

【作者】 陈婷婷

【导师】 郭红;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 法学理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 法治社会和律师制度无疑有着千丝万缕的联系。法治社会需要律师,律师促进法治社会的发展。在法治社会,法律至上,法律是最高的行为规范,法律具有最高效力;在这种以法律规范指导一切社会生活的社会,律师职业应运而生。律师是法律专家,精通法律,具有法律服务的能力和条件,能够切实满足社会主体对法律内容的了解和维护自身合法权利的需要。随着我国法治社会的逐渐建立,社会形势也不断出现新的发展,律师职业也呈现出诸多的新时代特征。我国目前正在进行社会主义现代化建设,建设社会主义法治社会、和谐社会是长期目标,律师职业对于社会发展与经济建设意义重大。律师职业在法治社会中永远发挥“社会平衡器”作用,是和谐社会、法治社会建设重要力量。所以从法治社会的视角来审视律师职业的规制,是社会发展对现代服务的现实需求,是民主法治建设的必然要求,就有十分重要的研究意义。本文的第一部分拟从分析律师制度产生的基础理论入手,探讨相关的法学理论方面和中西方法制史方面的基础理论,指出市场经济、民主社会和人权观念是律师制度产生的经济基础、社会基础和文化基础。通过文章的第二部分对法治社会的基本特征以及法治国家对律师制度的基本要求的研究与总结,分析我国现阶段法律制度以及新《律师法》的不足,在文章的第三部分,本文首先对我国律师制度的深化体制改革进行简单的阐述,并针对具体情况,提出从三个新角度完善以新律师法为核心的法律体系,以完成后法治时代律师制度的再构建。并最终提出在实践中应完善立法建议,完善政治功能,以及完善辩护权利等完善建议,并以李庄案为例,探讨有关律师职业操守的问题,以此来完善我国律师制度。

【Abstract】 It is no doubt that a society under the rule of law has a thousand and one links with lawyers. A society under the rule of law requires lawyers, while lawyers promote the development of a society under the rule of law. In a society under the rule of law, law is the highest code of the conduct of citizens. Because law has the highest potency, in which the law regulated all social public and society as guidance, the profession as a lawyer came into being. Lawyers are legal experts, mastered of the law, with legal services ability and conditions, to effectively meet the legal content of the social understanding of the main right and proper exercise of legal rights and protect their legitimate rights of the need. With the gradual establishment of the rule of law, to face the new situation of social development, lawyer also presented numerous new features of the times. China’s socialist modernization drive under way to build a socialist rule of law, harmonious society is a long-term goal, lawyer for the social development and economic development of great significance. Lawyer for the rule of law in society will always play a "social equalizer" role, a harmonious society and an important force in building the rule of law. Therefore, the perspective from the rule of law examine the regulation of legal profession, is the social development of the reality of the modern service needs, the democratic rule of law is a necessary requirement, meaning there is a very important study.In the first part of the lawyer system to be generated from the analysis of the basic theory start to explore the relevant aspects of legal theory and legal history in the West’s basic theory, pointed out that the market economy, democratic society and the concept of human rights lawyers, the system produces the economic base and social base and cultural foundations. Through articles in the second part of the rule of law societies of the lawyer system and the rule of law on the basic requirements of research and summary of the legal system of the present stage and the new "Lawyers Constitutive Law", in the article the third part of this paper the deepening of our legal system, a simple system described, and specific circumstances, made perfect from the perspective of three new lawyers to the new law as the core of the legal system to the rule of law after the completion of the Reconstruction era of the lawyer system. And ultimately make in practice, the legislative proposal should be perfect, perfect political functions, improve the rights and improve the defense proposal, and to Li Zhuang case example to discuss issues related to lawyer conduct in order to improve our legal system.
