

On Prevention of Accounting Risk in Chinese Colleges

【作者】 梅成

【导师】 王德清;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 会计是为实现一定目标,应用科学的管理理论与方法加工会计对象,生成会计信息,参与决策与管理的实践活动。基于管理当局的受托责任,会计通过确认、记录、计量、报告的业务流程来控制行为。在有效规则约束下,会计行为符合受托责任目标,起到委托当局需要达到的行为控制功效。但由于人的有限理性和私利动机以及会计事项、会计规则、会计程序、会计行为具有的不确定性,会计又是一种风险管理活动。当前的会计造假现象印证了会计域内的风险,并已造成社会对会计行业的信任危机。高校会计是对高校经济活动的价值反映和过程控制的工具,会计风险在高校会计域客观存在。会计结果具有经济价值,会计风险一旦转化为现实会给各方当事人带来经济、声誉等方面的显性或隐性损失。风险防范与会计控制具有天然的对应关系。基于此,本文将风险管理理念嵌入高校会计实践过程,剖析高校会计风险的深层次原因,对高校会计风险防范体系的构建进行尝试性研究,期望得出有益的结论。论文的第一部分为理论审视,介绍委托代理理论、系统论、信息论、控制论的基本观点,分析高校现有的会计运行环境,通过会计风险的内涵解析,指出会计风险具有客观性、普遍性、潜在性、可控性的特征。立足于系统论、控制论、信息论的理论分析,得出会计控制是通过会计信息的传递和处理以实现风险控制的结论。第二部分为诱因溯源。分析高校会计风险产生的原因,指出高校会计风险源于委托代理运行失灵、会计控制效率缺失、会计职业自律失败、会计责任追究乏力这些内外诱因。第三部分风险防范的问题分析。透过案例印证高校会计活动存在风险,并说明风险的发生具有严重后果。通过案例分析指出,高校防范会计风险在认知和管理两方面还存在问题。第四部分在前三部分的基础上提出防范会计风险的策略构想。

【Abstract】 Accounting is the activities for a certain goal with the application of scientific management theory and methods to process the accounting objects, create accounting information, and participate in decision-making and management. Owing the fiduciary obligation to management authorities, the accountant controls his behavior by the business processes:identifying, recording, measuring, and reporting. Under the effective rules, the accounting practices conform to the goals of the fiduciary obligation to achieve the effect of behavior controlling the entrusting party requires. However, accounting is also activities of risk management because of people’s limited rationality, interested motives as well as the uncertainty of accounting transactions, accounting rules, accounting procedures, and accounting behaviors. The current falsified accounts reflect the accounting risk, which have resulted in social crisis of confidence in the accounting profession.College accounting is a tool for value reflection and procedural control of economic activities in colleges. And accounting risk is objectively existent in college accounting. Accounting results have economic value, but the accounting risk may bring visible or invisible loss to both sides in finances, reputation or other aspects. Risk prevention and accounting control correspond with each other naturally. Based on that, this paper tries to analyze the deep-rooted causes for college accounting risks, and explore the construction of system for preventing the college accounting risk through applying conception of risk management in college accounting practice, in the hope that it can arrive at a beneficial conclusion. The first part of this paper is the theoretical examination which introduces the fundamental viewpoints about the Principal Agent Theory, System Theory, Information Theory and Control Theory. It analyses the existing operating environment of accounting in colleges, and points out the accounting risk is characterized by objectivity, universality, potentiality and controllability by analyzing its connotation. Besides, the analysis based on the ideas in System Theory, Control Theory, and Information Theory elicits a conclusion that risk controlling can be achieved by transmission and processing of accounting information. The second part explores the causes of the risk of college accounting, and reveals that the risk results from these internal and external incentives such as the ineffective operation of the commissioned agency, the inefficiency of accounting controlling, the failure of professional self-discipline, and the deficiency of affixing responsibilities to accountants. The third part is case analysis through which it further demonstrates the existence of risk in college accounting, and explains the serious consequences in case of risks’occurrence. In addition, it points out that the prevention of risk in college accounting activities still has problems with cognition and management. Finally, based on the former three parts, the fourth part puts forward concrete strategical conception.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期