

【作者】 郝晨星

【导师】 宫宝荣;

【作者基本信息】 上海戏剧学院 , 艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 90年代中期,随着市场经济体制逐步确立,市场情况发生变化,原有话剧生产方式无法满足市场需求。在体制改革和民营资本不断发展的背景之下,民营话剧团体逐渐成长起来。近十年来,国内大型城市话剧市场突涨,民营话剧团体组织数量、制作数量不断增长,几乎与国有话剧院团形成“二分天下”之势。民营剧社的发展对话剧产业化规模的形成,具有不可或缺的重要作用。本文在简述话剧团体制度改革及市场观念建立过程的基础上,着重分析代表性较强的民营话剧团体——“现代人剧社”运营模式上的特征及缺陷,揭示中国民营话剧团体迅速发展的运营优势和规模化发展对于制度缺陷的弥补作用。指出民营话剧团体的发展对于促进话剧产业化趋势,完善市场调控机制,推动话剧产业健康发展具有积极意义。明确提出在未来的产业发展中,民营话剧团体所蕴含的巨大潜能。

【Abstract】 In the Middle of 1990s, market conditions changed with gradual establishment of market economy, the drama production cannot meet market demand. Depending on reform and development of private capital, private drama companies are growing up. The last decade, market suddenly rose in Chinese metropolis, the number of private drama organizations and the productivity of them are both growing, almost hold the half of market. The development of private companies is so important for the conformation of drama’s industry.This paper base on description of drama companies reform and the building process of market concept, focuses on analysis of the strong representative private drama company-“Modern People”drama company, including its business model characteristics and defects, revealing the operational advantages of Chinese private drama companies and reparation effect of scale up development for the system defects. Indication of the development of private drama companies will bring a positive meaning to the promotion of drama industry trend, improve the market regulation mechanism and promote a healthy development of drama industry. This paper addresses the tremendous potential contained in the future development.
