

Preparation Study of Enhancement of Thermal Conductivity of Heat Condction Oil by Suspending Nano-Particles

【作者】 倪杨

【导师】 熊党生; 周宇松;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 材料工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 电热油汀由于无噪音、无污染,越来越受消费者青睐,但它存在热惯性大的缺点,如能提高其内导热油的导热系数,可望提高电热油汀的性能。在液体中添加固体粒子是提高液体导热系数的一种有效方式,但毫米或微米级的固体粒子在液体中易沉淀,于是人们探索利用纳米材料技术提高导热系数,研究结果表明,在液体中添加纳米粒子,可以显著提高液体的导热系数。本文选用纳米Fe3O4粒子,研究制备纳米粒子强化传热的导热油。围绕纳米粒子的制备、表面包覆改性、纳米导热油的制备、悬浮稳定性试验、导热系数测试和纳米导热油的初步放大试验等方面的内容,进行了相应的实验研究。研究制备得到纳米粒子强化传热的导热油,纳米粒子分散性好、悬浮稳定性高,存放两年后悬浮率仍为100%;当纳米粒子的体积份额达到0.8%时,导热油的导热系数室温下提高约15%,80℃时提高约26%;采用离心沉降-去离子水清洗、胶体磨分散,初步解决批量纳米导热油的制备难点,成功试制出按20倍放大的悬浮性良好的纳米导热油,为进一步应用纳米导热油研制出纳米强化传热的电热油汀打下科学基础。

【Abstract】 Oil filled radiator for a lack of noise, pollution-free, more and more by consumers, but it is the existence of a shortcomings of large thermal inertia, such as to increase its thermal conductivity of heat conduction oil, is expected to improve the performance of the oil filled radiator.An effective way of improving the thermal conductivity of fluids is to suspend small solid particles in the carrier fluids in order to enhance transport properties, as the thermal conductivity of solid is much higher than liquid. Solid particles of micrometer or millimeter magnitudes deposit easily in the base liquid, so a new class of heat transfer fluids called "nanofluids" has been proposed. Nanofluids refer to a new kind of heat transport carriers by suspending nanoscaled metallic or nonmetallic particles in base fluids. Nanofluids are expected to exhibit heat transfer properties superior to those of conventional heat transfer fluids.The purpose of this paper is to enhance the thermal conductivity of heat conduction oil in oil filled radiator by suspending Fe3O4 nano particles. The research efforts for the preparation of Fe3O4 nanoparticles, modification process of Fe3O4 nanoparticles, preparation of heat conduction oil of enhanced heat transfer by nanoparticles, the stability of the suspension test, thermal conductivity test and nano-conducting oil preliminary enlarge Test, and so on.Research on nano-particles to be prepared to strengthen the heat conducting oil, the dispersion of nano-particles, high stability of the suspension, two years after the deposit rate remains at 100% of the suspension; nanoparticles when the share volume reached 0.8 percent, the thermal conductivity of conducting oil Room temperature increase of about 15%,80℃, when an increase of about 26%; using centrifugal settlement-deionized water, Colloidal Mill dispersed initial batch of Nano-conducting oil, solution to the difficult preparation, the success of a trial by a 20-fold magnification of the suspension of nano-good Conducting oil, the application of nanotechnology in order to further the development of nano-conducting oil heat transfer enhancement of the oil radiator lay a foundation for science.

  • 【分类号】TE626.3;TB383.1
  • 【下载频次】242