

Research into the Transformation of the Literary Images of the Chinese "MigrantWorkers" during the 30 Years Since the Reform and Opening up

【作者】 杨荣涛

【导师】 董小玉;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放,中国的农村改革正式启动,家庭联产承包让农民从土地上解放出来;十一届三中全会,党的工作的重点发生转移,中国开辟经济特区,掀起了经济建设的热潮,这为从土地上解放出来的农民提供了进城就业、谋生的机会。在这两种力量的指挥下,从1978年开始,中国农民开始进城打工。此后,历经30年的发展中国出现了汹涌澎湃的“民工潮”。从此,中国改革、发展的各个环节都闪烁着“农民工”的身影和智慧,他们成为改革开放30年中国社会主义现代化建设和城市化进程的重要推动力量之一。“农民已成为国家级的社会话题和国家级的重点关注对象之一。生活的变化,进入到文学想象的世界。从此,“农民工”自己开始书写自己的生活和遭遇,精英作家开始以想象的方式先去描绘农民进城,接着描写“农民工”的悲欢渴望、梦想、苦难、挣扎、彷徨。历经30年发展,关于“农民工”的文学书写和记录已成为一道不可忽视的文学景观。理论研究的命题从实践中来,同时,理论研究的成果又可以对实践加以指导。为此,本文从30年来“农民工”文学形象的流变入手,对中国文学的这一新命题展开梳理、归纳和探讨,以求在这个变化的过程中追寻新时期以来文学嬗变的轨迹,凸显“农民工”形象变迁的美学价值和现实意义。本文以文本研读分析为主,以社会学、文化学为理论支撑,对30年来“农民工”文学形象进行分类、归纳和梳理,将30年来“农民工”的文学形象分为两大“阵营”,即“农民工自我书写和精英作家的想象性描绘;其中,“农民工”自我书写这一阵营,借助中国改革开放和市场经济建设进程等的社会学和经济学参考,分为1984年至1992年“‘离乡’的都市‘边缘人’”、1993年至2000年都市风景里的沉浮者、新世纪农民精神的守望者三种形象,在这个过程中经过中梳理,不难发现这样的一个流变的结果:记录自我——讲述群体——剖析灵魂。精英作家的想象性描绘这一阵营,按照中国30年来“三农”文学的发展脉络,分为八十年代几十年代和新世纪三个阶段,其中,八十年代的“农民工”形象是以“农民进城”为阐述对象发生的,归结起来,分别可以用“陈奂生式的进城者”、“高加林式的出走者”两种“农民进城”的形象;九十年代的中国文学与时代的发展同呼吸、共脉动,受市场化、都市化、时尚化的影响出现了娱乐化倾向,作家面对全球化语境开始开始自我反思并寻找自我认同,导致“农民进城”或“农民工”严重缺席;新世纪,中国城市化的步伐正在加快,城市建设和国家基础建设用地量逐年扩大,2004年,国家修订《中华人民共和国土地管理法》,将对土地的“征用”正式改为“征收”,土地所有权发生变化,面对日新月异的中国大地,快速发展的背后,是土地的大批征收,是大规模基础设施建设,由此,而产生了更多失去土地所有用权的农民。土地是农民的唯一的资本,失去土地,它们便失去了生活和生存的唯一依靠。而这时,商品经济对农村的冲击日益强大,消费观念深入人心,农民亟需提高自己的生活水平,而对来势汹汹的生活新诱惑,农民们开始彻底来开家园去城市寻找财富,寻找致富的道路。因此,作家们对这个进城来的群体投入了极大的关注,诞生了大批描写“农民工”的文学作品,据统计,从2001年第五期到2003年第十期,以著名文学期刊《收获》、《十月》、《当代》、《中山》为调查对象,其中关于农民脱离土地进城的题材共计275篇,足见数量之巨。在这些作品中,“农民工”的形象可分为:“城市身份的渴望者”、“出卖尊严求生存者”、“拮据但浪漫的生存者”、“金钱掩盖了道德者”、“悲情的报复者”和“精神漂泊的返乡者”等形象类别。纵观精英作家笔下的“农民工”形象,我们不难发现这样的变化规律:求生存——求发展——既求生存又需发展,还要在城市立足。纵观30年,中国“农民工”文学形象自我记录、想象性描写,已成过去,而对未来的文学新征途,“农民工”这一文学形象会在中国文学史里存在多久,会以怎么样的形式走向终结,或者会发生什么样的蜕变,都值得我们在30年的变化的基础上继续向前探讨。

