

A Study of Characteristics and Models for Spring Discharge and Temperature of Low-to-moderate Thermal Springs in Beijing and Northern Hebei

【作者】 王莹

【导师】 周训;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 水文学及水资源, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中低温温泉由地下水深循环中地热增温加热。为了可持续开发利用地热资源,需要了解掌握地热流体形成和循环等方面的信息。定性分析中低温温泉的特征,定量讨论流量和温度的变化规律,有助于地下水深循环的机理和热水分布及开发利用的研究。本文以北京-河北北部分布的14个中低温温泉为主要研究对象,阐明研究区温泉出露的地热地质背景,分析和总结地下热水水化学特征和同位素特征,估算地下热水的补给来源、补给高程、热水年龄、循环深度、热储温度等,建立描述流量和温度变化的数学模型。在开展研究区温泉野外调查的基础上,收集研究区中低温温泉前人研究成果并进行分析总结。研究区位于燕山山区西南部山间盆地和东南部丘陵地区,多数温泉出露于山前地带及盆地边缘,附近地层岩性为第四系松散沉积物、灰岩、花岗岩、片麻岩等,受断裂或基岩裂隙影响。热水温度为37~85℃,流量为0.11~13.9 L/s。热水水化学特征分析表明,研究区地下热水中主要阳离子为Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+,主要阴离子为HCO3-、Cl-、SO42-,次要离子有NH4+、CO32-、NO3-,水化学类型以SO4·HCO3- Na型为主。热水矿化度为0.189-1.3 g/L,pH值为7.73-9.35,H2SiO3为26.1-96.3 mg/L,F-为1.6-1.7 mg/L。同位素特征分析表明,研究区地下热水都来源于大气降水,估算地下热水的补给高程为140-1850 m或200-1530 m,补给区温度为4.5~11.6℃或-1~8.7℃,多数温泉地下热水年龄为12-68 a。研究区地下热储温度为62~121℃,热水循环深度为1700-3700 m或2100-5300 m。怀来和崔庄温泉冷水混合比例分别为0.7和0.82。应用Log (Q/K)图解法分析热储平衡情况,几乎所有水样中的特征矿物(萤石、石英、无水石膏、温石棉、玉髓、无定形硅、滑石)都没有很好地在某一特定温度下同时接近平衡。利用达西定律和热传导理论可以建立描述温泉流量和温度变化的数学模型。本文在前人圆弧形管道模型和槽型管道模型的基础上建立了单U型管道模型和双U型管道模型,分别用4种数学模型对研究区温泉的实测流量和温度进行验证,并讨论了影响温泉流量和温度变化的因素。结果表明,温泉温度随流量增加先上升后下降,多数温泉流量和温度的关系与数学模型的结果总体上相符合,说明满足断裂-深循环模式的中低温温泉的流量和温度可以由数学模型近似模拟。

【Abstract】 Thermal springs with low-to-moderate temperature are raised by heating of geothermal gradient during the cycle process of ground water. In order to utilize the geothermal resources sustainably, knowledge of geothermal fluid and water circulation should be known well. Analyzing the characteristic of the low-to-moderate thermal spring qualitatively and discussing the variation laws of spring discharge and temperature quantitatively may contribute to the study of the formation mechanism, distribution rules as well as development and utilization of water deep cycling. The author elaborates the geological background of the spring occurrence, analyzes and summarizes hydrogeochemical and isotopic characteristics of geothermal water, calculates the water resource, recharge elevation, age, depth and temperature of the geothermal water, builds effective mathematical models of spring discharge and temperature based on the study of 14 low-to-moderate thermal springs distributed in Hebei province and Beijing.Based on field investigation of the study area, the research results of these hot springs are collected, which are proved by the predecessor and a summary is also made. The study area is located in the intermountain basin southwest of the Yanshan Mountain the northwestern hills area. The springs emanate from piedmont, basin border, the lithology of the strata in the vicinity of the springs are unconsolidated sediments, limestone, granite and gneiss, etc, which were influenced by faults and bed rock. The temperature of hot springs ranges from 37 to 85℃, the spring discharge ranges from 0.11 to 13.9 L/s. The result of the hydrogeochemical study show that the major ions of the hot water are Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, the major anion are HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-, minor ions are NH4+, CO32-, NO3-, hydrochemical type is mainly of SO4·HCO3-Na type. The TDS range from 0.189 to 1.3 g/L, pH from 7.73 to 9.35,H2SiO3 from 26.1 to 96.3 mg/L,F- from 1.6 to 1.7 mg/L. The isotopic compositions indicate that the thermal water comes from the rainfall. The evaluated recharge elevation is about 140-1850 m or 200-1530 m, temperature of the recharge area is about 4.5-11.6℃or -1-8.7℃, ages of most of the springs range from 12 to 68 a. Temperature range of geothermal reservoir is from 62 to 121℃, circulation depth of the spring ranges from 1700 to 3700 m or from 2100 to 5300 m. Mixing ratio of the Huailai spring and Cuizhuang spring are 0.7 and 0.82 respectively. By analyzing the thermal balance with the (Q/K) approach, there is nearly no minerals (fluorite, quartz, anhydrite, chrysotile, chalcedony, amorphous silicon, talc) reaching the thermal balance under any certain temperature.Mathematical models of spring discharge and temperature are built based on the Darcy’s law and heat transport theory. Single U-like pipes aquifer model and double U-like pipes aquifer model are established based on the study results of circular arc-like pipes aquifer model and four kinds of mathematical model are used to check the measured spring discharge and temperature data and discuss their affecting factors are discussed. The results indicate that temperature raises first and then descends. Temperature of most spring is fit well with the results of the mathematical models. Thus, spring discharge and temperature of low-to-moderate thermal springs with fault-depth cycling mode can be estimated by using these mathematical models.

【关键词】 地下热水温泉温度流量模型
【Key words】 geothermal groundwaterspringtemperaturespring dischargemodel