

"Declaring the Contract Null and Void" Institution in CISG

【作者】 郭浩然

【导师】 翟云岭;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “宣告合同无效”是《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》(以下简称《公约》)中的一项重要制度,是当事人在国际货物买卖中发生纠纷的重要救济措施之一,对保护当事人的合法权益,促进国际货物买卖合同顺利有效进行起着十分重要的作用。文章重点从“宣告合同无效”的构成分析和法律后果方面进行论述,使其在具体运用时具有导向性。本文引用了近年来法院的判例和仲裁机构的裁决进行论述,对实践中按照《公约》行使合同解除权的一些法律难点,提出较为合理的解决方案。通过对各国国内法关于合同解除权方面相关规定的研究,与《公约》的规定进行比较分析,指出当事人在订立国际货物买卖合同时应该注意哪些问题,怎样趋利避害,更好的选择适用更能维护当事人利益的法律。文章分四部分进行论述:第一部分,简述《公约》的基本背景及其“宣告合同无效”制度的产生背景和内容,指出本文的立题目的和研究意义。第二部分,具体阐述各国及《公约》对“宣告合同无效”制度的规定,概括其异同。重点对《公约》中“宣告合同无效”制度的构成进行分析。并就如何在国际贸易实践中落实和运用“宣告合同无效”制度展开讨论。第三部分,论述“宣告合同无效”的法律后果,并对损害赔偿的范围和利润的计算方法作了详细的阐述。第四部分,简要概述我国的“宣告合同无效”制度,并与《公约》进行对比研究,结合我国《合同法》关于合同解除的立法规定,着重从根本违约和预期违约两方面进行评述,并就如何改进完善提出相关的建议。最后,在结束语部分,回顾了本文在写作过程中对“宣告合同无效”制度理解的逐步深化,再次点明文章的写作目的和研究重点。

【Abstract】 "Declaring the contract null and void" is a very important institution of CISG. It is one of the important remedial measures when parties confront disputes in international sale of goods. It plays a very important role for the parties to protect the legitimate rights and interests as well as promotion of international contracts for the sale of goods going on smoothly and effectively. This paper elaborates on the components and the legal consequences of "declaring the contract null and void" institution and makes it have guidance quality when it is used.This paper puts forth a reasonable solution programme for some difficult legal points emerged in exercising contract right of rescission according to CISG in practice. Through the related researches of contract right of rescission in the national law of many countries, compared with the rules of CISG, this paper points out what problems the parties should pay attention to, how to absorb what is useful and reject what is harmful, how to choose the law of better protecting legal interests of the parties. The content of this paper includes four parts:ChapterⅠgives the background of "declaring the contract null and void" institution of CISG, and points out the research intention and research significance.ChapterⅡelaborates the concrete regulations of "declaring the contract null and void" institution in some country and compares the differences. This chapter analyses the components of "declaring the contract null and void" institution and discusses how to apply this institution in the international trade.ChapterⅢdiscusses the legal consequences of "declared the contract avoided" institution, it elaborates the scope of damages and compensations and profits calculating method.ChapterⅣbriefly deals with the "declared the contract null and void" institution in China and compares it with CISG. Linked with the theory regulation of contract rescission in contract law, this paper analyses the "declared the contract avoided" institution in China, observes fundamental breach of contract and anticipatory breach of contract, and puts forth some suggestions of promoting the institution.

  • 【分类号】D997.1;D996.1;D923.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】610