

Research on Communist Youth League’s Assistance in the Government’s Administration of Youth Public Affairs

【作者】 李亚楠

【导师】 张俊艳; 孟庆松;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 面临着社会转型带来的经济市场化、政治民主化、文化多样化的形势,中国共产主义青年团既承担了中国共产党的青年工作职能,又承担了政府青年工作职能,因此,共青团在协助政府管理青年事务工作方面也面临新的形势和挑战。共青团组织如何顺应新时期社会结构的发展趋势,协助政府管理青年公共事务,从而探索新时期共青团服务青年公共事务的机制和途径,为党和政府以及各级共青团组织做好青年公共事务管理工作提供决策参考是历史赋予共青团的职责。本文通过问卷调查、文献搜集、案例研究等方法,力图较为准确地把握社会转型期青年公共事务管理的新情况、新问题。论文以天津市塘沽区为例,比较全面的概括了该区政府、非政府组织、共青团等机构从事青年公共事务管理的现状,并从青年思想动态、青年民生保障、青年公益活动、青年权益维护等角度着手,较为详尽地介绍了当前所存在的瓶颈问题,分析阐释了青年公共事务的管理困境。在上述研究的基础上,论文落脚于共青团对青年公共事务的协助管理上,提出了共青团管理青年公共事务的对策和建议。本文建议,团组织要深刻审视自身定位,正确处理与社会、与青年、与政府等部门的关系,保持一种积极的与时俱进的创新状态,以青年工作为核心,协助政府管理青年公共事务,特别是在思想道德、青年就业创业、青年志愿服务和青年权益方面充分发挥自身职能作用,完善相关政策,优化服务环境,切实把青年公共事务管理工作作为共青团的重要任务,起到为青年服务的作用。

【Abstract】 With the market-oriented of economy, political democratization and cultural diversity brought about by social transformation, Communist Youth League is responsible for the youth work of the government and the Communist Party of China. The Communist Youth League is facing the new situations and challenges in assisting the government in the administration of all matters pertaining to the youth. How can the Communist Youth League organizations adapt to the development trend of the social fabric in new era, and assist the government in the administration of youth public affairs, so as to explore the mechanisms and means of the Communist Youth League servicing youth public affairs and supply Decision-making reference for the Communist Party of China, government and the Communist Youth League organizations at all levels is a historical responsibilities.By means of questionnaire survey, documents collecting and case research, this paper tries to find out the main problems of youth affairs administration in the new situation. The paper taking Tianjin Tanggu District as an example, summary the status comprehensively of the current administration situations in youth public affairs of the district which including the central government, non-governmental organizations, and the Communist Youth League organizations. The paper proceed from the ideological trend of young people, young people’s livelihood protection, youth welfare activities, rights and interests of young people and so on, detailed introduct the current issue of the existence of bottlenecks, analyze the difficulties for youth public affairs administration.Based on the research above, this thesis puts forward some advice and suggestion for the Communist Youth League in youth affairs from the point of the view of Communist Youth League assisting in public affairs administration. This thesis suggested that the youth organizations should percieve the position of itself, balance the relations among the society, the government and the government departments. The youth organization should maintain a positive state of innovation in advancing with the times, take the young people’s work as the core, and assist the Government in the administration of youth in public Affairs, especially in the ideological and ethical, entrepreneurial youth employment, youth volunteer service and youth rights. The youth organization should give full play to its functions, improve related policies, optimize the service environment, take the youth public affairs as an important task for the Communist Youth League, and served for the youth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】D297;D432.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】250