

The Study of Court Mediation in New Phase

【作者】 贺柯

【导师】 肖金明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 法院调解制度作为“东方经验”的司法制度走过了大半个世纪,在建国初期因为模范法官马锡五“红极一时”,并在20世纪80年代在司法工作中占据主导地位。20世纪末它曾作为现代化司法改革的对象而一度受到冷落,但进入新世纪却又再度兴盛,并由于新时期的司法改革而备受关注。本文即以法院调解为研究对象,欲在它的历史演变中考察其制度基础,在转型时期的改革过程中考察其现状,进而在政策的反复、理论与现实的矛盾中构想新时期的法院调解制度。时下的调解是“大调解”格局,即党政牵头、多部门联动的“三位一体”(将司法调解、行政调解和人民调解联结),但在其具体操作中只要与诉讼相关就会由法院作为主导者或主持者。因此,本文的研究对象法院调解,并非局限于诉讼程序中的司法调解,而是将视野的焦点对准了法院,关注由法院操办的调解,这就包括了行政诉讼中的协调,也包括了各地未立案便调解的司法实践。本文第一部分从理论的角度研究法院调解的基本概念与特征,以及法院调解制度存在的背景因素,本文将研究的焦点集中于调解工作的发动者法院,进而扩大所考察的法院调解的范围,将法院调解置于新时期“大调解”的背景中去理解,概括了法院调解具有的灵活性以及对政策的敏感性等特征,同时叙述了法院调解与审判程序形式合一、实质相异等特征;本文第二部分则注重在其历史演变中发现这一“东方经验”的传统文化基础,在其形成和高度发达时期研究其文化传统、政治传统,并描述了法治现代化背景下法院调解的制度雏形;第三部分中,本文认为要以法院调解为分析对象,有三个层次值得引起关注:政策“话语”中的法院调解、作为司法制度的法院调解和司法实践中的法院调解。因此,本文细致地描述20世纪90年代末和21世纪新时期这两个阶段法院调解的现状:从司法政策“话语”的反复中把握新时期法院调解的政治特色,从制度改革中把握它的制度特点,从司法实践的积极、消极回应中把握它的制度功效。第四部分,本文结合以上分析,提出了关于法院调解制度发展的思考。一方面是对当今和谐社会建设目标、人民司法政策进行了分析,另一方面是对于构建新时期法院调解制度进行了初步的宏观设想,认为新时期的法院调解框架需要将法院调解实践工作中受政策以及内部管理影响严重的部分独立出诉讼调解阶段,独立为法院附设调解,结合河南省基层法院的实践经验,将法院附设调解置于立案阶段。

【Abstract】 Court mediation, as the’oriental experience’, has been in existence for over a half century. It seized much attention at the beginning of Chinese government, and played a leading role at the 1980s. Although as an object of judicial reform, it was left out in the cold at the end of 20th century, it experienced prosperity again in the 21st century because of the new judicial reform. This dissertation treats the court mediation as the research object, and will examine its systematic foundation in the historical evolution, check its situation in the reform of transforming period, then restructure and improve it through the changeable policy and the contradiction between theory and reality.The current court mediation is in a massive way. It is leaded by the Party and realized by the cooperation of many apartments, the main three forms of which are judicial mediation, administrative mediation and nongovernmental mediation. However, in its practice, the court is usually the leader or manager as long as the case is related to judicial work. Thus, the court mediation in this dissertation is not limited as the judicial mediation in legal process; however, it focuses on the court, including mediation in administrative procedure and local mediation practice before a case is placed.The first part of the dissertation will present the theoretical intension and extension of court mediation, and describe its initial shape and theory in the systematization in the 20th century.The second part will pay more attention to the cultural foundation in traditional culture and the political foundation thereafter.It is worth mentioning that there are three layers in the concept of "court mediation": the one in political expression, the one in judicial system, and the one in judicial practice. Based on the awareness of these three layers, the third part of the dissertation will emphasize the situation of court mediation in the late 1990s and the 21st century:the changeable political expression reflected the political special feature of court mediation; the systematic reform reflected its systematic feature; the positive and negative response to judicial practice reflected its systematic function. As for the development of court mediation, in the forth part, several thoughts will be raised based on the above analysis. On the one hand, analysis will be made on the current harmonious society target and policy of people’s justice; on the other hand, some preliminary macroscopic ideas relating to court mediation system in the new age will be put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】D926.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】386