

Legal Regulation on Abusing Intellectual Property Right in International Trade

【作者】 王甦

【导师】 周清华;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 知识产权是不同国家或不同地区的法律法规所赋予权利人的一种在确定时间内独占的、排他的私权。知识产权立法旨在保护权利人个人利益,本质上可以有利于社会知识的传播及科技进步,可是越来越多的知识产权权利的滥用现象的出现不仅没有达到其本来的目的,反而限制了公平的市场竞争、阻碍了技术的进步和国际贸易自由化的发展。近些年来,我国为更好地适应WTO的要求,更多的注重知识产权高标准的保护,对于知识产权领域的权利滥用问题并没有引起足够的重视。所以笔者觉得有必要对这一问题加以深入研究。本文一共四章,第一章介绍了知识产权滥用在各国法律中的不同含义,知识产权滥用行为的表现及规制知识产权滥用的措施;第二章研究国际上对知识产权的法律规制及具体的条约,包括《保护工业产权巴黎公约》、《哈瓦那宪章》、《多国企业行为指南》、《国际技术转让行为守则(草案)》、《商业秘密及技术转让合同登记示范法》及TRIPS的相关规定;第三章分别阐述了欧盟、日本及美国对外贸易中知识产权滥用的限制措施的相关规定;第四章通过介绍与我国有关的三个知识产权滥用的案例,阐明我知识产权滥用的状况,提出问题和完善的我国知识产权滥用的相关法律建议。本文运用了比较研究和实证分析相结合的方法,重点研究国际贸易中知识产权滥用及其法律规制,并结合我国的实际情况,加以分析,提出适合我国的有关限制知识产权滥用的相关法律建议。

【Abstract】 Intellectual property right is that allows the right owner to exereise certain right exclusively within a certain time. The purpose of the Intellectual property rights is to protect the individual rights of the owner of the Intellectual property rights. And it is goog for the spreading of knowledge and the technological advances in the society. With the emergence of the phenomenon of the abusing of intellectual property rights, the fare market competition,technological advancement the liberalization of international trade are all hampered in some way. In recent years, our country pay more attention to intellectual property protection in order to adapt to the requirement of WTO.However,we have ignored the problem of the abuse of intellectual property rights. Consequently, it is necessary to research this problem further.There are four chapters in this paper. The first chapter introduces the different meanings of the abuse of intellectual property rights in different countries,it contains main types of intellectual property abuse and the regulations of intellectual property abuse.The second chapter studies the regulations intellectual property abuse and some regulations of《Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property》、《Havana Charter》and《Agreement On Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right》;the third chapter respectively introduces the regulations of the legislations of intellectual property rights abuse and the practices of EU,the USA and Japan;the fourth chapter explains three cases of intellectual property rights abuse in China in order to introduce the situation of intellectual property rights and the regulations of intellectual property rights abuse of China,then proposes the problems and raise several suggestions to improve the the legal system of intellectual property abuse in China.

  • 【分类号】D997.1
  • 【被引频次】1
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