

The Experiment Research of TS-NMT on Wireless Channel

【作者】 姜勇岗

【导师】 梁德群;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 由梁德群教授提出的时移-非正交多重调制技术(Time Shift-Non-orthogonal Modulation Technology,TS-NMT)是一种多载波的调制方式,与传统的多载波调制技术相比,它不再受子波正交性的限制,在数字通信中显现出了巨大的优越性。十多年来,时移-非正交多重调制技术得到了很大的发展,从理论研究到计算机仿真,以及物理样机的研制,都取得了很好的效果。其中,TS-NMT技术在有线信道和无线信道上都做了计算机仿真,并且研制了物理样机,在以太网5#双绞线上进行了试验,取得了良好的效果。为了验证TS-NMT技术在无线信道上的可行性,本人在前两届师兄的基础上,进行无线信道试验研究。第一,利用SignalWave开发板和无线射频机搭建无线通信系统,并进行无线信道试验,目的是为了测试无线信道模型。把测试出的无线信道模型与理论无线信道模型进行对比,发现测试的无线信道模型是正确的。第二,基于FPGA的TS-NMT调制解调算法的开发。为了验证NMT在无线信道上的可行性,将TS-NMT的调制解调算法在FPGA中实现,这是基于TS-NMT编解码的复杂性和并行性确定的。

【Abstract】 Time Shift-Non-orthogonal Multi-modulation Technology (TS-NMT) is a digital multicarrier modulation technology which was invented by professor of Liang Dequn. Compared with traditional multicarrier modulation technology, it is not limited by orthogonality between subwaves, so it shows large advantage. In the last ten years, TS-NMT has obtained large development. Its feasibility and advanced characteristics have proved in theory and computer simulation. The physical testing in the LAN-channel of 5# twicepair 100 meters length has also complemented successful. But the teasting in wireless channel hasn’t been done yet, which is a important imperfection for Practical applications.The study on physical testing in wireless channel for TS-NMT is introduced in this thesis. On the first, for testing wireless channel model, using SignalWave board and radio frequency machine construct wireless communication system and make experiment. Comparing wireless channel model tested with theory wireless channel model,we found that the wireless channel model tested is right.On the second, I developed algorithm of TS-NMT modulation and demodulation based on FPGA. For proving the feasibility of TS-NMT on wireless channel, I had completed the algorithm of TS-NMT modulation and demodulation on the FPGA,which is determined by the complexity and parallelism of algorithm of TS-NMT modulation and demodulation.

  • 【分类号】TN92
  • 【被引频次】2
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