

A Study on China’s Administrative Accountability System-an Analysis Based on the Establishment and Practice of Administrative Accountability System after the SARS

【作者】 李高凤

【导师】 傅利平;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 民主政治的实质是责任政治,行政问责制度作为责任政府的主要实现形式,它的建立是我国社会主义法制化进程的重要表现,是民主政治不断发展的必然要求。自从行政问责制在我国启动以来,一直受到学界的广泛关注,还得到了各级政府的高度重视并着力实施。中央及地方相继出台了一系列相关的法律、法规来规范其操作。但是,我国的行政问责制仍处于探索和实践阶段,还有很多问题亟待我们去研究和解决,这正是本文要研究的课题。首先,本文从行政问责制的概念出发,通过对国内、外理论研究现状的梳理与分析,结合我国的实际情况,对行政问责制的概念及涵义做出界定。其次,通过对美、英、法、德四国问责制实践的特点进行分析,指出我国可以从问责文化、完备的法律保障、多元的问责主体以及政府信息公开四个方面借鉴西方发达国家行政问责制的成功经验。再次,以“非典”后两次“问责风暴”中典型案例为切入点,对我国行政问责制的实施现状展开论述;并结合对近几年中央及地方相继出台的问责制相关规范性文件的分析,指出行政问责制在运行中的趋势及存在问题。探讨了问责制实践过程中由于权限和责任不清,问责文化滞后及相关配套制度缺失等因素导致的诸多困境。最后,通过对这些障碍的深入分析,为我国的行政问责制的完善与发展提出若干政策建议。包括培育行政问责文化,完善问责制的法制化建设以及建立健全与行政问责有关的配套制度。

【Abstract】 The essence of democracy is accountability. Implementing administrative accountability system is regarded as a landmark in china’s construction of democracy. Administrative accountability system is the main form of responsibility government, whose establishment is a significant step in the process of socialist legislation, as well as an inevitable response to the demand of democracy. Since the establishment was launched, it has been gaining deep concerns of the academic circle and high attention of governments at all levels. Many relevant rules have been instituted successively to regulate its operation.However, China’s administrative accountability system still stays at the initial stage, leaving us a lot of problems to deal with. How to solve these problems effectively is exactly the focus of this study.Firstly, after reviewing and analyzing the recent researches on administrative accountability system at home and abroad, combined with China’s practical situation, the paper defines the concept and meaning of administrative accountability system. Secondly, through the analysis on the characteristics of officials accountability system in the USA, the UK, France and Germany, this paper concludes that China can learn from the four countries’successful experience in practicing administrative accountability system on the aspects of the accountability culture,complete legal guarantee , multi-subjects of accountability system, and open government information.Thirdly, taking the two typical accountability cases after the SARS as breakthrough point, this paper introduces the current situation of China’s administrative accountability system. Combined with the analysis on the regulatory documents issued by central government and local authorities related to accountability system in recent years, this paper points out the existing problems and direction of china’s operation of administrative accountability system, and also discusses dilemmas due to unclear power and responsibility during implementation, lagging accountability culture and deletion of supporting systems.Finally, based on deep analysis on the confronted difficulties in China’s implementing administrative accountability system, this paper offers a number of policy suggestions on its perfection and development, including constructing China’s administrative accountability culture, improving legislation of administrative accountability, and enacting complete and relevant supporting systems.

【关键词】 行政责任“非典”问责风暴
【Key words】 official responsibilitySARSaccountability storm
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】196