

Zoning Classification of Land Inspector

【作者】 华蓉

【导师】 付梅臣;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 土地资源管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 为了促进因地制宜的督察体制,提高督察效率和效果,创新土地督察方式,本文以青海省为研究对象,在深入调查研究的基础上,为土地划区分级督察提供切实可行的理论依据和技术支持。通过分析相关的划区分级理论、督察理论,提出以“督察类型区——督察警戒级——预警督察——督察绩效”为一体土地划区分级督察理论体系。根据青海省自然与社会经济条件,结合土地管理法律法规及政策,从土地督察的职责与职权出发,综合分析耕地保护、土地利用与调控、土地执法、农用地转用等影响因素以及新增建设用地规律,结合县行政区划、主体功能区、矿产资源分布、土地利用分区和地貌分区等,通过叠加确定土地督察类型区。在类型区划分的基础上,选取与土地督察相关的自然、社会、经济及相关指标,采用层次分析法,并结合德尔菲法确定各指标权重。根据指标标准化值及分级标准,得到土地分级督察结果,并进一步得到以县为单位的土地分级督察结果。结果表明总体上青海省东部区域土地督察警戒级较西部区域高,耕地多的县较其它县级别高,草地、林地面积减少多的县级别较高。巨警区所辖面积仅为2%,但却督察青海省45%的人口、47%的地区生产总值、42%的耕地、78%的违法次数、69%的新增建设用地。分析不同级别区域土地利用执行与督察现状及存在问题,选取土地督察预警警兆、警情和警源指标,利用系统动力学原理和方法,借助于计算机的仿真模拟,建立青海省土地督察预警模型,得到青海省土地督察预警结果。通过分析土地划区分级督察的成本效益、绩效考核的基本内容,根据指标选取的原则,确定具体的考核指标,并确定量化方法,提出一套行之有效的绩效考核体系,促进土地督察的科学化与规范化。通过研究表明,土地划区分级督察对确定土地督察重点、减少人力、财力有明显意义。

【Abstract】 In order to promote local conditions, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of inspectors and innovative ways of land inspector, the paper use Qinghai Province as an example.With in-depth research , provide the theoretical and practical support to the zoning classification of land inspector.By analyzing the relevant zoning classification theory, Inspector theory, the "type of area inspector - Inspector alert level - warning Inspector - Inspector performance" is used as zoning classification of land inspector theoretical system.According to the natural and socio-economic conditions in Qinghai Province, combined with land management laws, regulations and policies, from the duties of inspectors and the authority of the land proceed comprehensive analysis of farmland protection, land use and regulation, land law enforcement, agricultural land use and other factors as well as new construction law, combined with the county administrative divisions, functional areas, the distribution of mineral resources, land use zoning and topography partition, through the stack to determine the type area of land inspector.Based on zoning, selected natural, social, economic and related indicators, using analytic hierarchy process, combined with the Delphi method to determine the index weight. With index values and classification criteria, results of land classification inspector and county-land classification inspector were outcome. The results show that the eastern region of Qinghai Province land inspectors alert level high than the western region, arable land more than the other counties the county level, grassland, forest area decreased number of county-level high. Huge area of the District under the jurisdiction of only 2%, but 45% of the population, 47% of GDP, 42% of the arable land, 78% of the illegal number, 69% of new construction land in Qinghai Province are inspected.Analysis of different levels of implementation of regional land use situation and problems with the Inspector, select the warning signs, police intelligence and police source indicators of land inspector, using system dynamics method and principles, with computer simulation, establish early warning model land inspector of Qinghai Province.According analysis Land zoning classification cost-effectiveness of inspectors, the basic content of performance appraisal, and the principles of target selection, determined the specific assessment targets. Though the quantitative method, effective performance appraisal system was put forward. To promote scientific and standardized land inspector.Through research that the zoning classification of land inspector is very useful at determining the focus of inspectors, reduce the human and financial resources.
