

Research on George Bernard Shaw’s Creative Evolution Theory

【作者】 刘云云

【导师】 解玉军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 乔治·萧伯纳不仅是一位英国杰出的现实主义戏剧家、文学评论家和社会主义活动家,更是一位伟大的哲学家和思想家。他在近60年的创作生涯中完成了51个优秀的剧作,每部创作、介在不同的层面上反应了历史上当时的社会现象和萧伯纳独特的世界观和哲学观。诚然,在其一生的创作生涯中,他在创作中的思想体现随着社会历史背景的变迁而改变,也随着哲学脉承的理念而体现。因此,萧伯纳被公认为英国、欧洲乃至全世界具有不朽声誉的大家。同时,由于萧伯纳在其剧作中运用成熟的技巧牢牢把握各种历史社会问题,揭露了当时社会的各种腐败和不合理现象,使创作具有强烈的现实主义成分,既给人以思想的警觉,又给人们以高度的文化享受。他庞大的评论文、政论文、剧作等作品和丰富而深刻的思想内涵是人类宝贵的精神财富。本文将针对萧伯纳独特的哲学观点——“创造进化论”以丰富的创作作品为依据,在不同的历史进程中解读“创造进化论”的体现。全文分为导论、正文、结语三个部分。第一部分,导论。首先对萧伯纳进行概括性介绍,陈述自己选题的价值和理由;然后介绍了历史上国内外对萧伯纳的研究成果,重点分析在国内近期对他的研究状况,进而确定了本文论题的意义和研究的切入点;最后则介绍了本文的创新和不足之处。第二部份,正文。正文分为四章,分别从萧伯纳所经历的历史背景,萧伯纳“创造进化论”的特征,萧伯纳“创造进化论”的哲学脉承和其“创造进化论”的思想体现四个方面来阐述本文的主题。第一章,萧伯纳所经历的历史背景介绍。由于萧伯纳生活在一个社会动荡,思想复杂的时代,亲历了英国革命的几个重要时期,其生活、学习、工作经历都使他充分了解当时社会的黑暗以及资本主义的弊端。通过本章的论述可知,萧伯纳生活的时代背景、生平、创作历程等与其哲学思想的产生发展有密切联系。第二章,萧伯纳“创造进化论”的特征。本章从以下几个角度来分析其特征。1、萧伯纳不信奉任何宗教,他在独特的历史背景下创造了属于他自己的真理:“创造进化论”。2、宇宙创造的四要素。由于萧伯纳不信奉当时盛行的宗教,因此,萧伯纳并不苟同当时宗教和所谓科学认为的“地、水、火、风”为宇宙和世界创造的四要素。他从思想深处认为,宇宙应该是“意志、生命、生命力和物质”构成的。3、与达尔文理论的不同。提起进化论,在当代科学广为认可的是达尔文提出的“生物进化论”也就是——“优胜劣汰、物竞天择”,但萧伯纳并不认为那是科学。他的理论更从主观能动的角度来分析生命和宇宙,并在许多的创作中凸显了他所认为的进化流程和进化终极目标。4、女性主义的凸显。由于萧伯纳在特定的历史环境中和其独特的世界观,在他的“创造进化论”中认为:在人类进化的过程中,女性起着至关重要的作用,并且比男性更加的重要。综观萧伯纳的剧作,将不难发现其作品中所塑造的女性形象,显示了他对广大女性所受屈辱和痛苦的无限同情,同时也寄托了他希望女性解放,获得与男性平等社会权利的愿望,这些潜在的观点充分体现了他的女性主义思想。5、终极进化形式——超人。在这一节中,将主要介绍萧伯纳对进化结论的认知,并最终阐述萧在进化节点和归属上与其他理论的不同。第三章,萧伯纳创造进化论的哲学脉承。从对萧伯纳思想产生重大影响的历史人物和哲学思想观中,更好地了解和分析萧伯纳“创造进化论”的形成缘由,主要分析亨利·柏格森、尼采、拉马克、萨缪尔·巴特勒等人的哲学观点对萧伯纳创造进化论思想形成的影响。第四章,萧伯纳创造进化论的思想体现。萧伯纳极力推崇创造进化论思想,并奉之为他的宗教。创造进化论是萧伯纳在唯意志哲学和进化论思想的基础之上提出的观点,通常被认为是一种哲学思想,但创造进化论思想不可否认是萧伯纳对于社会和人类命运的深切关怀与思索下产生的思想,并且他希望创造进化论思想能够解决其费边主义思想的局限性,因此创造进化论思想也可谓是独属于他的政治思想。本章的第一节从创造进化论的根源——“生命力”来谈起,在萧的《易卜生主义精华》这一政论文中,在《人与超人》、《康蒂妲》等创作作品中可以看出萧对此哲学思想的起源认知。第二节从“知识与智能”方面来看“生命力”选择的载体特征。第三节则重点分析萧“创造进化论”的“超人”观点,并以其创作的原句来分析与探讨。第三部份,结语。重申了本文的写作方向,强调研究萧伯纳“创造进化论”的意义,在客观指出萧伯纳的思想与观念中的局限与妥协性的同时,充分肯定了萧伯纳在哲学、历史和文化几方面不可磨灭的伟大贡献。

