

Research on Rock Electrical Parameters and Application of Pyroclastic Rock Reservoirs in Tamuchage Basin

【作者】 王飞

【导师】 潘保芝;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着油气勘探规模的不断扩大和勘探深度的不断增加,火山岩和火山碎屑岩系储层已经成为全球石油工业的重要组成部分,自20世纪20年代以来,古巴、阿根廷、美国、印尼、前苏联、加纳等国陆续发现了火山岩油气藏。而我国先后在松辽盆地、辽河盆地等地区发现了一批火山岩油气藏,近年来更是在准噶尔、三塘湖、海塔、二连、渤海湾等盆地不断发现火山岩油气田,显示了我国火山岩油气田勘探开发的巨大潜力。随着火山碎屑岩储层被发现得越来越多,人们也越来越重视火山碎屑岩储层的评价,塔木察格盆地发育着大规模的火山碎屑岩储层,但是目前面临的主要问题是勘探的精度比较低,油气层的识别难度大,制约了油田的发展速度,因此对凝灰质砂岩进行储层温度压力下岩电关系测量,研究凝灰质砂岩岩性识别方法,建立一套凝灰质砂岩的测井评价方法具有非常重要的原意。在研究的过程中,首先进行了基础资料的搜集、整理和分析,对储层地质特征及凝灰质砂岩储层的岩性、物性及测井响应特征进行了研究、发现凝灰质砂岩储层成分比较复杂、测井响应多变,并且地层水矿化度较低,为了进一步提高储层评价的精度,储层条件下岩电参数的实验室测量就显的尤为必要,再此基础上,将研究区62块岩样再储层条件下进行了测量,再测量过程中,选用的方法是半渗透隔板法,较常规的岩心电性实验,本次实验以油藏特性为出发点来考察岩石的电性,在测量过程中充分考虑了储层岩石所处的地层温度、地层压力、地层水矿化度、润湿性与毛管压力平衡等油藏条件,由于以前文献中没有专门针对火山碎屑岩岩电参数的研究,因此本文将火山碎屑岩、砂岩和砾岩的测量结果进行了分析总结,并分别将温度、压力、矿化度、频散、岩性、孔隙度、渗透率等因素与岩电参数进行分析,研究了岩电参数的变化规律。其次本文以原海涵学者的毛管理论以及Herrick的电曲折度为基础,分析并讨论了岩电参数的控制因素,这也是本次测量结果岩电分析的理论基础。其次本文根据搜集的测井资料做交会图,并且以岩性区分效果明显的交会图为模板对整口井进行处理,进而确定不同深度的岩性。对于计算孔隙度部分,首先对泥质砂岩地层进行研究,先计算泥质含量,并与岩心分析的泥质含量比较,找出适合研究区泥质含量的求取方法,然后去除泥质砂岩的影响,根据密度响应方程计算有效孔隙度,然后计算凝灰质含量,将凝灰质砂岩认为是砂岩骨架、泥质、凝灰质和孔隙度组成,根据中子、密度、声波测井响应建立体积模型,确定各部分骨架参数,编程求取各部分体积。最后对于饱和度求取部分,仍然以电阻率为基础进行饱和度评价,对于凝灰质砂岩储层,认为与泥岩一样具有附加导电性,根据并联导电原理,结合托希诺布.伊东推导的凝灰质砂岩饱和度公式,并进行了实际处理,根据确定的饱和度模型计算出的含水饱和度与解释报告和试油结论对比,吻合率较高。以储层条件下测量的岩电参数为基础,结合阿尔奇公式,利用岩心资料和多种手段对储层参数计算,并对塔木察格部分井进行了实际处理,取得了较好的应用效果。

【Abstract】 With the Exploration scale expansion of oil and gas exploration and the exploration depth increases, the volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the reservoir has become a important part of the oil industry, Since the 20th century, Since the twenties 20’s of 20th century, Cuba, Argentina, the United States, Indonesia, the former Soviet Union, Ghana, have been discovered volcanic reservoir. Our country has already found a number of volcanic reservoir in the Songliao Basin, Liaohe Basin and other areas . In recent years, in the Junggar, Santanghu, Hai Ta, Eren, Bohai Bay basins and volcanic gas fields continue to show our country’s oil and gas exploration and development of volcanic great potential. As the volcanic clastic reservoir more and more to be found , people are more and more attention to the evaluation of volcanic clastic reservoir, Hailar - Tamuchage Basin with large-scale volcanic clastic reservoir, but the main problem currently faced by relatively low accuracy of exploration, reservoir identification difficult, restricting the oil rate of development, therefore, tuffaceous Under the pressure of the reservoir sandstone rock power relationship between the temperature measurement of tuffaceous sandstone lithology identification, establishment of a tuffaceous sandstone of the log evaluation method is very important to the original intentIn the process of research, First carried on the basic data collection, the reorganization and the analysis, then reservoir the Geological characteristics of the tuffaceous sandstone lithology, physical properties and logging response characteristics , To further improve the accuracy of reservoir evaluation, reservoir rock under the conditions of the laboratory measurement of electrical parameters is especially necessary. In this foundation, We measurement the area 62 piece of rock specimen under reservoir condition. Re-measurement process, the chosen approach is semi-permeable partition method, Compares conventional the core sample electric properties experiment, this experiment inspects the rock take the oil deposit characteristic as the starting point the electric properties, had considered fully in the measuring process the reservoir rock locates oil deposit conditions and so on formation temperature, formation pressure, formation water salinity, wettability and capillary pressure balanced. Because in the beforehand literature has not aimed at the volcano detritus precipitous electrical parameter specially the research, therefore this article the pyroclastic rocks, the sandstone and the conglomerate measurement result has carried on the analysis summary, and separately factors and the crag electrical parameter and so on temperature, pressure, hardness index, frequency dispersion, lithological character, porosity, penetration coefficient carries on the analysis, has studied the crag electrical parameter change rule. The next this article take originally the being broad-minded scholar’s capillary tube theory as well as Herrick electricity winding as a foundation, analyzed and discussed the crag electrical parameter controlling factor, this was also this measurement result crag electrolysis rationale。Furthermore, this article according to the collection the log information to make the cross plot, and carries on processing take the lothological discrimination effect obvious cross plot as the template to the entire mouth well, then determination different depth lithological character,Regarding the computation porosity part, first conducts the research to the argillaceous sandstone stratum, calculates the shale content first, and compares with core analysis’s shale content, discovers suits the research area shale content the seeking method, then the elimination argillaceous sandstone’s influence, according to the density response equation computation effective porosity, then the computation tuffaceous content, the tuffaceous sandstone revealed that is the sandstone skeleton, argillaceous, the tuffaceous and the porosity composition, according to the neutron, the density, the acousitc log response establishment volume model, determined that various part of skeleton parameter, the programming seeks various part of volumes.To strike the last part of the saturation is still to resistivity saturation evaluation basis, the tuffaceous sandstone, and mudstone that as with additional conductivity, parallel conductance according to the principle of combining Tuoxinuobu. Deduced Ito tuffaceous sandstone saturation formula, and make a real deal, according to the saturation model to determine the water saturation calculated with the interpretation of the report and conclusions of testing oil comparison, agreement was highWith the electrical parameters of rock which measuremented Under Reservoir conditions As foundation, unifies the Archie’s formula, the use core sample material and many kinds of methods to the reservoir parameter computation, and wooden observed the standard partial wells to the tower to carry on actual processing, has made the good application progress.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期