

【作者】 周冬青

【导师】 周小虎;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用个案分析法,在梳理企业战略管理理论和核心竞争力理论的基础上,分析了上海YL公司在核心竞争力变革背景下,相应在战略方面所采取的应对策略。在研究中,文章通过分析企业战略管理理论的演变历程和战略管理理论的相应流派、核心竞争力理论的实质内涵,结合YL公司经营的实际情况,提出了在核心竞争力发展变化的情况下,YL公司在发展战略上应当采取相应的变革,以推动公司可持续发展目标的实现。文章研究指出,YL公司有必要在深入分析公司所面临的宏观经济、政治、社会和技术环境,对文章的微观经营环境进行全面分析,全面把握公司存在的优势、机遇、威胁和不足,分析公司战略完善的方针和原则、重点和主要措施,深入剖析公司战略演变的三个阶段,为公司战略的完善提供可行的建议。文章一共分为五章,第一章为导言,第二章为YL公司经营环境分析,第三章是YL公司企业战略分析与评价,第四章为YL公司发展战略的完善,第五章为结论和讨论。

【Abstract】 This thesis analyzes the enterprise strategy of Shanghai YL Corporation in the background of core competence evolution, which based on the case study research method and the enterprise strategy and core competence theory. This thesis analyzes the evolution history of enterprise strategy and the essential spirit of enterprise strategy theory and core competence theory. This thesis points out that Shanghai YL Corporation should take measures to promote the realizing of sustainable development goals of the corporation in the changing environment.This thesis do deep research on the macro-environment, such as economic environment, political environment, social environment and technology environment, and the micro-environment faced by the Shanghai YL Corporation. On the basis of environment study, this thesis points out the strength, the opportunities, the threats and the weakness in the course of the Shanghai YL Corporation evolution, bring about the principles and the measures to optimize the corporation business model.This thesis divides into five parts. Part 1 is the introduction. Part 2 is the analysis of business environment. Part 3 is the evaluation of Shanghai YL Corporation strategy. Part 4 is the optimization of enterprise strategy. Part 5 is the conclusion.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【下载频次】126