

Discuss the Influence of Huizhou Merchants to the Ci Arena of Yangzhou

【作者】 郭远霜

【导师】 胥洪泉;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 文章以清初扬州词坛为主要研究对象,内容涉及活跃于清初扬州这一地域的词人,以及他们的创作、交往,作品的传播等有关词学活动。与其他相关论文不同的是,这篇论文以徽商对扬州社会文化生活的影响为着眼点,重点考察清初扬州的社会文化环境和商业活动对扬州词坛艺术风貌的总体影响和互动关系。文章包括七个部分:引言、五个章节和结语。引言部分主要是对扬州词坛这一研究对象的研究历史和现状予以必要的回顾、梳理,指出文章的研究思路和意义。并进一步对论文所涉及的研究对象和相关的概念作了明确而必要的界定。第一章,简要介绍扬州盐业和盐商之于扬州社会结构和城市文化的重要性,特别分析了在清初扬州社会生活中起主导作用的徽商,以及他们“贾而好儒”的文化特征。第二章,分析徽商在扬州“占籍”的问题,指出由于徽商与扬州同属—省的原因,徽商在扬州从未取得“商籍”,徽商子弟只有通过“占籍”的方式加入扬州民籍,才能在扬州参加科举考试。文章考证了祖籍徽州但实际上却早已加入扬州民籍的扬州词坛词人的准确籍贯。通过分析这些原籍徽州的词人的词作数量和影响力得出如下结论:扬州词坛在很大程度上是一个受徽商文化影响很深的词学活动交往圈。第三章,讨论扬州徽商的享乐风气对扬州社会和扬州词坛的影响,特别分析了在将声色享乐上升为风月文化的转化过程中文人所具有的特殊意义。商人的财富与文人的放纵彼此相互影响,共同造就了这座城市崇尚逸乐、风流不羁的风月文化,这种社会风气造成了扬州词坛明显的艳情倾向。论文深入地分析了这些艳词的艺术特征和文化意义。第四章,主要讨论徽商热衷于园林建设和爱好风雅之间的相互关系。除了追求舒适的生活之外,标榜自己的文人身份和风雅意趣,也是很多徽商修建私家园林的一个重要原因。园林中经常举办的各种文化艺术活动使得园林成为联系商人和文人的重要纽带。这章主要讨论文人在园林中的词学活动,园林生活对扬州词坛的影响,重点分析了扬州最具代表性的园林词人、以及他们词作的艺术特色。第五章,徽商“贾而好儒”的特点也体现在他们收藏文物的兴趣和传播文化的热情上面,在扬州词坛的词学活动中,词集的收集刊刻是一项重要的内容。而参与相关工作的两个徽商——张潮和孙默值得特别关注。这章主要讨论了孙默和张潮对词集的收集、刊刻所做出的贡献。结语,基于前面五章的分析论述,明确地指出徽商的经济活动对扬州词坛的整体艺术风貌产生了直接的重大影响,其中具体包括词人的来源构成、词作的艺术风貌和词人作品的收集刊行等多个方面。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the ci arena of Yangzhou in the early Qing Dynasty is the main object of study, and involves the people who live in Yangzhou and create ci, and those create, association, production and so on. Article focuses on the social and cultural environment and business activities in the early Qing Yangzhou inpact on the particularity of creation and artistic style of interaction. In this paper, a total of seven parts, introduction, body and conclusion chapters.Introduction part is an object of review and sort the study history of Yangzhou Ci arena and current situation,point out the article’s research ideas and significance, and difined the concept of objects and related concepts that involved in this paper,The first Chapter, introduction the importance of salt and the salt merchants of Yangzhou to the urban culture, particularly analysis the merchants who come form Huizhou, and their "liking Confucian" cultural identity.ChapterⅡ, analysis merchants in Yangzhou has never made "business citizenship", because Huizhou and Yangzhou as belong to same province. The children of merchants only through adding Yangzhou civilian, to attend examinations in Yangzhou. Article detailed research of the importance people in the ci arena of Yangzhou and come from Huizhou, the following conclusions:in the ci arena of Yangzhou is deeply influenced by the Merchants cultural.ChapterⅢ, discussion of Huizhou Merchants atmosphere for the pleasure of luxury impact on the ci arena of Yangzhou, analyzed the important role of scholars. Businessman’s wealth and literati of indulgence influence each other, Co-created the Romantic culture of city, and this culture caused the author like write love theme. Papers in-depth analysis the characteristics and cultural significance.of the works.ChapterⅣ, discussion of the relationship between Huizhou Merchants like construction of gardens and love elegance. In addition to the pursuit of a comfortable life, to boast about its literary status and elegance charm, but also a very important reason to merchants built many private gardens. The various activities in garden becomes an important link between businessmen and scholars. This chapter focuses on the activities of scholars in the garden, the impact of garden life to the ci arena of Yangzhou. Analyzed the most representative of the garden writers, and the artistic characteristics of their words.ChapterⅤ, Huizhou Merchants "liking Confucian" features is also reflected in their enthusiasm of cultural disseminated and heritage collected. In the activities of Yangzhou ci arena, the collection and publish is an important content, and we should special attention Zhang Chao and Sun Mo, This chapter discusses the contributions of Sun Mo and Zhang Chao to collect and publish words.In conclusion, based on the analysis of the previous chapters discussed, clear that the economic activities of the Anhui Merchants significant impact on the ci arena of Yangzhou in the early Qing Dynasty, which specifically include the social and cultural environment of Yangzhou, constitute the source of writer,arts feature of ci, collect and publish words and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期