

The Design and Implementation of County Public Information Website Information System

【作者】 徐明

【导师】 史清华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在互联网技术不断发展和进步的今天,网站的信息管理方式也经历了由静态页面到动态页面的转换。最初的静态HTML页面,更新信息时需要重新制作页面然后上传页面并修改相应链接,这种方式因为效率太低已不多用;目前较为流行的是基于ASP和脚本语言,将动态网页和数据库结合,通过应用程序来处理信息。ASP在应用过程中也暴露出一些不足:一是仅局限于使用脚本语言来开发,容易导致代码杂乱;二是解释运行的编程框架,执行效率比较低;三是界面设计和程序设计混在一起,维护相对困难。而应用ASP.NET技术则可以实现“编译一次,多处运行”,运行时和具体的语言分开,使系统在多次访问时速度有极大的提升,与数据库的联系更加直接,支持应用程序的实时更新,代码更易于编写,结构更清楚,从而降低系统开发与维护的复杂度和费用。本文分析了目前新闻管理系统的研究现状和存在的不足,在便于管理的原则下,给出了一个新闻管理系统的设计思路和整体框架。分析了实现该系统的关键技术,给出了各个模块的功能设计和实现,包括数据库设计,各功能模块流程图和各模块的具体实现。本文给出系统架构UI层、业务逻辑层和数据层,UI层是用户与系统的交互界面,业务逻辑层负责接收浏览器传来的请求并将请求传给数据层,同时将请求处理结果发给浏览器。系统由登录模块、栏目管理模块、用户管理模块、添加新闻模块、新闻审核模块、模板模块等主要模块构成,面向系统管理员、新闻录人员、新闻审核人员、普通浏览者四类用户,基本实现了新闻的动态管理和浏览者的分类查询。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of Internet,the update of website information undergoes the transform from static page to dynamic page.In the first static HTML page, it needs to make and upload a new page and then modify corresponding link when update the information. But this way is less used because of low efficiency. Now the more popular way is to handle the information by combining the dynamic page with database,which is based on ASP and scripting language. However,there are some disadvantages in ASP when using:First it is easy to mix the code,for it is developed using scripting language; Second,the efficiency of programming framework which is running; At last,it is hard to maintain,just as interface design and procedure design are mixed. While technology of ASP.NET can make it true that "one compiler,more running",which made the system fast when interviewing many times,and separate the code when using and specific language. At the same time,it can contact the database directly,support the program update,easy to make code and let the structure more clearly,so as to degrade the mixture and costs of developing and maintaining system.This thesis analyzed current condition and existing deficiency for news management system,and gave design idea and integral frame under the principle of management.It analyzed the key technology that achieved this system,and gave functional design and realization for each block including database design,flow chart and specific realization of each block.This thesis provides system frame UI layer,transaction logical layer and data layer. UI layer is reciprocal interface for users and system.Transaction logical layer is responsible for receiving request that browser transmits,at the same time sends the result to browser.This system is constituted by landing block,column management block,user management block,appending news block,checking news block and molding board block. It faces to four kinds users such as system manager,news imputer,news checker and common browsers.This system basically realized dynamic management for news and classified inquiry for browsers.

【关键词】 ASP.NET新闻管理系统设计
【Key words】 ASP.NETnews managementthe system design
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】83