

The Study of Seismic Inversion Method for Fracture Reservoir

【作者】 罗金梅

【导师】 韩立国;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在总结各向异性理论在裂隙性储层理论研究的发展历程之上,利用Hudson模型得到垂直裂隙模型的等效弹性系数,给出了计算地震波在垂直裂隙介质中的传播速度和衰减系数的方法。通过数值模拟分析了垂直裂隙介质中裂隙密度、裂隙纵横比、裂隙充填物等对qP波、qSV波和qSH波的相速度和衰减系数的影响,讨论了垂直裂隙介质中各相速度和衰减系数的方位异常。从模拟计算得到方位衰减系数比传播速度对裂隙更敏感的结论。对某探区的实际三维数据进行叠后时频分析,利用对X-1井和X-3井旁道的时频分析得到的各种频率属性进行优选,发现起始衰减频率和低频能量比能很好的和井区孔隙解释结果相吻合。对全区叠后道集提取这两种频率属性,得到了储层的物性平面展布图,为工区储层预测提供了可靠的资料。

【Abstract】 This paper summarizes the anisotropic theory of crack reservoir. We get the equivalent elastic coefficients of crack media on the use of Hudson’s model, and provide the method how to get wave propagation velocity and attenuation coefficient in the fractured media which has a horizon symmetry axis. We simulate the variation of phase velocity and attenuation coefficient while crack parameters change., and find that the attenuation coefficient is more reliable than wave velocity. So we do an actual application here.The data of the exploration area is a three-dimension data. We applied time-frequency analysis and frequency attenuation attribute to predict the distribution of reservoir physicality. During analysing the frequency spectrum attribute of well X-1 and well X-3 we found that the starting attenuate frequency and low-frequency energy dovetail well with the interpretation pore. We extracted this tow frequency properties from stack gather of this region, and obtained reservoir properties for the reservoir layers. By stacking the pre-stack gather in different azimuth, we got two azimuth gathers which have uniform coverage and high S/N Ratio. We detect the fracture development level using the difference of the frequency of 85% energy in the two azimuth gathers. Finally we provided the distribution planes of fracture presence in every reservoirs and cap rock.In this exploration area, there isn’t S-velocity logging. But S-velocity log of the well is very important during some inversion works, such as impedance inversion and elastic impedance inversion. It can provide both low frequency model and high frequency model. We must use it during the extraction of angel wavelet too. Fluid replacement based on rock physics model of Gassmann equation can inversion the S-velocity using both logging data and the analysis of core sample. Logging data can provide reliable petrophysical parameters. Using the explanation of log datas and the inverted S-velocity to forward the AVO of the aim reservoir layer can provide some information about using reflection to detect fracture. We forwarded the AVO response and found that if only using wide-azimuth gather’s large incident angel data can detect fracture effectively. But the data of this area can provide narrow azimuth only. So we don’t use the AVO information of different azimuth to detect fracture. The data of this exploration has a high S/N Ratio. The max of incidence angel for the aim reservoir layers is 31 degree. It comes up to the conventional pre-stack elastic impedance inversion requirement. We extracted four angel gathers from the pre-stack data and did the elastic impedance inversion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期