

Study on Current Situation and Countermeasures of Developing Sunshine Sports Movement at Middle Schools in Urban Area of Chongqing

【作者】 庞儒芳

【导师】 龚坚;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国中小学生的体质健康呈现逐年下降的趋势,引起了社会的广泛关注。2006年12月召开全国学校体育工作会议,提出若干项改善学生体质健康的措施,其中包括在全国范围广泛开展阳光体育运动,阳光体育运动是一项促进我国教育和学校体育事业长足发展的系统工程,全国上下各类各级学校纷纷响应这一号召,根据本校的实际开展了丰富多彩的阳光体育运动,取得了一定的效果。但在具体的实施过程中也出现了诸多问题,因此对各类学校开展阳光体育运动的现状进行调研,找出存在的问题并提出相应的对策就显得尤为必要。本论文以重庆市主城区18所中学开展阳光体育运动的现状为研究对象,主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法。论文在实地调研的基础上,对重庆市主城区中学开展阳光体育运动的现状进行了深入分析,研究结论如下:1.重庆市主城区中学都开展了阳光体育运动,并成立了阳光体育运动的组织领导机构,绝大部分的学校的领导、教师和学生能认识到开展阳光体育运动的重要意义。2.在“阳光体育运动”开展的目标方面,在被调查的学生中有66.6%能达到每天锻炼1小时的标准,有62.6%的学生至少掌握了两项日常体育锻炼技能,与“阳光体育运动”的目标要求还存在一定的差距。3.在“阳光体育运动”开展的实施途径方面。(1)重庆市主城区所有中学都能够按照课程标准的要求开足体育与健康课程,但是离重庆市提出的每周开设4节体育课的要求还有一定难度。体育与健康课时基本不存在被挤占的情况。(2)在课外体育活动中,主要采用了大课间、全校性体育竞赛的形式;体育社团和俱乐部只有在部分学校开展,目前还不是很普及。(3)在实施《学生体质健康标准》方面,所有学校都能够做到每年定期的对学生进行体质健康测试,但有些学校不能做到数据及时的统计与按时上报。4.在“阳光体育运动”开展的保障方面,开展阳光体育的时间主要是体育课和课外体育活动时间,对周六、周日以及寒暑假的时间利用不充分,导致阳光体育运动时间保障不足;学校的体育教师的数量和水平,制约着阳光体育运动的开展效果;部分学校场地不足、器材缺乏,不利于阳光体育运动的开展。学校对于阳光体育运动的宣传途径还比较单一,力度不够。学校与社区、家庭合作开展青少年体育活动的现状还不容乐观。5.大部分学校内部都建立了“阳光体育运动”的监督和评价机构。但是成员的组成还比较单一,没有广泛调动学校内部的所有力量,多数学校没有进行“阳光体育之星”评比。为了能够更好的开展阳光体育运动,提出以下建议:1.运用多种手段,加强对阳光体育运动的宣传力度,提高阳光体育运动的社会认知度。2.充实阳光体育运动的内容,丰富阳光体育运动的组织形式,调动学生参加阳光体育运动的积极性。3.从实际出发,努力挖掘学校潜力,缓解学校体育场地不足的压力;要积极探索学校体育场所设施与公共体育场馆设施的资源共享。4.教育行政部门强化对学校开展情况的监督和考核;学校内部组织领导机构要细化分工。5.客观、全面评价学生在参与阳光体育运动的表现,完善激励机制,鼓励更多的学生积极主动地参与阳光体育运动。

【Abstract】 In recent years, primary and secondary schools has declined in physical health trends, has aroused extensive attention. December 2006 held a national work conference on school sports, made a number of measures to improve student physical health, including widely across the country to carry out the Sunshine Sports Movement, Sunshine Sports Movement makes considerable progresses of education and school sports in our country. Schools across the country respond to this call, carry out colorful Sunshine Sports Movements according to the actual school, and achieve some results. However, implementation in specific has emerged in many problems, so it seems especially necessary to do all kinds of research on of the movements, to find problems existing, and to make corresponding countermeasures.In this thesis,18 secondary schools in urban area of Chongqing were chosen as research objects of Sunshine Sports Movement, literature reach, questionnaire, interview, and mathematical statistics were mainly used. The paper analyzes thoroughly about the current Sunshine sports situation of Chongqing middle schools. The main results are as follows high schools in Chongqing have carried out the sun sports and set up governing organizations of sports, the vast majority of school leaders, teachers and students recognize the importance of carrying out the sun sports2. In the objectives of Sunshine Sports Movement, a survey shows that 62.6% of students exercise 1 hour a day and 66.6% of the students master at least two daily physical exercise skills. There is still a gap between the reality and the objectives and requirements of Sunshine Sports Movement3. the implementation of Sunshine Sports Movement:(1) all secondary schools in Chongqing City were able to hold sports and health courses at full in accordance with the requirements of the standard curriculum but four PE classes in a week according to Chongqing Municipality are not achieved. PE classes and health courses are not replaced by other subjects. (2) In extra-curricular sports activities are mainly in the form of long period recess, class competition and school sports competitions; sports associations and clubs are only carried out in some schools, which is not very popular. (3) In the implementation of student physique healthy standard., all schools are able to do regular annual physical fitness tests on students, but most schools can not report statistics and data on time.4. In the implementation of Sunshine Sports Movement, they are mainly held in PE classes and extracurricular activities time.Saturdays and Sundays and the summer,winter vacations are not fully used, which results in the lack of time in sun sports; the number and the level of PE teachers conduct the effect of Sunshine Sports Movement; The school for sunshine sports publicity is onefold, inadequate. The cooperation of the sport activities for youth between schools communities and families is not necessary. Most schools have established Sunshine Sports Movement’s monitoring and rating agencies. But the composition is still simple, without extensive mobilization of all forces within the school, most schools do not carry out the competition of "sunshine sports star".In order to carry out Sunshine Sports Movement smoothly, the following recommendations are put forward:1. the use of various means to strengthen the propaganda of the Sunshine Sports Movement, to improve the social awareness. 2. To enrich the content and organization of Sunshine Sports Movement, to mobilize students to participate in active sport sun. 3. From reality, efforts to tap the potential of schools to ease the pressure of lack of school sports fields; to actively explore the school facilities, sports venues and public sports facilities in the resource sharing. 4. Administrative departments could strengthen the monitoring and evaluation. 5. Objective and comprehensive assessment of students’ performance in participating Sunshine Sports Movement, could improve students’ incentives, and encourage more students to participate actively in Sunshine Sports Movement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1104