , the detection range of GPR is limited, which is confined to within 100 meters below the surface. So as to solve the problem that the detection range of GPR is small, the borehole radar places the transmitting and receiving devices in boreholes. This technique now is increasingly applied.Cross-hole tomography is a major mode of borehole radar. It is a new geophysical detection technique which uses the travel time or amplitude data of the electromagnetic waves between the boreholes to inverse velocity distribution or attenuation coefficient distribution of the detection region. This technique is that transmitting antenna is placed in a borehole, receiving antenna in another to receive the direct wave .It gets a mount of data, according to electromagnetic waves in different media at different speeds or different attenuation coefficient .Then it is inversed by the computer, and gets the detection area profiles of velocity or attenuation distribution. It can be studied vividly and intuitively that the causes of complex geological phenomena and local structure. This technique has obvious advantage on the bedrock of the fault , the rupture course , underground karst cave and other underground objects of unknown. Cross-hole radar tomography consists of velocity tomography and attenuation tomography .This paper focuses on the velocity tomography study. Firstly, the exploition demain between the holes is discretized in cells with constant physical properties. For each transmitter-receiver pair , the length of each segment of ray in every cell is calculated(that generate the coefficient matrix L). Secondly, the first travel time of the direct waves is extracted. At last ,the slowness field is obtained by“inversion”of the segment length matrix multiplied by the measured time vector.1. In the aspect of the extraction of the first travel time of the direct waves, this paper studies manual extraction and two kinds of automatic extraction (the maximum SNR method and the maximum energy ratio method). Three methods have different features. Manual extraction method can accurately extract first break when signal-to-noise ratio is relatively small, but slowly. Automatic extraction is efficient, but precision is less than manual extraction. Therefore, these three methods can be used to complement each other through human-computer interaction.2. In the aspect of tomography inversion algorithm, this paper mainly introduces LSQR(Least Square QR Method), GMRES(Generalized Minimal Residual Method), CG(Conjugate gradient method), BICGSTAB(Bi-stable conjugate gradient method), ART(Aigebraic Reconstruction Technique) and SIRT(Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique). Then the algorithms are verified by the actual models simulated by GprMax software. All algorithms fulfill Practical demand.3. In the aspect of the fators influencing the tomography result, this paper consists of the angle of ray coverage , regularization factor and the coupling between devices arrangement and direction of abnormal. When the ray coverage in the 40 degrees to 70 degrees, that is ground penetrating radar antenna beam width half-power range, the image effect is the best .When less than 40 degrees, the longitudinal extent of abnormal usually large than the actual ,instead, the image distortion .when larger than 70 degrees, due to the serious interference the image cannot be distinguished .The fundamental equations of tomography are usually ill-posed equations, requiring regularization .Regularization factor is also of significance on the inverse image of the smoothness and flatness .The appropriate regularization factors have important effects on the inversion. Specific parameters depend on the actual circumstances. Arrangement of transmitting and receiving devices also have important implications on imaging results ,.Because of restrictions by the position of the boreholes, projection ray can not make a full range of abnormal body. When the anomalous body horizontal, the inversion of the image is consistent with the model, and the result is the best .When the anomalous body vertical, the inversion of the image in the horizontal direction is more width than the actual, owing to anomalous body homogenized in the horizontal direction.Finally, we have developed borehole radar tomography software system, the software can easily and convenient process tomography data and the final results of the inversion are displayed in graph, which can be intuitive analysis of the regional geological structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期