

Research on Allocating and Scheduling of Berth System in Container Terminal

【作者】 赵芳

【导师】 靳志宏;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 物流工程与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化、贸易多元化的发展,许多国家的经营活动已不在局限于本国或某个地区,而是更多的在全球范围内布局和开展。跨国贸易的增长带动了国际集装箱运输的蓬勃发展,集装箱港口在全球航运网络中的节点作用也日益凸现,新一轮的国际航运中心的竞争日趋激烈。我国自上个世纪80年代以来,集装箱贸易量一直保持稳定快速的增长势头,特别是进入21世纪以来,我国的经济实力迅猛发展,集装箱吞吐量取得突破性进展,超越美国位居世界首位。目前香港、上海、深圳的集装箱吞吐量分别居世界第一、第三、第四位。但是我国的集装箱港口的发展相对于发达国家仍存在很大差距,不少集装箱港口仍处于满负荷甚至吵超负荷运营的状态。船舶在港作业时间长,压港现象严重。因此,如何最大限度的优化港口现有资源满足日益增长的港口服务需求,成为许多研究者研究的课题。基于以上事实,本文从现实角度出发,以集装箱码头泊位子系统为研究对象,站在宏观角度,考虑港口建设及运营的经济性因素,运用排队理论,解决了集装箱码头泊位数量合理配置问题,并利用VB软件进行模型求解。在泊位系统硬件资源合理规划的前提下,以最小化船舶在港时间为目标,建立了岸桥——泊位协调调度模型,利用智能优化技术为到港船舶分配最佳泊位位置和停泊顺序,并为作业船舶安排最优数量的岸桥设备,提高码头岸边作业效率,提升港口的竞争力。本文从宏观及微观两个层次针对港口前沿装卸资源合理化配置及调度进行了研究,形成了一个相对完整的研究体系,具有一定的现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 With a wide range of development of economic globalization and trade, many countries have not restricted their business activities in a country or a certain region, but more in the higher level-global distribution and implementation. Cross-border trade growth has driven the rapid development of international container shipping business. Container port which plays a pivotal role of nodes in the global container shipping network becomes more important in a new round of international shipping center competition. Since the last century 80’s. in Chinas, the container trade has maintained a steady and rapid growth. Especially in the 21st century, with the rapid development of China’s economic strength, the container throughput also achieved breakthroughs. Since 2005, China has surpassed the United States, ranking first in the world’s container throughput. Hong Kong. Shanghai and Shenzhen container throughput respectively ranks first, third, fourth in the world. However, the development of China’s container port compared to developed countries, gaps still remain. Many of the container ports are still in operation at full capacity and even the state of overload. Service time for container ship is too long which lead to serious traffic jams in container port. Therefore, how to maximize the optimization of existing resources to meet the growing port service demand becomes a hot research point.Based on these facts above, in a realistic point of view, this paper selects the container berths subsystem as a research object, considering the port construction and operation economic factors, adopting queuing theory to analyze how to rationally decide the container berth scale and use VB software to solve the model. Based on a rational allocation of port resources, in order to minimize the turnaround time of container ship in port, this paper further establishes a crane-DBAP coordinate scheduling model. Besides, in the paper, we employ an intelligent optimization technology, to select a best allocation of berths and crane. From both macro and micro level, this paper made a study oft berths subsystem and the results of paper had a practical significance.

【关键词】 泊位系统泊位规模联合调度
【Key words】 Berth SubsystemBerth ScaleCoordinated Schedul
  • 【分类号】U653.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】254