

A Stud of the Sci-Tech Evidence in Civil Procedure

【作者】 孙连京

【导师】 侯纯;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 诉讼法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人类已经跨入21世纪,信息社会的脚步渐行渐近。随着科学技术的飞速发展,法律活动越来越加入了科技的因子,从而催生了法律实践中的科技证据。与此不相称的是,学术界对科技证据的研究却刚刚起步,相关法律规定也屈指可数,尤其在我国,关于科技证据的研究,以及法律对科技证据的规定就更少。纵观目前理论界对科技证据的研究,本就为数不多的科技证据研究也大多集中于刑事诉讼领域,而对于民事诉讼科技证据的研究更是少得可怜。民事诉讼科技证据问题的研究课题遂跃然纸上。关于科技证据,学术界存在着“科学证据”与“科技证据”两种称谓。由于科技证据所运用的手段不只是科学理论,也会用到技术知识,而科学与科技是不同的,因此科技证据比科学证据一词更能全面反映科技证据的特点,而且科技证据的称谓更符合中国的语言习惯。科技证据的证据能力受若干因素的影响,只有克服这些因素,具备一定的条件,才能具有证据能力。同时,在判断科技证据的证据能力时要遵循一定的规则。科技证据的可靠性与科技的发展规律有密切关系,具有证据能力的科技证据在采纳时必须贯彻一定的原则,并按有关规则进行。证据的采纳与采信是不同的,被采纳的科技证据还需得到人民法院的采信才能对待证事实提供证明。证据的采信需要重点解决两个问题:证据的科学性审查和证据的证明力规则。民事诉讼科技证据是三大诉讼科技证据的重要组成部分,正确界定有关概念,深入研究其证据能力以及采纳和采信等问题,对于丰富证据法学理论体系,为法律实践提供指导,具有重要意义和深远影响。

【Abstract】 As mankind has entered into the 21st century, follow the footsteps of the information society. With the rapid development of science and technology, the scie-tech factors are increasingly participating in the legal activities, as has encouraged the birth of the sci-tech evidence in legal practice. What is not commensurate with this is the infant stage of the academic study on the evidence of this new type, and there very few relevant legal provisions, especially in China, the related researches and legal provisions are even less adequate. An overview of the current investigation on sci-teck evidence in the theoretical circles shows that these researches, though negligible in quantity, are mainly concentrated on the issues in criminal procedure, and the reseach on sci-tech in civil lawsuits can be hardly found. Therefore, the study of the sci-tech evidence issue in civil procedure appears to be more urgent.With regard to scie-tech evidence, the academic community has two alternative terms of "science evidence" and "science and technology evidence". As the sci-tech evidence involves not only scientific theories but also technologic means, and there is difference between science and technology, the term of“science and technology evidence (sci-tech evidence for short) will be more likely to reflect the whole property of sci-tech evidence, moreover, this term is a better correspondence with the codes of the Chinese language.Since the competence of sci-tech evidence is subject to a number of factors, such evidence is competent only after the interference of these factors are excluded under certain conditions. In the meanwhile, certain regulations shall be obeyed in determining the competence of sci-tech evidence. Because of the close relationship of the credibility of scie-tech evidence to the laws of the development of science and technology, certain priciples must be followed in adopting the competent sci-tech evidence in accordance with the relevant rules. Since the adoption of evidence is not the same as the admission of evidence, the sci-tech evidence cannot be adopted to render proof to the alleged fact before it is admitted by the court. Here are two focal issues to be resolved in the admission: the scientific review of evidence and the rules for the degree of proof of evidence.Sci-tech evidence in civil litigation is an important part of sci-tech evidence in the three principal procedures, so to make proper definition of the related concepts and to conduct deep exploration into the competence, adoption and admission of evidence will be of grat significance and far-reaching implications for the enrichment of the theoretic system of evidence law so as to provide guidance in legal practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期