

Information Extraction of Alteration Information Using Remote Sensing and Metallogenic Prediction in BangBangNaiBeiLiQieEr, Inner Mongolia

【作者】 谷雨

【导师】 田淑芳;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源与环境遥感, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,遥感技术在地质找矿和进行成矿远景区预测的工作中发挥着极其重要的作用。针对遥感蚀变信息的提取,前人提出了许多方法总结了丰富的经验,主要可以分为波段比值法、主成分分析法以及光谱角法等,但是由于地形、地貌、岩性背景因素的影响,使这些方法具有一定的局限性。论文选用我国华北地区重要矿集区内的内蒙古帮帮乃别力切尔地区作为研究区,并基于ETM+多光谱遥感数据,利用传统蚀变信息的提取方法综合地形、地貌、岩性、太阳高度角因素进行矿化蚀变信息提取,并综合地质资料以及化探资料采用层次分析方法对研究区进行成矿预测,圈定成矿远景区。在此次的研究过程中,取得的成果如下:1、总结了研究区内的典型蚀变矿物波谱特征,并以羟基蚀变矿物和铁染蚀变矿物在ETM+遥感影像中的光谱特征为基础,对研究区使用改进后的蚀变信息提取方法获取羟基信息和铁染信息。2、在矿化蚀变信息提取的过程中,将地貌、地层岩性信息综合考虑,对整个研究区范围进行分区块处理,分别对每个区块提取羟基信息和铁染信息,从而可以更为准确的反映蚀变信息。3、对所提取的蚀变信息利用坡度数据和太阳高度角数据进行地形校正,可以用来消除地形起伏对蚀变信息的影响,使提取结果更加贴近实际情况。4、将遥感信息综合地质信息以及化探信息利用GIS平台采用层次分析法进行叠合分析,建立成矿作用判断矩阵,对与成矿作用相关的因素赋予权值,并将研究区进行网格化处理,针对每一单元网格内的各个成矿因素分别进行打分,综合每个因素的权值,得出最终的成矿有利值,最后以此为依据进行成矿远景区的圈定。通过分析,在研究区范围内圈定成矿远景区共10处,并划分为三级:Ⅰ级成矿远景区3处,Ⅱ级成矿远景区3处,Ⅲ级成矿远景区4处。此次的研究成果为今后内蒙古帮帮乃别力切尔地区的矿产勘查工作提供了重要的找矿参考基础,具有一定的指导作用,为国家经济稳定发展提供了多金属矿产资源的保障。

【Abstract】 Recently, remote sensing technology plays an important role in the work of geological prospecting and metallogenic zone forecasts. For alteration information extraction, many scholars at home and abroad have proposed a number of ways, mainly divided into band math, principal component analysis and spectral angle method. But because of topography, geomorphology and lithology factors make these methods have some limitations.This paper selected BangBangNaiBieLiQieEr, Inner Mongolia region as study area, which is located in China’s major ore concentration area in North China. The study is based on the ETM+ multi-spectral remote sensing data, using traditional methods integrated topography, geomorphology, lithology factors to extract alteration information, and integrated geological data and geochemical data using Analytical Hierarchy Process to predict metallogenic zone and delineate prospective areas. In this study process, the results are as follows:1. Summed up the spectral characteristics of the typical alteration minerals in this area, based on spectral characteristics of hydroxyl-altered minerals and iron staining alteration minerals in the ETM+ remote sensing images, using the improved extraction method to extract hydroxyl alteration information and iron staining information.2. In the process of extracting alteration information, considering the topography, geomorphology, lithology information divided the entire study area to partitioned block to reflect the alteration information more accurately.3. Using slope data and solar elevation angle data to topographic correct the alteration information extracted, which can eliminate the impact of terrain that make the obtain results closer to the actual situation.4. Using Analytical Hierarchy Process analyzed remote sensing information, geological information and geochemical information in GIS platform. Scored on various mineralization factors in every cell and composted the weight of every factors to form a mineralization favorable value, as the basis for the value to forecast metallogenic zone. Through analysis, delineated 10 metallogenic zones in the study area, and divided into three levels: include 3 targeting areas of categoryⅠ, 3 targeting areas of categoryⅡ, 4 targeting areas of categoryⅢ.This research provides the basis for the future exploration in BangBangNaiBieLiQieEr , has an important role in the direction. And this research protects multimetallic mineral resources for the country’s economic stability development.