【Abstract】 During the latest 30 years, a close examination of the rheology of these two camps’ "peasant-workers" images enables us to easily find out that the South "peasant-orkers" image in their self-writing gradually moved closer to the image of the elite writers’, and that they began to capture the theme of their works from the soul level while the writers’works about "peasant-orkers" are becoming more vivid and plump. After entering into the city and securing a foothold, writers began to return home in their spirits and took care of the real life and aspirations of the bottom "peasant-orkers". In short, the literary images of "peasant-workers" are moving toward integration. After the reform and opening-up, China’s rural reform started, and the implementation of the household contract responsibility system liberated the peasants from their land. In the Third Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, we decided to shift the focus of the party’s work to economic construction. China opened up special economic zones and set off a economic construction boom, which provided employment opportunities to earn a living for these farmers liberated from the land. Under the command of these two forces, Chinese farmers have began to seek jobs in cities since 1978, which leads to the appearance of a "tide of peasant-workers" in the past thirty years. Since then, China’s reform and development have flickered with the "peasant-workers" figures and wisdom in all aspects, and they have become one of the important driving forces of China’s socialist modernization and urbanization. "Peasant-workers" have become a national focus and one of the targets of social topics. Life’s change is always the concern of literature. Then,“peasant-workers”started to write about their own lives and experiences. The elite writers began to depict peasants’city life with imagination as well as their joys and sorrows.The present paper, based on textual analysis and through classification, induction and summary, taking sociology and cultural science as tools, divides "the peasant laborer" literary figure’s changing of the past 30 years into two main’camps’, namely, self-written of "peasant laborers" and imaginative description of the outstanding writers, in which, the camp of self-written peasant laborers, with the aid of such sociological and economic references as China’s reform and opening up policy and the market economy construction process, is divided into "surround the city", a stage of two kinds of images, "enter the city", and hence got the result of such a changing. Self-recording--community narration--soul analysis. The camp of imaginative description of outstanding writers, according to the development of the Chinese "three agriculture" literature of the past 30 years, is divided into the 80s, the 90s and the new century, three stages, in which, the image of the 80s peasant laborers is developed from the description of the "city entering of the peasant laborers". To sum up, there are three images, namely, Chen Huanshen, the city enterer, Gao Jialin, the leaver, and Suan Shao’an, the wanderer. The 90s Chinese literature, deeply connected with the development of time, and under the influence of the marketability, the urbanization, the fashion, presented the entertainment tendency, which caused the serious absence of the" city entering peasant" or " peasant laborer". In the new century, the step of Chinese urbanization is speeding up, the urban construction and the country infrastructure land quantity is expanding year by year. In 2004, the country revised "the People’s Republic of China Land Control law", and "taking over for use" to the land was changed into "the collection" officially, the land ownership was critically changed. China is rapidly changing, but behind this fast development, is the large quantities of collections of land, the large-scale infrastructural facilities, for which, more and more farmers of land losing appear. The land is farmers’only capital. Losing the land, they lose the life and lose the only survival dependence. However, the impact of commodity economy, day by day, is by now formidable to the countryside. The consumption notion is deeply rooted in the hearts of people, and the farmer needs to raise their own living standard. Facing the threatening life and new seduction, the farmers start to leave the homeland for citites thoroughly to seek for the wealth, the path of becoming rich. Therefore, the writers put into this group of farmers enormous attention, which leads to the appearance of a large quantities of literary work of descriptions of "the peasant laborers. According to the statistics, from 2001, the fifth issue, to 2003, the tenth issue, taking the well-known literature periodical "Harvest", "in October", "Present age", "Zhongshan" as the investigation objects, works about farmers leaving their land and entering city are up to 275. In these works, the images of the "’peasant laborers" may divide into:"the hopers of urban status", "the suffers of dignity lost", "romancers of the bitterness", " the wipers of traditional virtues", "the revengers of pathos" and“the spirit drifters of returning to one’s native village”, etc.After three decades of development, literary writing and recording about the "peasant-workers" have become a literary landscape which can not be ignored. Theoretical research’propositions are from practice, while the results of theoretical research can also guide practice. To this end, through the rheological image of "peasant-workers" from the latest 30 years, this paper starts to comb, summarize and discuss this new proposition in Chinese literature, in order to find out trajectory of chinese literature’s developoment and change during this process of change.

【关键词】 改革开放农民工文学形象流变
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期