

【作者】 王燕楠

【导师】 吕学静;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 社会保障, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的失业保险制度经历了20多年的改革历程,并且逐步的发展和完善,尤其是近年来在促进就业方面做出的努力,在很大程度上缓解了我国的失业问题,并成为现代社会保障制度中不可缺少的一部分。当前,在金融危机背景下,我们面临的是十分严峻的国际经济形势和就业形势,更加要求我国失业保险制度的促进就业功能有更大地突破,并与就业紧密的结合起来。因此,本文的研究目的就是通过分析当前的经济形势、促进就业新政策的成果和问题以及我国失业保险制度发挥促进就业功能存在的问题,并对比国外一些典型国家的做法,有针对性的提出发挥我国失业保险制度的促进就业功能的对策建议。最终得出结论,即我们应该充分应用失业保险新政,充分发挥失业保险促进就业的作用,在适合我国国情的基础上,完善立法、提高待遇水平、加大支出、完善培训制度、大力完善促进就业的功能,成为真正意义上的就业保障制度。本文将着眼点放在失业保险制度如何发挥促进就业的功能上,注重对问题的分析,有针对性的提出发挥我国失业保险制度促进就业功能的对策建议,弥补了现有研究的不足之处。另外,本文的视角独特,从金融危机入手进行分析,紧密结合实际情况,加入对典型企业就业工作方面负责人的访谈,和大量第一手政府和企业的相关资料,顺应了当前的国际形势,具有很强的现实意义。本研究采用的研究方法包括:文献研究法、访谈法和定性分析法。

【Abstract】 Chinese unemployment insurance system has undergone 20 years of the reform process, and Continuous development and improvement, especially in recent years, the promoting efforts of employment in large measure to alleviate the unemployment problem in our country and become a modern social security an integral part of the system. At present, in the context of the financial crisis we are facing a very serious international economic situation and the employment situation, so, increased demand for China’s unemployment insurance system to promote employment functions greater breakthrough and with employment closely together. Therefore, the purpose of this research is through the analysis of the current economic situation, new policies to promote employment outcomes and issues, as well as China’s unemployment insurance system is to promote employment functional problems, and compare the practice of some foreign countries. The targeted is to assume a China’s unemployment insurance system to promote employment function of countermeasures and proposals. At last, the concluded that we should use the unemployment insurance, the New Deal, give full play to the role of unemployment insurance, employment promotion, where appropriate on the basis of China’s national conditions, improve legislation, to improve the level of treatment, increase spending, improve the training system, greatly improve the promotion of employment functions, make it become a real sense of the employment security system.This article will focus on the unemployment insurance system how to play the promotion of employment functions, focusing on the analysis of the problem, targeted the unemployment insurance system in China to assume a function of policy proposals to promote employment and to make up for the shortcomings of existing studies. In addition, this article has unique perspective, starting from the financial crisis, an analysis in close connection with the actual situation, by adding the work of a typical business person in charge of employment interviews, and find a large number of first-hand the government and business information, comply with the current international situation, has a strong practical significance.The research methods include of this study is literature research method, interviews and qualitative analysis.
