

A Study on the Elementary and Secondary School Class Teachers Professional Development Motivation Mechanism

【作者】 刘爽

【导师】 周鸿;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 班主任是学校教育教学工作的直接实施者,在学生与科任教师、学校与家庭之间起桥梁与纽带作用。班主任专业发展程度不仅直接制约着班主任工作质量,还关系到学校师资队伍的整体水平和学校育人目标的最终实现。班主任在学校教育教学中的重要地位,说明建设一支不断专业发展的班主任队伍十分必要。然而,目前我国班主任的专业发展水平仍比较低,专业发展意识还很薄弱,如何调动班主任的专业发展积极性,提高班主任专业发展水平是一个十分棘手的问题。正如哈佛大学的詹姆斯教授所言,一个人在缺乏有效激励的情况下,只能发挥能力的20%-30%,而当对其有效激励时,则可以发挥能力的80%--90%。由此可见,开展有效激励的重要性,同时这也说明了建立健全班主任专业发展激励机制的必要性和重要性。本研究正是在这一背景下展开的。本文主要分为以下四个部分:导论部分,阐明了本研究的选题背景、价值以及研究概况,同时交代了文章研究的思路、内容与方法。正文的第一部分,班主任专业发展激励机制的内涵及其重要作用。以全面激励理论为指导,结合班主任群体工作特性,借鉴教师专业发展的定义,界定班主任专业发展激励机制的内涵;同时指出有效的班主任专业发展激励机制对学生、班主任、学校持续健康发展的重要性。正文的第二部分,班主任专业发展激励机制的现状分析。为了深入地了解班主任专业发展激励机制中存在的问题,笔者选取了36位班主任进行访谈,根据全面激励理论的“全员激励”、“全素激励”和“全程激励”要求,对班主任专业发展激励机制现状从国家、学校、班主任个人三个层面进行了调查。结果显示近些年国家逐渐认识到班主任工作的重要性,针对班主任出台了许多激励政策,许多学校也越来越重视班主任队伍建设,开展班主任校本培训并取得了一些成绩。但仍存在一些问题,目前国家对班主任专业化发展的重视不够,缺乏鼓励学校进行班主任专业化建设,没有从政策上为班主任专业性给予政策保护;学校缺乏服务于班主任专业发展的环境激励和制度保障;班主任个体自我专业发展意识不够,专业发展缺乏自我激励。通过对资料的整理分析,笔者归纳出存在这些问题的几点原因,即国家、学校、班主任自身对班主任专业性认识不足,应试教育导致班主任地位的削弱,科层式的管理权力膨胀吞噬了班主任专业自主权等。正文的第三部分,建立健全班主任专业发展激励机制的构想。在全面激励理论的指导下,提出构建班主任专业发展激励机制应遵循系统性、针对性、主体性原则;并针对当前激励机制中的问题与原因,根据全面激励理论“全员激励”、“全素激励”和“全程激励”的要求,提出完善班主任激励机制的措施,即国家应树立班主任专业化发展的意识,对学校的班主任专业化建设给予政策激励、制定实行班主任持证上岗制,建立班主任职级制,为班主任的专业信誉提供保护;学校应该在与班主任充分交流的基础上,为班主任的专业发展提供优良的文化环境激励和制度保障;班主任自身应正视班主任的专业性,重视自我激励,在自我驱动中发展自己。

【Abstract】 Class teachers as the school teaching direct actors play a role of bridge serving as a link between students and full teachers, the school and the family. The level of class teachers professional development not only directly restrict quality of their work, but also relate to the overall level of school teaching body and the ultimate goal of educating people. For class teachers play an important position in the school teaching, it indicts it’s necessary to build a continuing and professional development of class teachers. However, at the present time, the class teacher professional development is still low, it is a very difficult problem to motivate the class teacher professional development initiative. Just as Professor James at Harvard University said one person can only do his twenty percents to thirty percents with deficient effectively motivation, in contrast, he can do eighty percents to ninety percents with effective motivation. It is now clear that it is necessary to carry out effective motivation. This article conducts the study in this context.This dissertation mainly consists of 4 parts as follows:The introduction part illustrates the origin, the value and the general situation of this research. And it also makes clear the research thinking and methods.Chapter one explains the meanings of the motivation mechanism of class teachers professional development and its significance. with comprehensive motivation theory as the guide, combining with the class teacher work group characteristics, using for the definition of teachers professional development, the author definites the motivation mechanism of class teachers professional development. Meanwhile points out the function with the students, schools and class teachers themselves.Chapter two analyses the status of the motivation mechanisms of class teachers professional development. the author selects 36 class teachers to interview in order to understand the problems which exist in the motivation mechanisms of class teachers professional development, based on the "full motivation", "all factors motivation" and "the whole motivation" of the comprehensive motivation, serving from the aspects of the state, school and class teacher about the status quo of the motivation mechanisms of class teachers professional development. The results show our country has recognized the importance of the work of class teacher, it has announced some motivation policies, and many schools have pay more attention to the construction of the class teacher, conducting school-based training of class teacher, and meanwhile attain success, but it also exist some problem. at present our country paid insufficient attention to encourage the school to carry out the construction of class teachers Professionalization, lacking the protection from policies for the class teachers professionality. the school is lack the environmental motivation for the service of the class teachers professional development, above all, class teachers’ individual self-awareness is not enough. Through analyzing the data, the author sum up several reasons for these problems:they are lacking of professionalism on the class teachers, examination-oriented education lead to the weakening of class teacher status, and bureaucratic management style expansion of the power consumed class professional autonomy.Chapter three elaborates the conception of establishing and improving the motivation mechanisms of class teachers professional development. with the guidance of a comprehensive theory of motivation, the author proposaled the principle of building class teachers professional development motivation mechanism and proving measures of it. that our countries need to formulate teachers professional consciousness, providing policies motivation for class teachers professional construction; the schools should provide good environmental motivation for the class teachers professional development and system guarantee; the class teachers should face up their works professionalism, stress self-motivation and develop their ability by themselves.

【关键词】 班主任专业发展激励机制
【Key words】 Class teacherProfessional developmentMotivationMechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】968