

City Residential Block Design Management Study

【作者】 訾士雄

【导师】 刘应宗;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工程管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 住宅建筑设计中,住宅楼栋设计直接关系到建筑结构形式、建筑造价和建筑节能、节材和省地等。目前住宅建筑设计管理,重点在住宅户型创新上,对住宅楼栋设计重视不够。本文运用工程管理理论和系统分析方法,对住宅建筑楼栋设计管理中的问题进行了全面分析,形成了住宅楼栋设计管理理论和方法。论文首先对影响住宅楼栋形式的因素进行了全面分析,研究了开发商根据实际条件如何确定楼栋的层数,指出各种类型楼栋的特点和适用情况,分析如何根据不同类型楼栋的特点选择的楼栋形式,最后对城市楼栋形式的发展趋势进行简单分析;接着论文按照多层、高层和低层的楼栋分类方式重点研究了各类楼栋的设计方法,设计难点及解决方式,对楼栋设计中应重点关注的地方给了详细的论述;文章用较大篇幅对楼栋设计中的节能省地问题进行了分析,并结合“天房美域”住宅小区案例进行楼栋节地设计分析。最后论述了价值工程原理在住宅设计方案评价中的应用,为相关方进行方案评选提供依据。

【Abstract】 In the process of residential building design, block design directly affects the building structure, construction cost, energy-saving and land-saving. At present, the management of residential design mostly focuses on apartment design innovation. Relatively less attention was put on block design. Adopting methods of system analysis and based on theory of project management, this paper gives a comprehensive analysis on residential block design management, preliminary forms the framework of block design management theory.First, the paper studies the interrelated factors which affect the layers of residential block. At the same time, we give an analysis on the characteristics of various types of block. The result intends to serve as a reference for the decision makers to determine the number of the block layer and to choose the appropriate block type. Second, we give a detailed analysis on how to design different kinds of blocks, the problems in the design process and the solutions to them. Third, we make a great effort to research on land-saving and energy-saving design. Adopting the Meiyu case, we give an empirical study of block land-saving design. In the end, the paper analyzes how to apply VE to the evaluation of residential design program, which intends to serve as a reference for the decision makers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期