

Study of Sports Marketing Based on Game Theory

【作者】 鲍芳芳

【导师】 张瑞林;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 由于经济全球化的不断加深、2008年北京奥运会的成功举办以及体育产业的迅速发展,体育用品的有关研究受到越来越多学者的关注。全球化使世界上各个国家联系空前加强,一切国家、区域、行业和企业所组成的经济环节、经济部门成为这个整体中不可分割的一部分,体育用品营销在经济全球化这一大环境下面临着巨大考验。2008年北京奥运会的成功举办不仅促进了我国体育产业结构的合理调整,而且也推进了我国体育产业的国际化进程。奥运经济的建设拉动了市场需求持久的增长,体育消费正在逐步膨胀,同时也吸引了越来越多的投资者加入体育产业。体育消费能刺激体育产业的发展,体育消费的迅速增长能为体育产业提供快速发展的空间,吸收了大量的从业人员,为劳动就业打下了基础。我国体育产业化已发展到一定的规模,并在引导社会消费、调整产业结构、推动国民经济发展方面显露出巨大的潜力。由于体育产业具有成本低、启动快、安全性高、渗透性强、辐射范围广等优势,体育产业直接为国民经济创造收益的功能和拉动关联产业的功能更加显著。鉴于上述背景,论文参照博弈论对体育用品营销问题进行研究,希望能够指导体育用品营销实践,进而推进体育产业的发展和体育事业的进步。论文把经济学中著名的博弈论与体育用品营销相结合,主要分析了体育用品营销过程中体育用品企业与消费者之间的博弈、体育用品企业之间的博弈。在写作过程中初步确定了体育用品的概念,提出了体育用品的相关属性,指出了博弈论与体育用品营销相结合的可行性,分析了体育用品营销中消费者购买行为和企业营销行为。论文的研究是基于经济学、产业经济学、管理学、运筹学、体育学等学科角度,以规范分析与实证分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、理论分析与实际研究相结合和比较分析的方法对体育用品营销进行的分析。首先,论文介绍了研究背景与意义、国内外相关研究、研究内容与方法以及博弈论和体育用品的若干基础知识,尤其是对体育用品的范围与属性进行了着重分析;其次,借鉴西方经济学中供求原理以供求曲线的形式对体育用品营销过程中的营销数量和价格进行分析,同时从市场营销学角度对体育用品营销中消费者行为与生产企业行为分别进行了分析;再次,基于博弈论对体育用品营销中企业与消费者之间的分析,通过博弈的假设,建立博弈模型并对所建模型进行详尽的分析;并以同样的思路对体育用品营销中企业与企业之间进行了营销博弈分析。通过上述分析,论文从经济学和管理学的视角提出适合体育用品营销的建议,如进行营销调研、市场定位、产品策略、促销策略、产品服务。博弈论分析方法是对建立在参与人双方行为理性基础上寻求稳定最优均衡策略的研究,将其运用于体育用品营销问题分析,有助于体育用品营销企业从长远和永续共生角度实现自身企业利润最优化和最大化。体育用品营销不仅需要体育用品相关企业在制造和生产环节体育用品“硬”的要求,还需要体育用品相关企业在营销环节做好“软”的要求,做到两手都要硬,才能更好地面对激烈的市场竞争和产品竞争。

【Abstract】 As the deepening of economic globalization, the success of the 2008 Olympic Games host, as well as the rapid development of the sports industry, sports equipment and a related study, a growing number of scholars are concerned about hands. Globalization, all countries would contact the unprecedented strengthening of all national, regional, industry and enterprise composed of the economy, economic sectors become an integral part of the whole problem, sports marketing in the larger environment of economic globalization face enormous challenges. The success of the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing not only promoted the rational adjustment of industrial structure of sports, but also to promote the international sports industry in the process, the Chinese sports industry has developed to a certain scale, and to guide social consumption, adjust industrial structure to promote national economic development reveals great potential. Stimulating the construction of Olympic economy sustained growth in market demand; sports consumption is gradually expanding, but also attracted more and more investors join the sports industry. Sports consumption can stimulate the development of the sports industry, sports, the rapid growth of energy consumption for the sports industry to provide rapid development of space, absorbing a large number of employees, laid the foundation for the labor and employment. As the sports industry, low cost, start fast, safe, strong permeability, radiation and wide range of advantages, the sports industry directly generate revenue for the national economy, the function and stimulating the functions of related industries is more significant. Game theory as an important theory of economics has been fully applied to various subject areas. Papers refer to the game theory to study the issue of sports marketing, hoping to know the sports marketing practice.Thesis to the famous game theory in economics and sports marketing, combined with analysis of the sports marketing major sports during the game between businesses and consumers, the game between sports enterprises. Also in the process of writing the initial concept to determine sporting goods, sporting goods related properties proposed that the Game Theory and the feasibility of combining sports marketing, sports marketing analysis of consumer behavior and corporate marketing behavior. Thesis of the research is based on economics, industrial economics, management science, operations research, physical education and other related subjects point of view, normative analysis and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, theoretical analysis and practical research, and comparison of combination analysis method, for sports marketing in the perspective of game theory are analyzed.First, the paper introduces the background and significance of research articles, domestic and international research and research content and methods; also introduced a number of game theory and the basics of sports, especially for sports properties in the scope and focus on analysis, which as a whole on the knowledge of game theory and sports have a deeper understanding; Secondly, based on Western theories of economics, supply and demand in the form of supply, and demand curves in the process of marketing, sports marketing, quantitative and qualitative analysis of prices, thereby Sports Marketing consumers and producers conducted a behavioral analysis; Thirdly, based on game theory to analysis the sports marketing business and consumers in the analysis, through the game’s assumptions, the establishment of game models and built a detailed model; and based on Game Theory to analysis the right sports marketing business to business.Through this analysis to the perspective of economics and management science to identify suitable for sports marketing advice and strategies, such as marketing research, market positioning, product strategy, marketing strategies, products services, and a series of effective measures; and draw conclusions that:game theory is based on rational behavior of participants on the basis of both stability and the optimal equilibrium strategy for the research, it can be applied to the problem of sports marketing, sports marketing companies help from the perspective of long-term and sustainable symbiosis, sporting goods marketing not only sports-related enterprises in the manufacturing and production processes sporting goods "hard" requirements, but also sports-related enterprises in the marketing part of doing a good job of "soft" requirements, so that with both hands, they can better face of fierce market competition and product competition,.

【关键词】 博弈论体育用品营销企业消费者
【Key words】 Game theorySporting goodsMarketingBusinessesConsumers
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期