

The Litigation of Right to Inherit Property in the Ming Dynasty and Its Juridical Practice from "Mengshuizhai-cundu"

【作者】 孟黎

【导师】 陈宝良;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文是以《盟水斋存牍》的案例为研究对象研究明代晚期财产继承情况。《盟水斋存牍》,成书于明末崇祯年间,是时任广州推官的颜俊彦在离任之际将任职期间所经手的一部分案件谳词和公文,略作分类,汇集而成的判语与公牍专集。《盟水斋存牍》总共有23卷1448件,共计60万余字,分为一刻13卷、二刻10卷两部分。其中除“公移”2卷123件是针对地方时弊而提出的条革外,余下的“谳略”、“翻案”、“矜审”、“勘合”等各卷,皆属审理诉讼案件的判决书记录,共计有21卷1325件。全书内容涉及律例(包括刑事、民事、行政、诉讼诸法)、商业、土地制度、家庭、宗族等方面的资料,并对明代社会诸多经济、社会活动等,有着多方面、各层次的记录,是了解明代司法活动的珍贵文献。《盟水斋存牍》里所收录的案件谳词,是明末广州地方司法在实践过程中所产生的具有实际司法效力的文书,是当时当地司法实践状况真实确切的反映。而且,《盟水斋存牍》里的大多数谳词均附有上级机关的批文,对于探究明末地方府级至省级之间实践中司法程序的运作,是难能可贵的第一手资料。书中关于财产继承的案件大约有55个,分为分家析产、嗣子继承、妇女继承及遗嘱继承四个类别。本论文共分为七个部分。第一部分为绪论,介绍《盟水斋存牍》的内容及其研究价值,回顾学术界对明代财产继承的研究现状。第二部分阐述了财产继承的起源及前代的律法源流,从《大明律》等当时的律例入手,分析了律例对财产继承的规定。以下三、四、五、六部分是对具体案例的分析和当时广东地区的司法机关对财产继承的具体处理和宣判。第三部分是对于有两个或两个以上儿子的家庭分家析产的案例分析。法律上对于分家析产,一般是无论嫡庶诸子皆均分,但在具体的司法实践过程中,会有一些偏向性。受中国传统的宗法思想的影响,嫡长子所分得的财产会优于其他儿子,家族对庶子的态度也是向来歧视,对财产的分割纠纷还会因此影响到第三代。明代的律法中也第一次规定了奸生子也可获得财产,不过《盟水斋存牍》中并没有涉及这种情况,可见诸子均分财产在实际操作过程中也是有所差别的。第四部分是关于无子家庭的立嗣继承的案例分析,也是本文的重要内容。由于中国古代是以家族血缘为纽带的宗法制度以及家产的传递的方式,立嗣是古代继承制度中一项特殊的制度。中国人有祖先崇拜情结,要求子孙每年要祭祀祖先,而女儿是没有祭祀权的,所以无子家庭称为“绝户”。为了祭祀和家产能够继承下去,嗣父就需要通过立嗣来确定一个拟制的儿子,以继承家族的宗祧祭祀和财产。为获得财产,家族中的很多人常常为了争继而发生诉讼,所以嗣子的选择往往成为家族成员纠纷的焦点。嗣子的选择一般在同宗的“昭穆相应”的范围内,按血缘远近、长幼有序的次序由本族人确立,外姓不得干涉,严禁立异姓为嗣。孀妇也有一定的择立嗣子的权力,在《盟水斋存牍》中的很多案例,为嗣父的寡妻即继母所喜者,就可以获得继承权;不为继母所喜者,继母甚至有权力更换嗣子。嗣子获得继承权后,不只是得到继承权,还必须承担相应的义务。嗣子过继以后,能得到大部分财产。除继母之外,嗣父的家庭中的其他家庭成员,如兄弟、女儿、女婿、螟儿等,他们也容易与嗣子因利益冲突而产生纠纷。这部分从嗣子继承权的争夺和嗣子与嗣父的家庭成员之间的利益纷争为主要线索,了解立嗣的基本原则和嗣子所必须履行的义务。第五部分是对妇女继承权的分析。妇女没有祭祀权,但有财产继承权。妇女出嫁前,般是通过奁资的方式得到财产;而妇女出嫁后,如果孀守,有参与确定嗣子和管理家业的权利,但这也是与一定的义务相关联的。第六部分是对遗嘱继承的介绍。遗嘱继承主要是在有子继承或嗣子继承的情况下,因为嗣父对某个家庭成员特别喜爱,而私下多给其一部分财产。但遗嘱继承有一定的局限性,并不能严格执行。第七部分结语是对明代财产继承的总结。从本论文中对《盟水斋存牍》各种财产继承案例的分析出发,对明代广东地区的财产继承情况进行最后的总结和概括。

