The Green Cultural Marketing of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine
【作者】 张凯;
【导师】 王广振;
【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 文化产业管理, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 本文研究的核心命题是即墨老酒绿色文化营销;核心观点是绿色文化资源丰富的即墨老酒适宜开展绿色文化营销,绿色文化营销能够解决长久以来困扰黄酒营销的“卖点不突出”的问题;主要内容是绿色文化营销概论、即墨老酒绿色文化资源概论、即墨老酒绿色文化营销策略。绿色文化是指以“人类对自然物质界的良好治理是正确的”这一信念为核心价值观的文化。即墨老酒绿色文化营销,就是有意识地通过发现、甄别、培养或创造有即墨老酒特色的绿色文化价值观,来达成企业经营目标(经济的、社会的、尤其是环境的)的一种营销方式。即墨老酒的产品绿色文化营销、品牌绿色文化营销和企业绿色文化营销都是即墨老酒绿色文化营销的重要内容。除序言和结语外,本文主要从以下三个部分对即墨老酒绿色文化营销问题进行了初步的探索,按逻辑顺序依次是:一、提出理论模型——绿色文化营销策略概论;二、梳理该模型所分析与转化的对象——即墨老酒绿色文化资源概论:三、通过理论模型,实施对上述对象的分析与转化,得到结果——即墨老酒绿色文化营销策略。具体地,各部分的主要内容是:第一章——绿色文化营销概论,主要介绍本文的理论模型——绿色文化营销策略的概念,共分为三部分。首先,提出绿色文化的概念;其次,通过对目前国内有代表性的文化营销策略概念的分析介绍,进一步提出笔者的文化营销策略概念,并按结构分类;最后,在整合前两个概念的基础上,提出实施绿色文化营销的基本策略。第二章是即墨老酒绿色文化资源概论,是本文的理论模型所分析与转化的对象,共分为四部分。首先总体上介绍即墨老酒绿色文化资源的特色。然后,分三部分,分别从产品文化、品牌文化和企业文化角度,较为细致地介绍即墨老酒绿色文化资源。第三章是即墨老酒绿色文化营销策略,采用本文的理论模型对即墨老酒绿色文化资源这一对象进行分析与转化,得出“感恩”主题的即墨老酒绿色文化营销策略,共分为四部分。首先总体上介绍“感恩”作为即墨老酒绿色文化营销中心卖点的合理性。然后,分三部分,分别从产品文化、品牌文化和企业文化角度,较为细致地介绍即墨老酒“感恩”主题绿色文化营销策划方略。在产品绿色文化营销策略部分,主要从“产品性能”和“与产品基本性能关系密切的生产过程”两方面进行策划。在品牌绿色文化营销策略部分,主要从“绿色文化包装设计”与“绿色文化广告设计”两方面进行策划。在企业绿色文化营销策略部分,主要从“企业绿色文化营销形式”与“企业绿色文化营销内容”两方面进行策划。在论文的结语部分,笔者认为,发现并充分利用文化的时代特征和发展趋势,是营销成功的关键所在。但同时也应注意到消费者的需要有其内在的稳定性。综合上述分析,作为整合黄酒的历史文化优势与绿色文化优势、面向市场的绿色文化营销的中心卖点,“感恩”卖点的提出,对解决长期以来困扰黄酒营销的“卖点多,但消费者一个也难以记住”的问题,提供了一些较为实际的解决思路。论文在绿色文化营销的基本概念分析、即墨老酒绿色文化资源梳理、即墨老酒绿色文化营销策划方法与创意等方面进行了初步探索,对黄酒绿色文化营销的发展前景进行了展望,以期该题目的研究对我国黄酒行业市场营销有所帮助。
【Abstract】 In this paper, the core proposition is the green cultural marketing of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine. The key view is that the corporation which products Jimolaojiu Rice Wine which is rich of green cultural resource should carry out the green cultural marketing which can solve the problem of the lack of obvious selling point which has perplexed the marketing of rice wine for a long time. The main content includes "An Overview of Green Cultural Marketing", "The Introduction to The Green Cultural Resource of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine"and "The Strategy of the Green Cultural Marketing of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine".In this paper, the definition of Green Culture is that the culture of which the belief that "It’s correct that human being should take good care of the natural material world" is the core value judgment. The green cultural marketing of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine, is carried out by discovering, discriminating, training or creating the distinctive value on green culture of the Wine, in order to achieve the business objectives especially on economy, society and environment. The green cultural marketing of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine consists of 3 parts which are "the green cultural marketing on production", "the green cultural marketing on brand"and "the green cultural marketing on corporation".In addition to the preamble and the conclusion, there are three parts in this paper, exploring the green cultural marketing of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine. According to the logical order,:Firstly, the theoretical function-an overview of green cultural marketing;Secondly, the object which will be analyzed and transformed by the function-the characteristic of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine’s green cultural resource;Thirdly, the result after the analysis and transformation-the strategies of the marketing.Concretely,ChapterⅠis "An Overview of Green Cultural Marketing", is the main theoretical function of this paper. The concept of the strategy of green cultural marketing is introduced in this part. This chapter consists of 3 parts. Firstly, the concept of green culture; secondly, after the analysis and the introduction of the domestic representative concepts of the strategy of cultural marketing, I put forward the concept of cultural marketing strategy, and classify it according to frame; finally, based on the former two concepts, I put forward the concept of the green cultural marketing.ChapterⅡis "The Introduction to The Green Cultural Resource of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine", is the object which will be analyzed and transformed by the function. This chapter consists of 4 parts. Firstly, a general introduction to the Jimolaojiu Rice Wine’s green cultural resource. Then, in the rest three parts, the introduction to the Wine’s green cultural resource on production, brand and corporation.ChapterⅢis "The Strategies of The Green Cultural Marketing of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine". In this chapter, the green cultural resource of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine is analyzed and transmuted into the strategies of the green cultural marketing whose theme is "Thanksgiving" by the main theoretical function of this paper. This chapter consists of 4 parts. Firstly, the introduction to the rationality of that "Thanksgiving" should become the leading selling point in the green cultural marketing of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine. Then, from the perspective of the cultures on production, brand and corporation culture, the strategies of the green cultural marketing by the theme of "Thanksgiving" is presented detailedly in three parts. In the part of "the strategy of the green cultural marketing on production", I scheme it from two aspects:"performance" and "the processes closely related to the basic performance". In the part of "the strategy of the green cultural marketing on brand", I scheme from two aspects:"the design of packaging" and "the design of advertisement ".In the part of "the strategy of the green cultural marketing on corporation", I scheme from two aspects:"the form of the strategy of the green cultural marketing" and the "the content of the strategy of同the green cultural marketing".In the part of conclusion, I figure that it’s the linchpin of a successful marketing to find and use the actuality and the direction of culture. However the inherent stability of customers’ demand should also be noted. Above all, as the central selling point which integrates the historical and cultural advantages of the rice wine and aims at the market, "Thanksgiving" provides more practical ideas. So it may solve the problem of rice wine’s marketing that "though there are many selling points, it’s hard for customers to remember even one".In order to contribute to domestic rice wine industry on marketing, I analyze the basic concepts of green cultural marketing, comb Jimolaojiu Rice Wine’s green cultural resource, make an pilot study on the scheme and originality of the green cultural marketing of Jimolaojiu Rice Wine, and vista the future of the green cultural marketing of rice wine.
【Key words】 rice wine; Jimolaojiu Rice Wine; green culture; cultural marketing;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
- 【分类号】F426.82;F274;F205
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】533