

Construction of Strong Motion Observation Network in Shandong Province

【作者】 张昊

【导师】 李忠献; 肖兰喜;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文重点介绍了“十五”期间山东强震观测台网建设在规划选址、勘测建设、安装运行过程中进行的主要工作。介绍和简要分析了强震台网建成后记录到的重要强震事件观测资料,对若干技术与实践问题进行了讨论,并对今后工作提出了建议。首先,在山东强震观测台网建设规划选址方面,为使台站布局科学合理,最大程度地发挥观测仪器的效用,项目组进行了大量调查研究,确定主要针对山东境内几条重要构造带附近及重点监视地区布置台站,同时兼顾全省观测台站布局相对均衡,做到有的放矢、疏密结合。且在选址工作中考虑了场地对观测质量和数据应用的影响因素。在对强震台站场址勘选测试方面,主要考虑对场地钻探并进行卓越周期测试、剪切波速测试、典型土层动三轴试验等工作。通过上述测试与试验,获取了每个台站台址的场地条件,为分析台站记录资料提供必要的观测环境方面的数据,同时建议台址场地条件测试应与地震工程需求进一步衔接。台站基础设施建设主要包括观测室与观测墩建设,文中简单介绍了观测室和配套工程的建设,并讨论了一些影响观测质量的因素和保证观测效果的措施,根据实践提出了几种较灵活的工程处理方案。强震观测设备安装运行部分主要对仪器设备配套、技术参数调试、运行维护体制等情况进行了简要说明。介绍了台网试运行结果,对一些实践中遇到的技术问题进行了讨论。强震台网建设完成后,恰逢2008年我国四川汶川发生8.0级地震。虽然山东强震台网距震中平均距离近1500km,但该台网还是取得一部分有效观测记录。本文对这些记录的震动特性进行了介绍,并结合场地条件进行了初步分析,在此基础上对地震安全性评价中地震动参数的选取进行了一些有益的讨论。最后对项目取得的成果进行了总结,对今后的强震台网建设提出展望。希望强震观测台网建设项目今后可以加大建设与观测密度、拓展观测用途,更好地为国民经济建设和防震减灾服务。

【Abstract】 The paper mainly introduced the major work of the project of Shandong Strong Motion Observation Network which is one portion task of the Tenth Five-Year Plan (2001-2005), including of stations’site planning, prospecting, construction, installation and operation. And also typical strong ground motion data recorded by the Observation Network after its completion has been introduced and analyzed. Some technical and practical matters were discussed and suggestions for future work were proposed.In order to ensure the scientific and reasonable configuration of the network, and to fulfill its optimum role of the observation devices, a plentitude of investigations for stations site planning of the Strong Motion Observation Network have been made. We finally decided that the distribution of stations should consider both the profile of important tectonic regions and seismological supervising areas within Shandong, on the condition that given attention to symmetrically distribution of stations’location. Also, observation data application as well as environmental influential factors that affect observation quality was also taken into consideration during the process of station site selection.To obtain condition of each station site, jobs we did includes drilling, predominant period test, S-wave velocity test, soil Strata dynamic triaxial test, and so on. It was not only provided necessary basic environmental data for station site, but offered a smooth further linkage with the demand of earthquake engineering. Observation station’s infrastructure consists of the observation office and observation base construction. This paper made a brief introduction of observation office and relevant projects and discussed the influential factors on observation data quality and measures to ensure observation results. Some flexible solutions of project were raised finally. In the perspective of the installation and operation of strong motion observation facility, brief introductions were made to the instrument and facility, technological parameter debugging, operation and maintenance system.It was happened that 8.0-magnitude-Wenchuan earthquake broke out just after the completion of the Strong Motion Observation Network. Although the epicenter was on average 1500 km away from the Shandong Strong Motion Observation Network, lot of valuable data ware recorded. This paper introduced the motion features of the data and made a preliminary by combining the on-the-spot analysis. In addition, some of motion parameters were chosen for the safety evaluation on this earthquake.At last, conclusion and expectation on a future construction of Strong Motion Observation Network has been issued. We hope denser strong ground motion station would be constructed in order to serve for national economic construction better and to take a precaution against earthquake disaster mitigation.Major innovative ideas of this paper is that the establishment of Strong Motion Observation Network on the analysis of real situations as well as seismological tectonic configuration of Shandong. And also proposals have given for earthquake engineering, as well as observation station site prospecting on the base of analyzing observation data of Wenchuan 8.0 event recorded by the brand-new constructed Strong Motion Observation Network.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期