

Study on Drought Monitoring Based on HJ1A、1B Remote Sensing Data-Application in North Anhui Province, China

【作者】 周旋

【导师】 郑新奇;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 摄影测量与遥感, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 干旱对经济、社会尤其是农业有着直接的负面影响。跟其他灾害相比,它出现次数频繁、持续时间长、受灾范围大、潜在危害大,对农业等经济部门造成的直接损失重,干旱作为最大的自然灾害之一,越来越引起公众的重视。对干旱进行动态监测,及时准确地反映旱情发生的范围、程度和发展变化趋势,具有深刻的意义。在传统的干旱评价方面,结合资料获取可行性,选取了非常具有代表性的标准化降水指数利用降水量数据对安徽省1957 ~2006年历年干旱情况进行了统计分析,并对其干旱演变规律进行了总结。在比较了1个月、6个月和12个月时间尺度的标准化降水指数后,发现以12个月为时间尺度的标准化降水指数最适宜用来作长期的干旱评价分析。由于土壤湿度是决定农业旱情时空动态变化的重要因素,本文将测站点的土壤湿度进行反距离加权法空间插值,从而得到土壤墒情插值图,而传统的土壤水分测量方法费时耗力,遥感数据具有空间连续和快速更新的特点,可以反映出土地利用类型、土壤及植被等下垫面时空分布状况。将站点数据和遥感信息结合起来进行干旱评价,可以很大程度地弥补前述传统监测方法的不足。因此研究运用遥感技术进行土壤水分反演的方法,对于干旱评价和监测就具有重要的意义。本文在充分总结国内外干旱监测和评价研究进展的基础上,着重对如何运用“地面实测加遥感解译”的方式进行干旱监测研究,采用我国最新自主研制出的环境小卫星遥感数据,对安徽省北部地区的植被供水指数进行了反演,然后将植被供水指数数据和研究区实测土壤水分数据进行拟合,推算出植被供水指数转换成土壤水分的公式,由此得到整个研究区的土壤水分。根据我国的土壤水分旱情评定标准对研究区的干旱情况进行了评价。接下来对该方法和插值方法进行了比较,并且结合行政区、DEM及土地利用分类数据对旱情进行了统计分析。本文对环境减灾卫星数据的应用作出了有益的探索,结果表明,利用环境小卫星数据进行干旱监测和评价是可行的。

【Abstract】 Drought has direct negative impact on economy and society, especially on agriculture. Compared with other disasters, it appears more frequently with longer duration and larger affected area, thus causes more losses. Drought arouses more and more attention of the public. Drought monitoring, which timely and accurately reflects the characteristics of droutht—the affected area of drought, extent and trends, has profound significance to the whole society.In a traditional way to evaluate drought, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was choosed as drought indicator, using the precipitation data over the years 1957 to 2006 in Anhui Province. Statistics and summerrization are made. In comparing the time scale effect of SPI (1-month, 6 months and 12 months), the 12-month time scale SPI was found the most suitable for long-term evaluating drought.As the soil moisture is an important factor to determine the situation of agriculture in temporal and spatial change, the soil moisture of tested sites was calculated by inverse distance weighted interpolation, so interpolation maps of soil moisture is obtained. However the traditional method of measurement of soil moisture consumes a lot of time and energy,Remote sensing images are continuous data and can be updated rapidly, which can reflect temporal and spatial distribution of underlying surface such as the type of land use, soil and vegetation. Combined measured soil moisture data with remote sensing data to evaluate drought, can largely make up the aforementioned deficiencies of traditional monitoring methods. So research on the application of remote sensing of soil moisture inversion method has great significance for evaluation and monitoring of drought. In this paper, based on a full review of domestic and international progress in drought monitoring and evaluation, the approach of how to use "ground truth plus remote sensing interpretation" to monitor drought was focused.China’s latest self-developed HJ satellite data was used to inversed the drought in northern part of Anhui Province.Then Vegetation Supply Water Index and the soil water study area were regressed, the formula of vegetation index transeferrd to soil moisture data was calculated, then resultant soil moisture throughout the study area was obtained. According to our assessment of the standard soil moisture drought, drought conditions on the study area were evaluated. Next, this method and the interpolation method are compared, and the combination of administrative, DEM and land use classification data on drought were analyzed too. In this paper, the application of satellite data for environmental disaster reduction was made as useful exploration, the results show that the use of HJ satellite data for environmental monitoring and evaluation of drought is feasible.

  • 【分类号】X43
  • 【被引频次】4
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