【Abstract】 This article introduces the general legal processes of inherited property in late Ming Dynasty, based on the case analysis of "Mengshuizhai-cundu" (《盟水斋存牍》). "Mengshuizhai-cundu" is written by Junyan Yan, who is the judge officer of Guangzhou province in Chongzhen in late Ming Dynasty. He sorted out the records and documents of cases he had processed when he was holding the position. He classified these data to establish an official book before he was leaving the position.The book is divided by two parts and 23 chapters. There are 1448 cases and more than 600,000 characters. Except two volumes in "Gong Yi"(公移), which includes 123 cases of proposal for revolutions, almost other cases referes to "Yan Lue"(谳略), "Fan An"(翻案), "Jin Shen"(矜审), "Kan He"(勘合) and so on, which are the records of judgments of the lawsuit? The content includes criminal, civil, administrative and litigant laws, refers to the commercial environment, property regulation, family issues and agnation. It is very important research data for studying legal system of Guangzhou area in the late Ming Dynasty. "Mengshuizhai-cundu" records the practice of the legal judgment and the local regulation, and its jurisdiction reflects the legal situation in local law history.This article includes seven parts. The first one is the Introduction of "Mengshuizhai-cundu". It also presents the value and the research history of the book.The second part introduces the origin and history of property inheriting. Based on cases and rules in "Daming Law" (《大明律》), it analyses the regulation for property inheriting. The Part 3 to Part 6 analyzes the individual cases and processes the judgments from the government in Guangdong area.The Part 3 analyzes the inheriting cases refers to the family with 2 or more than 2 sons. According to laws, sons should inherit the same amount of property despite of different mother with the same father. However, it was hard to practice without any bias. In traditional Chinese culture, the first son born of the first legal wife would get priority than other sons. Sons born of other concubines in the same family were discriminated. The property distribution would be effected for even 3 generations because of this discrimination. In Ming’s other regulation, inheriting process was also allowed for bastard sons as the results of rapes.The forth part analyzes how family without sons processes the inheritance. This is also an important part of the article. Adopting an heir is a particular system in Chinese traditional inheriting system. Chinese family had got ancestor worship. All sons were required to offer sacrifice to the ancestors annually. Females were not allowed to do so. Therefore, it was necessary for the family without sons to adopt an heir to continue the inheriting system. However, property inheriting caused conflicts and lawsuits. Choosing an heir was based on the principle of peers, consanguinities and orders of age. Different surname people were not allowed to get involved this issue. Widows had the relative rights to choosing an heir of the family. In most cases of "Mengshuizhai-cundu", the heirs were chosen because of the widows’ preference. After being chosen as an heir, the son got responsibility with the most inheriting rights. However, there were a lot of other family members in the father side such as daughters, sons-in-law, semes, and they would contest for the benefits. This part of article analyzes the conflicts of the family members because of the heir rights, the principles of choosing an heir and the heir’s responsibilities.The fifth part introduces the women’s inheriting rights. Females had no rights of offering sacrifice to ancestors, but inheriting rights. Before marriage, most property reward is dowry. After marriage, widows had rights to manage properties and choose the heir. However, these rights came with the relative responsibilities.The sixth part introduces the willing. The willing was based on the preference of the father to a specific son. The father could leave more property to the son he preferred than other family members. But there were limitation of willing so it couldn’t be precisely operated.The seventh part is the conclusion of the inheriting system analysis in Ming Dynasty. This article briefly describes the legal environment of resident inheriting process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】301