

The Applied Research of the Comprehensive Physical Methods in the Leading Tunnel Geological Forecast

【作者】 郭有劲

【导师】 杨进; 张宇;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 综合物探超前地质预报是确保隧道施工安全的必不可少的一种方法,从上世纪90年代初期开始,经历了十几年的发展,现正逐渐走向成熟。虽然方法本身在发展中存在许多问题,但在专家和学者的努力下逐渐得到了克服。综合物探超前地质预报方法和所使用的仪器正由完全依赖进口向自主开发转变中,方法种类繁多,展现了良好的发展势头。目前应用最多,也最受推崇的主要有TSP超前地质预报系统、探地雷达法和红外探水法,尤其是三者的有效组合。实际工作中,TSP方法主要用于长距离预报,探地雷达方法为短距离定量精确预报,红外探水法则主要对隧道掌子面前方有无含水做定性评价。这三种方法若能合理组合,可以互相佐证,提高预报结果的准确性。本文分别阐述了TSP超前地质预报系统、探地雷达法和红外探水法的基本原理,以及这三种方法常用的仪器设备类型,并以三种方法在武广铁路客运专线坪岭隧道施工超前地质预报的综合应用上加以阐述综合物探方法在隧道超前地质预报的重要性。这是一个难得的综合物探超前地质预报工程应用实例,该隧道所测区段发生了突泥突水,涌泥量达3000多方,但由于超前预报结果的提前预知,从而避免了特大人员伤亡事故的发生,挽回了重大的经济损失。本文详细地介绍各种方法在外业数据采集中测线的布置方法、资料处理程序和采集信号结果的判识原则,并附有对应的信号图像,同时还涉及到数据采集过程中需要注意的事项和改进措施。通过对使用各种方法得出的预报结果对比分析,可以清楚地看到所反映的异常里程位置基本一致,也能清楚地看到综合物探超前地质预报可使施工单位提前采取措施,修正支护参数,从而确保隧道的施工安全,故建议在我国隧道地质超前预报工作中推广应用。但目前超前地质预报依然存在许多问题,比如在排除周围噪声干扰、判断背后空洞体积大小、不良地质体的精确里程位置以及产状分布特征方面等,需要外业操作中设法克服,技术上不断进步加以改进。相信在物探领域内专家学者以及其他相关人士的共同努力下,超前地质预报一定会有质的飞跃和发展。

【Abstract】 The comprehensive physical geological leading forecast is a necessary method to ensure the safety of tunnel construction, which is walking up to maturity gradually after more than ten years’development course beginning from early days of 1990s. Although there are numerous problems in the method itself, they are conquered little by little by the joint efforts of the experts and scholars. The comprehensive physical geological leading forecast reveals a favorable developing tendency by its abundant varieties and apparatus in use which are experiencing great changes from depending on import completely to independence developing. The effective combination of the system of the TSP geological leading forecast for the long distance forecast , the method of geological radar for short distance precise forecast and infrared water exploration used for evaluating hydrous level or not in front of the workaround can be confirmed each other and improves the accuracy of exploration results. They are used most popularly and valuably. The paper not only recommends the basic principles of the system of the TSP geological leading forecast, the method of geological radar and infrared water exploration, but also introduces briefly their common types of apparatus, expatiates on the significance of the comprehensive physical technique on the level of the practical applications, especially taking their comprehensive applications on PingLing Tunnel in WuGuang Passenger Railway Line as a good example because it is a god-given instance. At that time, the section to be surveyed welled up mud and water suddenly up to more than 3000 cubes. Just due to the leading forecast’s prediction in advance, a extraordinarily serious field-man-casualty accident was avoided and uncountable economic losses were retrieved. The paper elaborates on each method’s means of disposal lines for correlative collecting data, the programs of data processing and the judgment principle of collecting data results with serial corresponding data images. Furthermore, the operating instructions and improved measures during collecting data are also mentioned. By comparing the forecast’s results of each method, it can be seen clearly that the abnormal position is identical basically and the comprehensive physical geological leading forecast can help field men take measures in advance, correct parameters and insure the construction safety of tunnels. Therefore, it should be good advice to popularize the geological leading forecast. Of course, We cannot deny that there exist heaps of problems waiting for solution and improvement in technology, such as eliminating surrounding noise disturbance, judging cubage size of the rear cavity, the exact position of the ill geological body and distributing characters. By the collective efforts of the characters in and out of the trade, it is believed that the leading geological forecast will have the qualitative leap and development.

  • 【分类号】P631
  • 【被引频次】8
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