

The Stabilization of Singular Large-scale Control Systems

【作者】 丁锦伦

【导师】 陈潮填;

【作者基本信息】 广东技术师范学院 , 系统理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在分析国内外对广义控制大系统镇定性研究现状的基础上,着重研究广义控制大系统镇定性的判定问题,给出广义控制大系统镇定性的判定条件与判定方法。主要内容如下:1)分析广义系统、广义大系统及其稳定性的背景和研究现状,分析广义控制大系统及其镇定性的背景和研究现状;总结广义系统理论的数学模型及其受限等价变换形式;总结广义系统的渐近稳定性和有关概念。2)给出判定带输入反馈的广义控制大系统可镇定与不可镇定的充分条件。对于带输入反馈的广义控制大系统,在广义控制大系统及其所有孤立子系统都是R-能控,并且其对应的广义闭环大系统及其每一个孤立子系统正则、无脉冲且渐近稳定的条件下,通过构建广义Lyapunov矩阵方程,利用广义Lyapunov函数法、系统分解法、广义系统理论和矩阵理论,得出广义闭环大系统渐近稳定与不稳定的判定定理,并给出对应的关联参数稳定域与不稳定域,从而得到原广义控制大系统在输入反馈下可镇定与不可镇定的判定条件。3)给出判定带输出反馈的广义控制大系统可镇定与不可镇定的充分条件。对于带输出反馈的广义控制大系统,在广义控制大系统及其所有孤立子系统都是R-能控和R-能观,并且其对应的广义闭环大系统及其每一个孤立子系统正则、无脉冲且渐近稳定的条件下,得到原广义控制大系统在输出反馈下可镇定与不可镇定的判定条件。4)给出判定带导数反馈的广义控制大系统可镇定与不可镇定的充分条件。对于带导数反馈的广义控制大系统,在广义控制大系统及其所有孤立子系统都是R-能控,并且其对应的广义闭环大系统及其每一个孤立子系统正则、无脉冲且渐近稳定的条件下,通过构建广义Lyapunov矩阵方程,得出广义闭环大系统渐近稳定与不稳定的判定定理,并给出对应的关联参数稳定域与不稳定域,从而通过导数反馈得到广义控制大系统可镇定与不可镇定的判定条件。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation,a detailed analysis of the current situation of study on the stability of singular large-scale conrtol systems is studied and the stability of singular large-scale control systems is researched.the main results in this dissertation are as follows.1) The backgruound, current situation and stability related to the singular systems, singular large-scale systems, singular large-scale control systems are summarized. Introduce the fundamental knowledge of the theorys and concepts.2) The stability and unstability of singular lage-scale control systems with input feedbacks are investigated by using generalized Lyapunov matrix equation, generalized Lyapunov function method, system decomposition method, singular systems theory and matrix theory under the condition that all systems and all isolated subsystems are R-controllable and its all closed-loop systems and all closed-loop isolated subsystems are regular, impulsive-free and asymptotically stable. The asymptotic stability and unstability theorem of all closed-loop subsystems are obtained. The interconnecting parameter regions of stability and unstability are also given. The stability and unstability theorem of singular large-scale control systems are given.3) The stability and unstability of singular lage-scale control systems with output feedbacks are investigated by using the similar method under the condition that all systems and all isolated subsystems are R-controllable and R-observable, and its all closed-loop systems and all closed-loop isolated subsystems are regular, impulsive-free and asymptotically stable. The stability and unstability theorem of singular large-scale control systems are given.4) The stability and unstability of singular lage-scale control systems with derivative feedbacks are investigated by using generalized Lyapunov matrix equation under the condition that all systems and all isolated subsystems are R-controllable and its all closed-loop systems and all closed-loop isolated subsystems are regular, impulsive-free and asymptotically stable. The asymptotic stability and unstability theorem of all closed-loop subsystems are obtained. The interconnecting parameter regions of stability and unstability are also given. The stability and unstability theorem of singular large-scale control systems are given.
