

Study of Geoheritage Resources and Protection in Qixia Geopark, Shongdong Province

【作者】 胡菲菲

【导师】 田明中;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 丰富的地质遗迹资源和优美的生态环境是建设地质公园的物质保证,而地质公园的建设是保护区内的地质遗迹资源和生态环境最有效的方式。地质遗迹资源是由地球内外力作用形成的,是研究地球演化历程的唯一珍贵的信息来源,具有非常重要的科学研究价值。山东栖霞地质公园具有丰富多样的地质遗迹类型,但是公园整体处于发展的初级阶段,地质遗迹资源和生态环境的保护方面存在着一定的问题。本文对山东栖霞地质公园地质遗迹资源进行了调查研究,研究分析了地质遗迹资源的类型、分布特征和形成原因,并对地质遗迹资源和敏感度作出了科学的评价,得出研究区地质遗迹具有较高的科研、美学、科普价值,地质公园属于较不敏感区。文章通过地质遗迹资源的评价和敏感度评价结果,分析地质遗迹保护的现状和存在的问题,最后提出了栖霞地质公园地质遗迹资源的保护方法和措施。全文共分为六部分。第一、给出了论文的选题背景和意义、内容,提出了论文的研究方法和技术路线,以及地质遗迹保护规划的相关理论,包括功能分区理论和环境容量理论。第二、介绍了研究区域概况,包括研究区的地理位置、区域地质背景、地形地貌和气候水文特征。第三、根据相关的技术标准,研究了栖霞地质公园的地质遗迹资源类型和基本特征,包括花岗岩地质遗迹资源、岱崮地貌和地热资源,并分别对其成因进行了查询、研究和总结。第四、分析了地质遗迹资源的价值和地质遗迹敏感度。第五、地质遗迹资源的保护,指出了公园地质遗迹保护现状和存在的问题,针对现状和问题,结合地质遗迹资源评价结果,提出了分级保护和环境容量控制保护方法以及各种保护措施。其中,绘制了分级保护规划图件,测算了公园各景区的环境容量值。第五、结论,指出了取得成果和不足之处。

【Abstract】 Abundant geoheritage resources and good environment are the elementary conditions to build geopark. And the building of geopark is the most effective way to protect resources and environment.The geo-heritages are generated by internal and external force of the earth, being of important scientific value, as the only information source to recognize evolvement of our earth. Therefore, the protection of geo-heritage and environment are the fundamental task and objective in the development of geopark.There are plenty of geoheritage resources in Shandong Qixia geopark. But the geopark is in the stage of initial development, so some problems exist in the aspect of geoheritage protection. And how to protect the geo-resources become more and more important. Through investing and studying the geoheritages in the park, this thesis analyzes the types, distribution and cause of geoheritage resources, and scientifically evaluates the value and sensitivity of geoheritage resources. The results show that the geoheritage resources is of scientific research, aesthetic and science education value, also shows the park is not very sensitivity to the environmental change. Lastly, the protective methods are given out on the basis of resources and sensitivity evaluation.The whole thesis consists of six important parts.Part 1,The part presents the background,significance and context of the research, basis of which the research methods are presented. Theories of geopark on protective planning are given out, including theories of function zoning and environmental carrying capacity.Part 2, briefly introduces the general situation of research area, including location, regional geological background, landforms, hydrological and climatic conditions. Part 3, according to relevant standard, the part analyzes the types and basic features of geoheritage resources, and studies the cause.Part 4, evaluating the value and sensitivity of resources.Part five, about the resource protection, pointing out the current protective situation and problems in Qixia geopark. Aiming at the problems, some measures are proposed.Part six, summery of the whole thesis, pointing the new ideas and lacking of this thesis.

  • 【分类号】P942;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】380
  • 攻读期成果