

Sherwood Anderson’s Expressionist Art in Winesburg, Ohio

【作者】 相云燕

【导师】 申富英;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 舍伍德·安德森在美国现代文学史上被公认为一位举足轻重的作家。1919年,《小镇畸人》的出版为他赢得了极高的声誉,这部作品也被称为美国现代文学的里程碑。威廉·福克纳将他称为“我们这一代作家的父亲”,事实上,安德森的确是极大地影响了福克纳、海明威、斯坦贝克等一大批美国现当代重要作家。在《小镇畸人》中,安德森一改以往对于美国小镇形象的描写,以作家特有的敏锐和洞察力,发掘了美国社会变更时期墨守成规的小镇人孤独、绝望、扭曲的心灵。因此,《小镇畸人》被人们视为一战后第一部在美国文学中表现“荒原”主题的作品。对这部经典力作的评论和研究,中外学者纷纷从现实主义、自然主义、印象主义以及浪漫主义等角度出发,发表了许多较有价值的文章。在前人研究成果的基础上,本文欲通过探讨作家在此作品中所运用的表现主义艺术,其中包括作品在结构形式和人物塑造方面体现出来的表现主义艺术以及在写作技巧中体现出来的表现主义艺术手法,来展示舍伍德·安德森高超的艺术手法及其对后世作家产生的深刻影响。本文的主体部分共分为四章:第一章主要探讨了舍伍德·安德森的表现主义艺术手法形成的根源,这部分分三个小节进行讨论,第一小节对表现主义进行了简单的介绍,第二小节阐明了舍伍德·安德森在生活中受到的表现主义的影响,旨在说明安德森表现主义艺术手法形成的原因,第三小节介绍了《小镇畸人》中体现出来的安德森的表现主义艺术目标。第二章着重探讨了作者在作品中所采用的松散的结构形式和通过瞬间的运用来构造整个故事集的目的,旨在阐明作者在作品形式中所采用的表现主义艺术手法。第三章着重阐述了安德森在塑造人物方面所采用的表现主义艺术手法。旨在说明作品中的畸人群像是表现主义艺术手法的体现。第四章重点分析了作者在作品中普遍运用的语言风格,重复意象以及象征等艺术表现形式,旨在阐明表现主义在其写作技巧中的运用。论文对《小镇畸人》中的表现主义艺术的分析和评价是一种尝试性的研究,该研究尚有极大的空间,这也是研究的价值之所在。本文作者认为从表现主义艺术的视角对《小镇畸人》进行研究有助于进一步确证其在世界文学史上的重要地位。

【Abstract】 Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941) is a great writer in modern American literary history. With the publication of his Winesburg, Ohio in 1919, he did cause a great stir in the world, and this work is also called the historical landmark of American modernist fiction. The famous modernist Faulkner declared his stature as the father of his generation of American writers and the tradition of American writing which the successors will carry on. Actually, Anderson does have great influence upon other modernist writers like Faulkner, Hemingway, Steinbeck, etc.In Winesburg, Ohio, instead of idealizing the image of the American small town as most writers do, Anderson depicts the Winesburg town as a cold, dark and lonely place. With his delicate and incisive social perception, he probes intuitively and compassionately the twisted souls of the small town people at the country’s transition from an agrarian society to an industrial one. Unable to adjust themselves to the changing world, the townspeople under Anderson’s pen are rather frustrated, agonizingly lonely and unexplainably inarticulate. Consequently, it is considered as the first modern American expression of the wasteland theme by many critics. In this way, Anderson gives a new impetus and direction to the future development of the American short story.There are many ways to interpret his text. Since the publication of Winesburg, Ohio in 1919, Anderson has been labeled as a realist, naturalist, impressionist or romanticist, by critics both at home and abroad. Based on the studies done before, this thesis is intended to make a systematic analysis of the expressionist art in Winesburg stories from the following aspects:expressionist art in form, expressionist art in characterization, expressionist art in narrative techniques.Apart from the Introduction and the Conclusion, the main body of the thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter one gives a view of the roots of Anderson’s expressionist atr. This chapter is made up of three sections. The first section gives a brief introduction of expressionism, while the second one presents the two elements that introduced Anderson to the expressionist art, and the third one introduces the expressionist artistic goal in Winesburg, Ohio.Chapter Two mainly discusses the plotless structure and moment of insight that Anderson employs in his work, which shows the expressionist art in his writing.Chapter Three is focused on the character creation in Winesburg, Ohio to show that the grotesques Anderson created in his work are the result of the stylized techniques of expressionist art.Chapter Four is focused on the three commonly used writing devices-particular language style, repetition of images and symbolism in Winesburg, Ohio to show the expressionist narrative techniques in the writing of this book.In a word, this thesis aims to give a detailed analysis of the expressionist art in Winesburg, Ohio, through which Anderson succeeds in presenting us a typical Midwestern town permeating with frustration and loneliness at the transitional age of the society. The analysis and criticism of the expressionist art in Winesburg, Ohio is just a tentative study. The fact that there still exists much room for further research indicates in turn the research values of this thesis. The author is convinced that the study of Winesburg, Ohio from an expressionist perspective will contribute to verifying and solidifying the significant standing of this great work in the history of world literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期