

Research on Stability of Loess Landslides in Watershed Area of Jinghe River and Weihe River in Linyou

【作者】 李志科

【导师】 孙进忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 岩土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 黄土作为一种特殊土类型,广泛分布于黄河中下游地区,这些地区黄土地质灾害频繁发生,其中以甘肃、陕西最为严重。麟游县是陕西黄土地质灾害的多发地区,其中泾河、渭河分水岭地区的黄土滑坡地质灾害最为显著。本文以麟游县分水岭地区黄土滑坡为研究对象,围绕分水岭地区黄土滑坡失稳的控制因素及失稳机理展开研究。首先,对麟游县分水岭地区黄土滑坡产生的地质环境背景及其发育分布特征进行了详细的分析,将分水岭地区黄土滑坡划分为:黄土-古土壤型滑坡、黄土-红粘土型滑坡、黄土-基岩型滑坡,并得出这三类滑坡地层岩性及分布规律。其次,对滑坡形成的内外因素进行了深入探讨,发现降雨是分水岭地区黄土滑坡形成的主要诱发因素。利用实地采集的大量土样,对上述三类滑带土物理力学性质进行了试验研究,得出滑坡滑带土抗剪强度参数与含水量的关系,并进一步揭示了麟游县分水岭地区滑坡形成机理。最后本文基于有限差分软件FLAC3D中的Mohr-Coulomb模型,对麟游县分水岭西部黄土-基岩型滑坡的稳定性进行了数值分析,得出了滑坡在不同工况下的安全系数,并通过滑坡安全系数判断滑坡是否会复活。黄土-基岩型滑坡稳定性分析结果对生活在滑坡体上居民是否搬迁及搬迁选址选择有着重要的意义。

【Abstract】 As a special type of soil, loess is widely distributed in the Yellow River areas, With its unique nature, the loess geological hazards frequently occur in these areas, in which Gansu and shaanxi are the most serious. We found that Jinghe River and Weihe River watershed is one of the most serious areas in Linyou, shaanxi. In this paper, loess landslide of watershed area is regarded as studied object, and around the loess landslide controlling factors of instability and the instability mechanism the paper does the study of the stability of Loess landslides.First of all, based on the detailed analysis of the geological environment and the distribution of the researched objects, the loess landslides are divided into three types, such as: Loess-Paleosol Landslide, Loess-redbed landslide, Loess-bedrock landslide. Secondly, internal and external factors of landslide are explored thoroughly, and the conclusion is that rainfall is the main factor of loess landslide in watershed area. Thirdly, based on the physical and mechanical experiment of soil samples collected from field, the paper drives the relationship between shear strength parameters and moisture content of loess. Then, the paper studies the mechanism of the loess landslide. At last, based on the Mohr-Coulomb model in software FLAC3D, the paper does the Numerical analysis for Loess-bedrock landslides in western watershed area. Through the analysis of the safety factor in different conditions, we can conclude whether the Loess-bedrock landslides will recur. The result of stability analysis of the landslide has great significance for the residents who live on the Loess-bedrock landslides.

  • 【分类号】P642.22
  • 【下载频次】199