

Research on Competitive Strategy of Sanlian Household Appliance

【作者】 侯鹏

【导师】 钟耕深;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以竞争战略的相关理论为基础,以竞争战略的制定过程为主线,通过综合分析三联家电面临的机遇和威胁,以及三联家电的优势和劣势,研究制定出了差异化竞争战略,并对战略实施作出了详细的设计和论述,从而为三联家电未来的发展提供了一个科学合理的方向,并对类似的家电零售商具有一定的借鉴作用。首先,本文运用PEST、五力模型等分析工具,对三联家电的宏观环境、行业环境、竞争环境等外部环境进行分析。通过分析可以看到,三联家电面临着有利的宏观经济环境、政策环境、市场环境、竞争环境和转型时机等众多机遇,但同时也面临着因国际环境恶化导致的国内家电市场增速放缓以及山东家电零售市场竞争日趋激烈等诸多威胁。然后,通过对三联家电内部资源和能力的分析,总结概括出三联家电的优势和劣势。“三联”品牌仍具有较高的知名度和美誉度,能吸引大量的忠诚客户。此外,三联家电在文化、管理与运营机制,特别是服务和信息化技术等方面也具有一定的竞争优势。劣势是营业规模和实力大幅削弱、品牌形象被严重破坏,以及融资环境和能力很差等。基于三联家电面临的机遇和威胁,以及三联家电内部资源和能力的分析,在波特竞争战略等理论的指导下,扬长避短,充分发挥三联家电在信息化和服务等方面的独特优势,研究制定出三联家电的差异化竞争战略,并从运营管理方式的差异化、产品和市场的差异化,服务的差异化、扩张模式差异化和品牌差异化等方面分别进行阐述。为保障三联家电差异化竞争战略的顺利实施,本文从组织结构、人力资源管理、企业文化建设、协同一体化供需链管理系统建设、区域复制的扩张模式等方面进行设计和安排,从而为差异化竞争战略的成功实施提供保障。通过本文的研究,梳理出三联家电发展的经验与教训,分析三联家电在当前的逆境中如何合理运用之前积累的资源与能力再度崛起,既有很强的现实意义,也对其他区域性家电流通企业的发展具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Based on related theories of competitive strategy and followed the strategy-making process, I worked out the competitive strategy of differentiation through analyzing the opportunities and threats Sanlian Household Appliance (hereinafter referred to as Sanlian) faces as well as the advantages and disadvantages of Sanlian. The methods of implementation of differentiation strategy are designed and discussed in detail. This thesis provides a scientific and rational direction for Sanlian, and also provides a certain reference for similar retailers.Firstly, external environments including macro, industrial and competitive environments are analyzed for Sanlian in this paper by means of PEST and the Five-force Model. As the analysis shows, Sanlian now has favorable macro and policy environments and a coming opportunity of industrial transformation. However, the market competition within China will become evermore fierce due to the recession in demand globally as a result of the international financial crisis.Secondly, the advantages and disadvantages of Sanlian are summarized based on the analysis for its internal resources and abilities. The brand of " Sanlian " has high prestige and reputation and it can still attract many loyal consumers. Also Sanlian have advantages in culture,M&O system,service and IT. The scale and strength of Sanlian are seriously weakened and the brand image is severely damaged, leading to bad financing environment and ability,these are the disadvantages of Sanlian.Based on the opportunities and threats Sanlian faces at present as well as the analysis for the internal resources and ability, the competitive strategy of differentiation is worked out for Sanlian under the direction of Porter competitive strategy and is described with respect of the differentiations in O&M, product&market,service, expansion mode and brand.In order to ensure the successful implementation of differentiation strategy in Sanlian, analysis and design are carried out in this paper in terms of the design of organization structure, HR management, corporate culture, establishment of Vendor-Buyer Integrative Synergic Management System, and the expansion mode of region replication.In this paper, the experiences and lessens learned from the development of Sanlian are summarized. The analysis that how Sanlian can rise again with the resources and ability previously accumulated not only makes great practical significance but also provides a certain reference for the development of other regional household appliance distribution companies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F426.6
  • 【下载频次】307