

Factors and Results of Entrepreneurial Ambidexterity

【作者】 赵彦斌

【导师】 张鸿萍;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 双元型组织是应对环境变化的一种新的组织模式。现在越来越多的实证表明,与只进行探索型创新或者只进行改进型创新的企业相比较,建立双元型组织的企业更容易成功。因此,建立双元型组织的影响因素就是一个值得探讨的问题。当前从高层管理团队角度对双元型组织的研究较少,本文试图从CEO的社会关系网络揭示影响创业型企业双元型组织的因素,并验证双元型组织对绩效的影响,提出以下两个研究问题:1.CEO的社会关系网络如何影响创业型企业双元型组织?这种机制是否被高层管理团队的认知冲突所调控?2.创业型企业双元型组织对绩效有着什么样的影响?本文采用文献分析法,从信息角度,把高层管理团队的认知冲突作为调控变量,建立CEO社会资本对双元型组织的影响模型和双元型组织与绩效的关系模型;然后利用张鸿萍副教授的调研数据,通过相关分析和回归分析检验理论假设。本文研究的主要结论:(1)CEO的社会弱关系网络与创业型企业双元型组织的建立显著正相关,CEO的社会强关系网络对创业型企业双元型组织的建立没有显著影响。(2)高层管理团队的认知冲突在CEO社会资本影响创业型企业双元型组织的建立过程中起到了很重要的调控作用。高层管理团队的认知冲突和CEO的社会强关系网络的交互作用不利于创业型企业双元型组织的建立;高层管理团队的认知冲突和CEO的社会弱关系网络的交互作用有利于创业型企业双元型组织的建立。(3)双元型组织有助于创业型企业提高绩效。本文主要创新点:第一,本文构建了CEO的社会资本对双元型组织的影响模型和双元型组织与绩效的关系模型,并对假设进行了验证;第二,本文把高层管理团队的认知冲突当成调控变量,验证了高层管理团队的认知冲突与CEO社会资本交互作用对双元型组织的影响。

【Abstract】 Ambidextrous organization is a new model in the face of condition change. Growing evidence shows that ambidextrous firms are more successful than firms that are only oriented to exploration or exploitation. Consequently, it is a still question worth exploring the factors which affect the building of the ambidextrous organization. This paper will discuss the relation between CEO’social capital and the building of the ambidextrous organization of entrepreneurial firm and how the ambidextrous organization affects the performance of entrepreneurial firm.There are two research questions:(1) How CEO’social capital affects the building of ambidextrous organization and if the TMT (top management team) cognitive conflict moderate? (2) How the ambidextrous organization affect the performance of entrepreneurial firm?This research adopts the method of literature analysis. Drawing on the information processing perspective, this paper builds the model that how the factors affect the ambidextrous organization’building and how the ambidextrous organization affects the performance. Then I borrow some data of associate professor Zhang. This research makes use of correlation analysis and regression to test the theoretical model.This paper gets the following conclusions:(1) CEO’s weak social network can directly influence the building of ambidextrous organization entrepreneurial firm, But CEO’s strong social network can not directly influence the building of ambidextrous organization of entrepreneurial firm. (2) TMT (top management team) cognitive conflict moderates the information advantage brought by CEO’s social networks. TMT cognitive conflict and CEO’s strong social network have a negative interaction on organizational ambidexterity. TMT cognitive conflict and CEO’s weak social network have a positive interaction on organizational ambidexterity’building. (3) The ambidextrous organization is positively associated with the performance of entrepreneurial firm.The main contributions of this paper are:(1) The paper builds up two models. One is how the social capital affects the building of ambidextrous organization. The other is how the ambidextrous organization affects the performance.(2) Using TMT cognitive conflict as a moderate variable, the paper tests that CEO’s weak social network, strong social network and TMT cognitive conflict have a positive or interaction on organizational ambidexterity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】324