【Abstract】 George Bernard Shaw was more a profound philosopher and thinker than just a great British realist playwright, literary critic and socialist activist. In his literary career for nearly 60 years, he wrote 51 outstanding dramas each mirroring a certain social phenomenon of his time as well as his distinctive world outlook and philosophical view. Indeed his thoughts in writing may alter accordingly along with the changes in the historical and social settings of the particular times, and is manifested through philosophical visions handed down traditionally. Therefore, he is recognized among the most famous authors in UK, Europe and all over the world. Meanwhile, thanks to his deployment of skilled techniques for reflection of various historical and social problems, the writer unveiled various corrupt and unfair phenomena of the respective times, thus including in his literary works prominently realistic components and offering the readers both ideological awareness and in-depth cultural feast. His commentaries, political essays, playwrights and other genres of literary works, large in quantity and profound in ideological connotation remain an invaluable spiritual wealth of mankind. Aimed at George Bernard Shaw’s unique philosophical views arising from his "creative evolution", on the basis of his prolific literary works, this thesis interprets the representation of "creative evolution" in different historical periods. The whole text comprises three parts:introduction, the body, and conclusion.Part 1:Introduction. First of all the thesis gives a summarized introduction to George Bernard Shaw and states the values to select the title and the reasons, reviews research findings of the great man in history at home and abroad with focused analysis of Chinese researchers’recent studies of him, and goes on to highlight and determine the significance of the research title and the proper access to the research. In the end of this part, the thesis admits the existence of its creativity and insufficiency.Part 2:The body of text. Divided into four chapters, this part expatiates on the gist of the thesis through discussion over the historical background of George Bernard Shaw, the characteristic of his "creative evolution", philosophical link of the theory and its ideological representation.Chapter One:The Historical Background of George Bernard Shaw. In a time of social upheaval and complex ideology, he experienced several marked periods of the British revolution in his living, study and work, and thus was well aware of the social darkness and capitalist drawback. From the discussion in this chapter, it can be seen that his living time, his life and his literary creation are closely related to the emergence and growth of this philosophical ideology.Chapter 2:The Characteristics of George Bernard Shaw’s Creative Evolution Theory. This chapter intends to analyze the characteristics from the following perspectives:1. An atheist. He did not believe in any religion but created his own truth-"creative evolution", in the unique historical context.2. Four Elements for the Univeres Genesis. As he did not believe in any of the religions prevailing in his time, he disagreed on such a religious or so-called "scientific" belief that the four elements contributing to the world genesis comprise "earth, water, fire, and wind". Deep in his mind, he held that the universe was composed of "will, life, vitality, and substance".3. Difference from the Darwinian Theory. As far as the term "evolution" is concerned, the modern science might maintain that the Darwin’s theory of evolution in biology means "survival of the fittest" and "natural selection". However, George Bernard Shaw did not think that was a scientific interpretation. He applied his own theory to analysis of life and the universe from the perspective on his subjective initiative and in quite a few of his literary works he indicated his viewpoints of the evolutional process and the utmost evolutionary goal.4. Shaping of Feminism. Due to his striking world outlook in the particular historical context, in line with his theory of "creative evolution", he insisted that females played a very crucial role in the evolution of humankind, even more important than males. Through an overview of his dramas, it would be easy to notice his feminist thought fully shown in the female characters of his works as well as his potential insights, from his sincere sympathy for the humiliation and distress most women suffered then and his expectation for female emancipation and their gain of the equal social rights.5. "Superman"-the Form to Terminate Evolution. This chapter informs the readers of George Bernard Shaw’s cognition of the conclusion on evolution and of the difference between his evolutionary theory and other theories in evolutionary points and attribution.Chapter 3:The Philosophical Links of George Bernard Shaw’s Creative Evolution. Here the researcher gives an introduction to some historical characters who had greatly influenced George Bernard Shaw’s shaping of his thought and their philosophical views, such as those of Henri Bergson, Nietzsche, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, and Samuel Butler, for better understanding, analysis and exposition of the causes for establishment of his theory of "creative evolution".Chapter 4:George Bernard Shaw’s Representation of the Creative Evolution Theory. He advocated his theory of creation evolution to a lofty position, as his faith. Formulated the theory on the basis of the Volitionist philosophy and the theory of evolution, his theory of creative evolution was deemed as a philosophical thought. However, it was undoubtedly a thought arising from his kind concern about and deep consideration of the destiny of the society and the humankind. Moreover, it was his hope that the theory of creative evolution, as his exclusive political thought, would make up the limitations of the thought of his Fabianism. Section 1. This chapter starts with the origin of the theory-"vitality". His cognition of the origin of the philosophical thought can be reflected in his political essays such as Quintessence of Ibsenism and his dramas including Candida and Man and Superman; Section 2.Views the characteristics of the carrier for "vitality" selection from the perspective of "knowledge and intelligence"; Section 3. On analysis of the opinions of "superman" in the theory of creative evolution, which is analyzed and discussed using some remarks of the superman in the original literary works.Part Three:Conclusion. The thesis restates the orientation to write up this thesis, emphasizes the significance of the research of George Bernard Shaw’s theory of creative evolution, and affirms fully his great, indelible contribution to philosophy, history and culture while pointing out objectively the limitations and comprises of his thoughts and concepts.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期