

The Study on Rich-Farmer-Positioning of Chinese Communist Party

【作者】 刘杰

【导师】 刘方玲;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 土地问题是中国革命的核心问题,在这个过程中,对中国社会各阶级的认识和划分也影响了这个基本问题的解决,尤其是对富农的定位是中国革命中的重点之一。富农在近代中国的农村中有着特殊的地位与影响力,富农问题贯彻于中国革命的始终,对富农定位的认识及变化,影响着党的土地政策执行的效果甚至成败,中国共产党对富农阶层的划分和定位经历了一个摸索、完善的阶段,从开始的认识模糊到后来的逐步清楚,终于制定并实行了比较正确的富农定位政策,为团结和影响尽可能多的人参加革命起了积极的作用。中国共产党在不同的革命阶段对富农的定位有各自不同的特点,在土地革命期间,中国共产党对富农的定位主要受到共产国际和苏联的影响,犯了左倾的错误,把富农定位为阶级敌人,但也积累了一些正确的经验与方法。中国共产党在抗日战争及解放战争时期对富农的定位,基本摆脱了苏联和国产国际的影响,从国情出发,把富农定位为农村的资产阶级,进行减租减息,实行与富农的联合。新中国建立后对富农的定位由最初的保存变为逐渐限制,苏联模式对毛泽东的社会主义建设思想产生了巨大影响,富农定位逐步开始变化,又把富农视为敌对阶级,开始对富农进行政治上的孤立,和经济上的限制,最后通过实现农业合作化消灭了富农。本文将中国共产党对富农定位的探索过程与马克思主义中国化的历程结合起来考察,并回顾了改革开放以来农村私有经济的发展与变化,研究党的富农定位的演变的历程及原因、背景,有助于加深我们对党的土地政策的认识,希望对今天的农村工作有一些借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Rich-farmer-positioning is important part of Chinese Revolution. Land is Central issue of Chinese Revolution, the analysis of Chinese class is related to solve this issue. Therefore, rich farmer-positioning is important point of solve Chinese land issue. The rich-farmers have special place in Chinese society, and it existed in the Chinese revolution. Rich-farmer-positioning is crucial for practice of land policy. Chinese Communist Party to positioning the rich farmer class is a gradual process. We have vague recognition for rich-farmer-positioning firstly. But we gradually obtain clear idea about rich-farmer-positioning. The rich-farmer-positioning showed their positive role in mobilizing more people to join Revolution.The Chinese Communist Party made different rich-farmer-positioning in different stage of Chinese revolution.In Agrarian Revolutionary War, Soviet Union and Communist International greatly influence rich-farmer-positioning of Chinese Communist Party, left line position rich farmer as class enemy, During the Anti-Japanese aggression war and liberation war, the Chinese Communist Party changes its rich-farmer-positioning. Chinese Communist Party position rich farmer as the bourgeoisie of village, they are to reducing the rent and rate of rich-farmer’s land. Preserving rich-farmer economy to promoting the victory of the Chinese revolution.At the early days of establishment of The People’s Republic of China. Chinese Communist Party regards rich-farmer as the bourgeoisie to restore economy. But Soviet Union model influenced the socialist thought of Mao Zedong, Chinese Communist Party began to restrict and isolated rich-farmer, at last rich-farmer was abolished entirely by agricultural cooperation. In the process. Leaders of Chinese Communist Party improve their theory to guide theich-farmer- positioning. The thesis combines Sinicization of Marxism with development of rich-farmer-positioning and study the background of rich-farmer- positioning. At last, the dissertation retrospects course of private economy in rural area since reform. The study on rich-farmer-positioning is conducive for today policy-making of rural area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期