

A Probe into the Development of Chongqing’s Private Middle Schools in the Period of National Government

【作者】 端木凡义

【导师】 彭泽平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 重庆的私立中学在清末就已经出现并在民国成立后也有所发展。但是1916年我国又陷入了军阀混战时期,社会环境极其不稳定。加之四川政府对教育不重视,导致了重庆私立中学在这期间没有得到很好的发展。直到1927年国民政府成立,颁布了很多关于私立中学的法制法规,使私立中学的发展步入正轨。政府的重视也引起了许多教育界人士办学的积极性及在私立中学质量的提高上不断研究和探索。直到新中国成立,重庆私立中学在这二十余年取得了很大的发展,在近现代重庆中学教育中具有很重要的影响。研究国民政府时期重庆私立中学的发展,总结其发展过程中的经验和教训,不仅有助于丰富对国民政府时期私立中学的研究,同时也为当前如何有效得促进民办教育多渠道办学提供了经验。论文共分为五个部分对国民政府时期重庆私立中学的发展进行了阐述。导论部分介绍了本论文的研究意义和对该问题的研究现状,并对研究思路和方法作了简要说明。正文的第一部分,阐述了在国民政府前期,重庆私立中学由于社会背景的相对稳定、政府通过立法对私立中学的质量严把关以及各私立中学积极努力而得到了在数量、课程设置、教材选用与学校管理等方面的发展。正文的第二部分,论述了在抗战时期重庆被国民政府定为陪都,大量知名教育界人士在重庆积极办学以及政府对私立中学监督与扶助的社会背景下,重庆私立中学在规模上壮大了许多。由于各私立中学重视改革教育体制、提高教师队伍素质,教学质量也得到了进一步的提高,主要体现在课程、教材、教学方法、毕业会考等方面。同时,学校管理在教师聘任及待遇和对学生的管理方面也得到了逐步完善。正文的第三部分,在梳理了抗战结束大批师生的复员和国民党政府把大量资金用于内战开支造成了严重的通货膨胀现象,人民生活极其困难的客观事实基础上,重庆私立中学被迫实行“并班法”,规模和质量也随之缩小和下降。新中国成立后,重庆私立中学陆续被人民政府接办、查封或改制。正文的第四部分,结合对重庆私立中学的办学成效及局限性进行的分析,提出了对当代我国民办中学发展的几点启示。其办学成效主要是弥补了公立中学的不足,使更多青少年获得受教育的权利;培养大批人才,推动重庆城市近代化的进程等等。由于受当时社会背景与经济背景的影响,重庆私立中学发展的局限主要是办学质量参差不齐、生存基础比较薄弱等。尽管如此,国民政府时期重庆私立中学发展的很多经验如经费的筹措、学校管理的精简高效、教育体制的有效改革等等都值得借鉴,也对当代我国民办中学的发展给予了很多启示:民办中学的发展需要政府的严格管理和大力扶持:办学经费的解决是民办中学发展的前提;教学质量的保证是民办中学发展的关键等。

【Abstract】 The private middle schools of Chongqing has been existed in the end of Qing dynasty. The private middle schools of Chongqing just developed after the setup of Republic of China, but our country was caught in the time of the war, so the social background was a mess, In addition, Sichuan Government pay no attention to the education, The private middle schools of Chongqing has no good development during these years. Till to 1927, the national government carried out so many laws referring to the private school that Chongqing’s private school developed on right way. The attention of government stimulates the positivity of many educators, and they always study how to improve the teaching quality. To the set up of the People’s Republic of China, the private middle schools of Chongqing have been developed. The development of Chongqing’s private school had an important influence in the modern middle school of China. Studying and exploring the development of Chongqing’s private school, summing up its experience and lesson, not ony help to deepen the research of the study on private schools in the period of National Government, but also contribute to provide some profitable reference for the construction of civilian—run secondary schools. This dissertation consists of 5 parts:The introduction presented the research significance and the present situation and briefly stated the research method.The first part states that in the Earlier period of national government, owing to the stable social, government investigated the quality of the private middle schools of Chongqing, according to the laws and many private middle schools made efforts, the private middle schools of Chongqing was growing with every passing day. It not only embodies the increase in quantity, but also the curriculum, teaching material, school management and so on. The second part analyzed that the private middle schools of Chongqing was on a large scale on the social background that Chongqing was the second capital in the period of Sino-Japanese War, many school moved to Chongqing, many famous educators ran schools positively and the government control and support schools. In this stage, the private middle schools of Chongqing pay much more attention to reforming the economic system, enhancing the teachers’quality, so the teaching quality raised to a higher level which includes the curriculum, teaching material, teaching method, graduating exam and so on. Meanwhile, the school management was being perfected in the teachers’appointment system and students’management.The third part analyzed that in the period of The Sino-Japanese War ended, the education of Chongqing hasn’t prosperous any more with lots of teachers and students demobilized. Because the national government put much money to the civil war, many bureaucrats extort money from the people, it leads to the inflating of currency, the life of people was badly off. The private middle schools of Chongqing have to carry out the method of amalgamating the classes, the scale and quality decreased. After the set up of the People’s Republic of China, the private middle schools of Chongqing was acquisitioned or closed down one after another.The fourth part contacts with analysis of the effect of setting up the private middle schools and its limitations, gives some historical enlightenment. Its effect mainly manifests that it can be make up for the insignificance of Public secondary school to let more teenagers enter into school and foster the talent to push forward the modernizing procedure of Chongqing and so on. Owing to the influence of unstable social and economy background,there are some limitations as uneven school quality, weak basic survival. Nevertheless, many experiences of the development of Chongqing’s private middle schools, for example, financing of the school fund, simplification and highly effective in school management and effective reform in education system are worth learning, these experiences also give us much more Enlightenment. Just as the development of civilian—run secondary schools need the management and support of government, the financing of the school fund is the essential prerequisite; ensuring the teaching quality is the crux.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】G639.29
  • 【下载频次】130