

Emotion Design in Modern Daily Life Articles

【作者】 张毅

【导师】 龚小凡;

【作者基本信息】 北京印刷学院 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “严格地来说,看见东西的并不是眼睛,看见东西的是大脑或心灵。”(罗素)情感化设计跨越了纯艺术与设计之间的界限,打破了物质和精神之间的隔离,把对人情感的关照融入设计之中,以有形的物质形态承载无形的精神。论文的重点在于对情感化设计的综合分析,在纵向的时间维度上探讨了情感化设计的产生背景、理论基础、发展历程;在当代社会的横向维度上,以消费社会理论为切入点,分析比较了情感化设计与其他设计理念之间的异同及在当代设计中的特点、内涵及意义。论文的创新在于把情感化设计这一理念放在更为宽阔的社会背景之中,结合消费文化和日常生活审美化对其做了分析;此外,论文突破以往设计方法的分类方式,以人的思维方法为切入点对情感化设计的方法进行了探讨。本论文共分为六个部分:第一章主要论述了情感化设计的研究背景、文献资料、及其论文的基本内容和研究方法、本论文的目的、研究意义等基本问题。第二章论述了情感化设计的理论内涵,首先对“情感”的学理概念做了系统的梳理,其次从认知心理学、感性工学、诺曼的认知心理三层次和后现在主义这四个方面探讨了情感化设计产生的理论基础,并比较了与其他设计理念之间的异同。第三章在第二章的理论基础之上综合当代情感化设计的现状,提炼出情感化设计的基本特征:以情感的激发为主要目的;语义具有丰富性和多意性、是设计人性化的深化。第四章日常生活用品中的情感化设计,首先对日常生活用品做了界定,并分析了日常生活用品情感化设计的哲学背景,在此基础上通过对当代设计中大量作品的调查、分析,并参照人的思维方式把情感化设计的方法分为感官语言、形象思维语言、逻辑思维语言三类。第五章综合上文的论述,把情感化设计放在一个更为宽大的社会背景中,分别从消费文化和日常生活审美化两个角度对情感化设计进行了论述。第六章情感化设计的意义及展望是论文最后的落脚点,通过前文的分析,总结了情感化设计的意义与价值并对中国当代情感化设计进行了分析与展望。总体而言,情感化设计是后现代设计的分支,是当代设计中新的理念和设计实践,体现着当代设计发展的趋势。情感化设计关照的是人的精神层面,它让我们处在一个“情感”的世界而非机械理性的世界里,情感化设计既能创造出设计价值的增值,也能为人们创造出更美好的“诗意的栖居”。随着人们对产品功能的满足和生活美的细致发现以及人类审美和情感的需要,一个情感化设计的时代必将到来。相信情感化设计会让我们的生活变的更有“意味”。

【Abstract】 "Strictly speaking, we observe the world using our brains and minds instead of eyes." (Russell) Emotion design bridges arts and the classic design, unites the material and spirit world, and incorporates human emotions into the designing processes and the physical products which enjoy human spirits. This thesis focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the emotion design and researches on its background, theoretical basis and development history in the vertical time dimension; and in the horizontal dimension of the contemporary society, it takes the consumer society theory as a point of penetration, and makes an analysis and comparison of the differences and similarities the between the emotion design and other designs, and also in features, content and significance in contemporary design. The innovative of this thesis is to put the concept of emotion design in a broader social context and do an analysis with a combination of consumer culture and the aesthetics in daily livesThis thesis is divided into six parts:ChapterⅠ:mainly discusses the research background and literature of emotion design, and also some basic issues of this thesis, such as the basic content, research method, purpose, the significance etc.ChapterⅡ:discusses theoretical intension of the emotion design. Firstly, it makes a scientific comb for the theoretical concept of "emotion"; Secondly, it explores the theoretical basis of the production of the emotion design from the four aspects:Cognitive Psychology, Kansei Engineering, Norman’s three levels of cognitive psychology and postmodernism, and also compares and contrasts it with the other design concepts.ChapterⅢ:based on the theory of ChapterⅡ, it synthesizes the present condition of the contemporary emotion design, and extracts the basic features of emotion design:with the primary purpose of emotion excitation; semantics is diversity and has multiple views; it is also a deepening for human-oriented design. The chapterⅣ:focuses on the emotion design of daily life articles. Firstly define the daily life articles, and make an analysis of philosophy background of the emotion design of daily life articles. On this basis, through the research and analysis on a large number of the works of the contemporary design, the emotion design is divided into three types refer to human mode of thinking: Sensory language, vivid thinking language, logical thinking language.ChapterⅤ:synthesizes the discussion in preceding part of the thesis, and put the emotion design in a more spacious social background, and discusses it separately in two points of view:consumer culture and the aesthetic of the daily life.Chapter VI:it is the last foothold of the thesis which discuss on the significance and outlook of the emotion design. By the preceding analysis, it sums up the meaning and value of the emotion design as well as the analysis and prospects of the emotion design in contemporary China.All in all, emotion design is the branch of post-modernism design, one of the trends in contemporary design development, and also a part to illustrate the aestheticization of everyday life. Emotion design involves in the spiritual respect of human beings. Emotion design lets us be exposed in an "emotion" world instead of non-mechanical rational world. It increases in design value by innovation, and also creates a "poetic perch" for human beings. As people are satisfying with functions of products and begin to observe the beauty of life, an era of emotion design is just coming around the corner, with people’s demand of aesthetics and emotion. Emotion design will definitely modify our life and let our lift become more "tasteful".

  • 【分类号】J524
  • 【被引频次】3
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