

【作者】 闵毅

【导师】 高廉平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 广义上的网语指的是与网络有关的一切语言。它由三种语言成分构成:一指与网络文化现象相关的网络新词语,如“网民”、“黑客”。二是指与计算机、网络技术有关的专业术语,如“网络、软件”等等。三是指网民在聊天室聊天时所用的特殊用语,如“东东”(东西)、“菜鸟”(初学上网的人)。本文将第三类作为重点的探讨对象。网络语言从本质上来说是现代汉语的一种社会变体,是一种伴随着互联网的普及、网民这一群体的出现和壮大而产生的一种新的社会语言现象。网络语言具有记录社会现实的功能,丰富生活的功能,疏导心理压力、平衡心理的功能。网络语言兼具书面语和口语语体特征,从形式上来说,它与书面语言类似,但又具有口语的表现方式。它是一种从形式上和内容上体现了杂糅的现代汉语书面语和口语特征的新的现代汉语的社会变体。网民追求快捷高效的心理导致网络语言中出现大量的谐音代字;求新求异的心理导致网络语言具有别字构词、旧词“歪”解、旧词新解、拆字构词、重叠式构词大量出现、形象生动的特点;从众、趋同的心理导致网络语言具有了时尚、易变和约定俗成的迅捷的特点;期待“活在别处”的心理导致网络语言具有真实地表达自我和虚伪地自我掩饰两个方面的特点。网络语境中大量的键盘符号,由于没有语音形式或语音形式不固定,书写形体也不同于文字形式,表示一定不确定意义内容,成为网络语言的特殊的辅助表达形式。键盘符号的构成要素有:表谐音的数字、表形的键盘符号、字母表示汉语拼音缩略形式、字母表示英语单词缩略形式、表示某种特定抽象含义的阿拉伯数字特别组合。它的特点表现在:语音上有时会保留外语借词的发音,出现了辅音连缀的现象;简洁;形象;不易认知。国内专家学者、普通人对网络语言的态度有两种不同的表现,或表示担忧和排斥,或表示欢迎和接纳。通过对某高校学生进行的问卷调查,说明我们首先必须接受网络语言这一已经被普遍接受的新兴事物;其次,必须正视并重网络语言对网民产生的影响;再次,必须对网络语言进行必要的引导和监督。

【Abstract】 In a broad sense, web language refers to all the concerned network-related language. It consists of three languages ingredients:the new net words involved with the net cultural phenomenon, such as "netizens", "hackers." The second is professional term involved with computer and network, such as "networking, software" and so on. The third is special words used by the Netizens in the chat room, such as "East" (things), "rookie" (internet beginner). This dissertation will focus on the third one.Internet language is essentially a kind of social change of modern Chinese, and it is a new social linguistic phenomenon along with the popularity of the Internet, the emergence and growing up of the Netizen group.The web language can record the social reality; it has a function of enriching the life; the network platform can be used for easing their psychological pressure and balancing the psychological state.Web language both possesses the characteristics of written and spoken language, that is, it is the similar with the written language by its form, but it also has the form of spoken expression. It is a new social change of modern Chinese which embodies the characteristics of modern written language and spoken language from the form and content.The psychology of the Netizen to pursue efficiency leads to the emergence of a large number of phonograms; The psychology of pursuing novelty and differences makes the web language have the following characteristics:the words composed with the wrong words, the new interpretation of old words, the words composed with separating the words, the words composed with overlapping and vividness; Sheep mentality and adaptive mentality make the web language have the features of fashion, changeable, established by usage and quickness; hoping to "live elsewhere" psychological causes the web language has the following two characteristics:to truly express themselves and hypocritically self-cover.A lot of web keyboard signals in the web language condition became Special auxiliary expressions of the web language because the web language has non-speech, non-fixation of speech, being different from the written language and expressing incertitude meaning The components of the keyboard symbol are:the number symbolizing the homonym, the keyboard symbol symbolizing the figure, the christcross-row symbolizing the abbreviation of Chinese phonetics, the letter symbolizing the abbreviation of English words, the special combination of Arabic numerals symbolizing the particular abstract meanings.Its features are:sometimes, it will reserve the borrowing words pronunciation of foreign language, consonant cluster exists; concise; vividness image; difficultly to recognize.Domestic experts and the ordinary have two different attitudes to the web language, some express their concern and exclusion, some express their welcome and acceptance. According to the survey on the certain college students, we firstly have to accept the web language, which has been already widely accepted new things; Secondly, we must envisage its influence to the Netizen; finally, we must conduct necessary guide and supervision for the web language.

【关键词】 网络语言定义功能性质特征
【Key words】 Web languageDefinitionFunctionNatureFeature
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】H136
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1938