

The Study on "Original Meaning in the Book of Songs"

【作者】 王庆玲

【导师】 刘心明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 两千年以来,作为传统文化经典,《诗经》一直受到人们的重视,研究《诗经》的著作卷帙浩繁,不同时期的研究体现出不同的时代特色。宋代是一个学术变革的时期,在疑古惑经学术思潮的引领下,经学研究与社会现实相结合,倡明义理、重视经世致用的学风蔚为风气,摒弃旧注、发明经旨、探求新义成为学界的共识。北宋欧阳修首倡探求《诗经》之本义,訾议毛郑、辨明是非,发疑《序》之端,开百世之惑,以其大胆疑古精神、求实谨严的态度,为《诗经》研究开拓出一片广阔的天地,成为《诗经》宋学的开创性著作。“据文求义”、以“人情说诗”的诗说理论和“以意逆志”本义观方法论的提出以及平实的文风和实事求是的态度,为《诗经》研究开创了一条新路,对后世学者产生了深远的影响,从宋代朱熹至清代姚际恒、方玉润等人的治《诗》精神与方法无不受到了欧阳修的影响。欧阳修还对郑玄《诗谱》的世次体系进行了系统整理。当然,受时代因素等多方面的制约,《诗本义》仍存在很多不足之处,仍需后人继续探究,但欧阳修的首创之举功不可没,在学术史上占有一席之地。

【Abstract】 As traditional culture classic, the Book of Songs has always been paid attention for two thousand years, voluminous writings to study the Book of Songs appeared, these works reflect different characteristics in different periods. Song dynasty is an academic and changeable period, under the guidance by the academic thinking of crash in doubt, studies combined with the social reality, attention to practical statecraft in the style of study sparked a trend, get rid of the old note, invented by the purpose and explore the new meaning turn into the academic consensus. Ouyang Xiu initiated to explore the original meaning of the Book of Songs in the Northern Song dynasty, criticize Mao Zheng, identifyright and wrong, doubt Preface firstly, open Momoyo of confusion, with its bold spirit of doubt about history, truth-seeking careful and precise manner, the Book of Songs carve out a broad study of world, become the pioneering works of science of the Book of Songs in Song dynasty. The theory on "According to the text seeking justice", "based on human relationships" and the methodology of "meant to express the ideas of the essay" had been put forward explained the poetry with an earth style and an attitude of seeking truth from facts of writing, opened up a new way for the Book of Songs research,It had a profound impact to later scholars from the Song Zhu Xi to Qing YaoJi heng, Fangyu run and others.they all invariably where affected by Ouyang Xiu. Ouyang Xiu Systematize ZhengXuan’s sub-system of poems in a systematic order. Of course, subjected to the constraints of time and many other factors, there are also shortcomings in Original meaning of the Book of Songs, but the first of its kind contribution from Ouyang Xiu take the place in the academic history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】172