

Study on Evaluation Index System of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Chinese Ports

【作者】 李琪

【导师】 刘翠莲;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 港口是交通运输行业的重要组成部分,在节能减排方面具有巨大的空间和潜力,目前我国对港口节能减排绩效的评价还仅仅基于对单位GDP能耗和主要污染物排放总量指标的分别考核,行业内尚未建立一套完整的节能减排评价体系,如何全面、客观、科学地评价各个港口节能减排的绩效,是一个迫切需要解决的问题。本文首先论述了港口节能减排的理论基础,探讨了其对港口节能减排的指导作用。接下来阐述了生态港口的涵义,并对港口面临的能源环境形势做了深入的分析,指出了我国港口节能减排的必要性和紧迫性。文章重点总结了国内外港口节能减排的现状,并对国内港口的节能减排从建立节能减排标准、港口企业节能减排管理及推行节能减排技术三个方面进行了论述,进而深刻分析了港口现如今存在的问题。综合理论和现状的研究,深刻剖析了港口节能减排的影响因素,它们分为结构性、管理性和技术性因素。综合以上分析,依据我国政府对节能减排的指导思想,遵循科学性、系统性和可操作性的原则,首次建立了我国港口节能减排评价指标体系。之后,综合运用层次分析法和模糊评价法,构建了层次模糊综合评价模型,对港口评价指标体系进行评价。最后以青岛港为例,进行了实证研究,论证了这套评价指标体系是科学合理、简单易行的,对于上级主管单位考核港口企业的节能减排绩效具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Port is an important part of the transportation industry, which has a huge space and potential to save energy, lower energy consumption and reduce pollutants discharge. At present,the evaluation of port’s energy saving and emission reduction is only based on the result of the energy consumption per GDP and total emissions of major pollutants.The port system has not yet been setted up a perfect evaluation system for energy-saving and emission reduction(ESER) now. So, how to evaluate ESER performance in the way comprehensive, objective, scientific, is an issue which urgently needs to be addressed.This paper discusses the theoretical basis of energy conservation and emission reduction in port, discusses the energy saving and emission reduction in port. Then expounds the connotation, and ecological ports on the energy environment situation facing port of China port, pointed out the necessity and urgency to energy saving and emission reduction. This paper summarizes the present situation of domestic ports, and energy saving and emission reduction of domestic ports of saving energy saving and emission reduction from the establishment of standard, ports and management of energy conservation and emission reduction in energy saving and emission reduction technology is discussed from three aspects, and the problems existing in the port nowadays. Comprehensive theoretical and status of the study, deeply analyzes the influence factors of energy conservation and emission reduction in port, they divided into structural, managerial and technical factors.According to the above analysis, the comprehensive Chinese government to energy conservation and emission reduction in guiding ideology, follow the scientific, systematic and operability principles, was established in energy conservation and emission reduction evaluation index system. After using analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and construct a hierarchical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model and evaluation index system to evaluate port. Finally in Qingdao, for example, an empirical research, demonstrates the evaluation index system is reasonable and easy to supervisor units of energy conservation and emission reduction evaluation port enterprise performance has certain reference value.

  • 【分类号】F552;X322;F206
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1253