

【作者】 郑淳淳

【导师】 李新;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 金融学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 无论是哪个行业的境外公司,一旦决定进入到他国市场,最常提到的战略前提便是“本土化”,因为他们深知“本土化”对于了解当地市场和开展业务的重要性。银行业同样如此,尤其对于为客户提供理财投资规划的财富管理部门而言,了解客户的心理与需求更是十分必要。然而,真正的做到“本土化”,并非像只是喊喊口号、拉拉大旗那般容易,而是要在充分的调研、科学的分析、合理的归类基础上,深入到当地市场中去,清楚地认识到自身和竞争对手的优劣势,尽量做到扬长避短。本文的创作即在中国金融市场与国际日益接轨、外资银行与中资银行竞争日趋激烈的大背景之下,系统的分析理财业务在国内外不同的发展现状,并在外资银行在国内经营3余年之际,根据这一阶段实际取得的成绩和发现的问题,对比中外资银行理财业务的特点,剖析外资银行本土化进程中所遇到的阻碍因素,有针对性的提出改进建议,使传统的本土化理论更具有现实性和可行性。

【Abstract】 No matter where the foreign companies come from, once they decide to tap into a new market in other countries, the most important strategy is localization, because they deeply realize that it is so important to understand the local market for their business. So do the banks, especially the departments which service the customers to manage their fortunes. However, to do the real localization is not as easy as to say. It must base on the abundant surveys, scientific analysis, reasonable classifications, and go into the markets, make clear the advantages and disadvantages between the rivals and themselves.This thesis is based on the background that the relationship between china and world is becoming closer and the competition between the foreign banks and the Chinese banks is becoming fiercer. It analyses the different developing situations of financing in different countries systematically and contrast the features of the Chinese and foreign banks based on the actual achievements and problems after 3-years’operation of foreign banks in China. And then it analyses the prohibitive factors in the course of localization and offers some targeted suggestions to make the traditional localization theory to be more real and feasible.

【关键词】 外资银行理财业务本土化
【Key words】 Foreign bankFinancingLocalization