

Research on the Treatment of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater by Anaerobic Baffled Reactor

【作者】 李小进

【导师】 安立超; 喻学敏;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 印染废水水量大、成分复杂、水质多变、色度高、碱度大、可生化性差、含有某些有毒物质,属于难降解有机废水,是工业废水处理的重点。本论文采用五格折流式厌氧反应器(ABR)小试装置处理某印染企业排出的印染废水,以及五格ABR中试装置处理以印染废水为主的综合废水,试验重点考察了ABR对印染废水中主要污染物的处理效果及其降解特性,得到以下主要结论:(1)ABR预处理印染废水启动速度快,具有较好的可行性和适用性。启动前期,进水由实际废水与葡萄糖按比例混合配得,葡萄糖的投加量逐步降低,直至进水完全为实际印染废水。50 d后,出水颜色由进水的红棕色变为粉红色,B/C由进水的0.21上升至0.36,可生化性明显提高,说明反应器启动成功。(2)ABR对印染废水的COD具有较好的处理效果。当水力停留时间(HRT)分别为32h、24 h、18 h、14 h和10 h时,COD去除率随HRT的缩短逐渐降低。ABR中不同格室对COD的去除率差别较大,其中,第1格最高,约占总COD去除率的38.5%-54%;。随HRT的减小,ABR前端格室的COD相对去除率呈降低趋势,后端格室则相反。(3)ABR对印染废水的色度具有良好的去除效果。当进水色度发生较大波动时,反应器对其具有一定的抗冲击性。稳定运行期,当进水平均色度为380倍时,出水平均色度为150倍左右,平均去除率约为60%。色度去除率随HRT的缩短缓慢降低,但均在50%以上。各格室色度沿程逐渐降低,第1格的去除率最高,其次是第2格。(4)经ABR预处理,印染废水的可生化性得到很大程度改善。在不同的HRT下,进水B/C约为0.2,出水B/C约为0.35,可生化性明显提高,有利于后续好氧处理。(5)ABR对温度具有一定的抗冲击性。当HRT为24 h时,15℃时的COD去除率仅比30℃时下降了6.6%。(6)在HRT=24 h时,考察了ABR-A/O组合系统处理印染废水的运行效果。结果表明,好氧出水COD平均去除率高达80%;出水氨氮为4.05 mg/L,小于5 mg/L,达到DB32/1072-2007标准;色度去除率也达到76%,为末端治理达标排放提供了有力保障。(7)通过GC-MS可知,ABR处理前后,印染废水中有机物的结构及种类发生了很大变化;经好氧处理后,有机物被降解,种类进一步减少;某些苯类和酚类无法通过好氧去除,限制了系统性能的发挥,说明要稳定达到DB32的太湖标准仍需进行深度处理。(8)对ABR处理综合印染废水进行了中试研究。结果表明,ABR在HRT=24 h下稳定运行2个月,进、出水COD平均浓度分别为630 mg/L、376 mg/L时,平均去除率达40.4%;进、出水平均色度分别为380倍、110倍时,平均去除率为70%。经ABR处理后,综合印染废水的B/C由0.28提高到0.41,废水可生化性明显改善。

【Abstract】 Printing and dyeing wastewater is refractory organic wastewater, and exerts great threat on the environment. Its characteristics, such as large water volume, complex composition, changeable water quality, deep chromaticity, high alkalinity, poor biodegradability, and containing some toxic substances, make it become the focus of industrial wastewater treatment.In this study, ABR with five compartments was adopted in the small-scale experiment to treat printing and dyeing wastewater discharged from a printing and dyeing enterprise in Changshu, Jiangsu Province. Then, a pilot-scale study using ABR with five compartments was performed to study the integrated wastewater which was mainly composed of printing and dyeing wastewater. The removal effect of the major pollutants in the printing and dyeing wastewater and removal characteristics of ABR were investigated. Main conclusions are as follows:(1) ABR is feasible and applicabe for printing and dyeing waste water treatment. It can be started very fast. The start-up influent included complex printing and dyeing wastewater and glucose, which were mixed according to a certain proportion. The amount of glucose was gradually reduced to zero. After continuous operation about 50 days, the color of wasterwater was changed from the original reddish-brown to pink. BOD5/CODcr of printing and dyeing wastewater was raised from 0.21 to 0.36, indicating the improvement of its biodegradability and that the ABR was started successfully.(2) ABR has a good effect on COD of printing and dyeing wastewater. The shorter the hydraulic retention time (HRT), the lower the COD removal rate became. When HRT was 32 h,24 h,18 h,14 h and 10 h, COD removal rate differed greatly from one chamber to another. The highest removal rate of ABR was observed in the first grid chamber, which accounted for around 38.5%~54% of the total removal rate. When shortening HRT, the relative COD removal rate in front-end compartments of ABR decreased while it was observed to increase in back-end compartments.(3) ABR has good color removal effect. ABR was not affected when the color of influent was fluctuated greatly. The average color removal rate was about 60% when color of influent and effluent was 380 times and 150 times, respectively. As HRT being shortened, the color removal rate declined slowly, but it was kept above 50%. The color decreased along the way in every compartment. The highest removal rate of ABR was observed in the first grid chamber; followed by the second grid chamber.(4) ABR can effectively improve the biodegradability of printing and dyeing wastewater. The average B/C was increased from being about 0.2 (input water) to around 0.35 (output water), indicating that the biodegradability of wastewater has been improved and the burden of post-aerobic treatment sequence has been reduced.(5) ABR maintained a relatively stable treatment effect in the low temperature. When the HRT was 24 h, the COD removal rate decreased about 6.6% when the temperature was 15℃, compared to the rate when the temperature was 30℃.(6) The performance of ABR-A/O system was investigated when the HRT was 24 h. The average COD of aerobic effluent was 124 mg/L, and the removal rate reached 80%; oammonia nitrogen of output water was 4.05 mg/L, less than 5 mg/L, and met the standard of DB321072-2007; decolorization rate reached 76%. This system provided a way to meet the standards by further treatment.(7) GC-MS analysis showed that the structure and species of the organic compounds changed significantly after ABR treatment. The variabliilty of organic component in the effluent declined as most organic compounds were further degradated after aerobic treatment. The performance of the system was restricted because some benzene and phenol could not be removed through aerobic biological processes. Thus, advanced treatment process was still needed in order to satisfy discharge standards DB32.(8) Pilot-scale study of using ABR to treat printing and dyeing wastewater.was conducted. The result showed that:With the prime HRT 24 h, the system was operated for two months. COD of influent and effluent was 630 mg/L and 376 mg/L, respectively, and the average COD removal rate was about 40.4%. Color of influent and effluent was 380 times and 110 times, respectively, and the average color removal rate was about 70%. The average B/C of printing and dyeing wastewater was increased from 0.28 to 0.41, indicating the biodegradability of printing and dyeing wastewater was improved greatly.

  • 【分类号】X703
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