

Research on Land Use Benifit Evaluation of Nan’an District

【作者】 王文吉

【导师】 廖和平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 人文地理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 南岸区是重庆市主城区的重要组成部分。近年来,区域社会经济发展较快,GDP每年以超过10%的速度快速增长。2008年,GDP达到225.8亿元,人均GDP突破3000美元,已步入中等发到国家水平。快速的社会经济发展,对土地资源的需求急剧增加,但南岸区开发历史悠久,可供开发的后备资源有限,土地供需矛盾突出,土地资源对经济社会发展的制约作用明显,再加上土地利用中的土地浪费、低效利用等不合理现象,加剧了这种矛盾。在土地资源供给有限的情况下,要满足社会经济发展对土地资源的需求,就只有走内部挖潜之路,即依靠增大投入,提高土地利用效益来挖掘土地利用潜能。其中,土地利用效益评价成为解决这个问题的关键。因此,本文选取南岸区土地利用为研究对象,探讨如何对该区域的土地资源利用效益进行科学评价,进而为提高土地利用效益提出建议,以期为南岸区的发展提供借鉴。文中,在对南岸区土地利用现状进行清晰认识的基础上,借鉴相关理论和研究,从经济效益、社会效益和生态效益三方面着手,选取了24个指标构建南岸区土地资源利用综合效益评价指标体系,并采用主观赋权法和客观赋权法相结合的方法对各指标进行赋权,运用综合指数模型对2000-2008年南岸区土地利用效益进行评价。然后对研究时段内的土地利用进行障碍因素诊断,得到影响土地高效利用的主要障碍因素。研究的主要结论有:研究期间,南岸区土地利用综合效益不断提升,由2000年的0.1471增长到2008年的0.9215,增长了0.7743,年均增长0.0968。从增长速度来看,2000—2005年增长较慢,2006—2008年增长速度较快。从全区土地利用的三个子效益来看,都呈增长趋势。其中,经济效益指数增幅最大,社会效益增幅居中,生态效益增幅最低。在一系列研究的基础上,本文最后结合南岸区的实际情况,为推动南岸区土地资源高效利用提出了如下建议:优化调整土地利用结构,提高土地利用效益;加快产业结构调整,促进经济持续、快速、健康发展;加强农用地尤其是耕地保护,提高农业生态环境质量;探索土地利用新机制,积极开展城乡建设用地增减挂钩;加大污染治理力度及加快生态环境建设,协调土地利用与生态环境建设;以及加大土地利用管理力度。

【Abstract】 Nan’an district is an important part of Chongqing’s main urban areas. In recent years, the regional socio-economic has developed rapidly, GDP grows at a rapid growth of more than 10% every year.In 2008, GDP has reached 22.58 billion yuan, and the per capita GDP has broken 3,000 dollars. Nan’an district has been equal to the level of a middle-development country. With the rapid socio-economic development, land resources is in great demand. But Nan’an district has a long history, the reserved land resources for development is limited. The contradiction between supply and demand is conspicuous, constraint of land resources on economic and social development is obvious, coupled with the unreasonable phenomenon in land use such as land waste, inefficient use of land resources, aggravated this problem.In the situation of the limited supply of land resources, the only way of meeting the demand of the socio-economic development for land resources, is potential excavation, ie,relying on increasing investment, and improving land use efficiency to incearse the potentiality of land use. Among them, land use efficiency evaluation is the key to solve this problem. Therefore, this paper takes land use of Nan’an district as a study,studying how to evaluate scientifically the effectiveness of land use and then put proposals for improvement of the efficiency of land use, with the purpose of providing references for Nan’an district’ management of land use.In this paper, based on a clear understanding of land use status of Nan’an district, making the reference to related theories and researches, from the three aspects of the economic benefit, social benefit and ecological benefit, it selected 24 indicators to build evaluating indicator system of land resources use’s comprehensive benefits of Nan’an district, and determined evaluating indicator’s weight through using the way of union of the subjective and objective’s assign, and evaluated the land use’s benefits of Nan’an district during 2000-2008 using comprehensive index model, Then it carries on studying the barrier diagnosis of land use, and obtained the barrier factors that influence highly effective use of land. The main results are:during the studying period, the comprehensive benefits of Nan’an district’s land use has been arising, from 0.1471 of 2000 increased to 0.9215 of 2008, an increase of 0.7743, and an average annual increase of 0.0968. From the point of growth rate, during the period of 2000 to 2005 is slower, 2006-2008 growth rate is faster. From the point of the three sub-effectiveness of land use, they were on the overall growth trends.Among them, the biggest increase is economic benifit, social growth in the middle, slightly lower growth is ecologic benifit.Based on a series of studies, taking the actual situation of Nan’an district into account, in order to promote the efficient use of land resources, this paper at its end made the following recommendations:To optimize and adjust land use structure, enhancing land use efficiency; to speed up industrial restructuring, promoting sustained,rapid and healthy development of economic; to strengthen the protection of agricultural land, especially farmland, improving agricultural ecological environment quality; to explore new mechanisms for land use, and actively carry out the experiment of the urban construction land increase with the rural construction land reduction; to intensify pollution control efforts and speed up the ecological environment construction, coordination of land use and ecological environment construction; and increasing the intensity of land-use management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期